The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle


Carvel Lane’s Willow

1985 bay mare

(Ramuls Justin x Monarch’s Gipsy)

The HorseWisdom Invocation

Willow invokes the soul wisdom of ENTAILING  (to involve as a necessary or inevitable part or consequence)


The HorseWisdom Invitation

Notice what has shown up in your life recently as an invitation to a new level of involvement in a situation or relationship that is happening as an inevitable pathway or experience for growth and movement into the next stage and chapter of life... 


The HorseWisdom Insight 

*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple

Willow’s natal Saturn foundational lessons in discipline & responsibility at 24°Scorpio THE INTUITIVE KNOWING THAT WE ALREADY HAVE AT HAND WHAT IT IS WE NEED

The proliferation of worlds. Discovery that there is more, far more. The burden of knowing too much, too soon. And the desperation to escape from your destiny into any one of so many worlds. An overwhelming need to deny what lives within. A well-practiced art of self-evasion, intricate and advanced. Yet the pursuer, the destiny-being, is relentless and unimpressed with excuses. When tracked down and faced with everything you most fear, there begins a different journey to the heart of existence.

When we make contact with those of greater wisdom than ourselves we are inspired and uplifted by that wisdom - it can plant a seed in us. This degree is a realization that life is an ongoing process of constant change, and so any goal is never an end in itself. When we make changes, we cannot live in that changed state until we can bring enough of ourselves into it to be in it more than in the old state. What is important here is to keep trying because as you get better and better at making any transformation eventually the change will steady itself and hold to the new way. When we realize that every step of every process is an integral part of the whole, we come to honour the importance of what we do with what we have and how we use it. Through healing the ‘holes’ in the fabric of our lives we become aware that this importance ultimately does not exist in just one part of it, but in the whole of it, and the way it relates to the whole of the universe and ultimately, as a process of the whole.

The HorseWisdom Illumination

*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium

~ Urinary Bladder Channel Point 26, Primordial Gate Connection ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point denotes a mysterious passageway referred to within ancient writings as a gateway between Being and Non-Being.  It is a space of undifferentiated potential; a reference to the Gate of Incarnation.  Gates in this context, refer to hinged barriers which can either create entrances or exits.  What they open to are usually sacred spaces wherein transformation can occur.  As such, Primordial Gate Connection helps regulate all other gate points in the body, so that transformative processes can occur with harmonious flow while keeping a balanced state.  This Energy Release Point helps one to access the raw power of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies.  Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point strengthens vitality drawn from a balanced source, so that it can resurrect and fuel inner strength and purpose.  

**The Primordial Gate Connection as a reference to the Gate of Incarnation references the following ~ the Silver Gate of Man through which souls descend to Earth, found around 26 degrees Gemini in the constellation of Orion and it’s opposite ~ the Golden Gate of Ascension, aka Galactic Centre, through which souls ascend to Heaven found around 26 degrees Sagittarius, these are known as the Star Gates of God and Man

The HorseWisdom Turning Point Initiative


Aware of the vast number of possibilities from all potential interactions, here is strong instinct that guides the inspiration of where and how we meet the plethora of diversity. An intuitive sensing of all the vast potentials lurking within the limits of the physical realm, and the ability to bring an aliveness that infuses everything with the magic that when all is accepted, we achieve the release of that which we have been searching for all along.

Genealogy of Willow

Beckridge Como



Sire: Ramuls Justin

Twin-Ida Ben Don


Precious Princess


Mill’s Pride

Mills Monarch


Dam: Monarch’s Gipsy


Bay Bette Model

Dark Orchid

Relational wisdom to Willow: Sunny, Maple, Bambi, Buddy, Moon, Syeda