guided by the wisdom of equus
through the presence of the horse
we find ourselves
For many years I wondered why my horses did what they did…
why they would sometimes respond to my requests and together we would produce some of the most graceful transitions or movements under saddle,
& then why they would sometimes resist what my hands & body were asking…
why they would leave the comfort of their herd & grazing space to come and greet me,
or why they would tip an ear towards me and then head for the hills as soon as I got close enough to almost reach them.
What took me years of experience to discover the meaning & the why’s behind the beauty, grace, resistance & abandonment was actually the best thing that ever happened to me.
It helped me discover a pathway...
The pathway of HorseWisdom
the innate, instinctive, intuitive, intrinsic pathway of relationship and communication with the energy of life itself.
Horses trust and rely on the innate, intrinsic, intuitive guidance system of their body, their energy field and their inspired connection.
They live in accordance with “feel, timing & balance”, as described by numerous savvy horseman & women throughout history.
As we open ourselves to connect to the field of information that exists through feel, timing and balance, we also enable a deeper, more expansive and evolved way of how we are in relationship with & how we communicate with our horses.
The Horse is an Archetype, Altruist & Alchemist of Authenticity.
It is because of their sensitive nature to fight or flight as a prey animal & through the embodied vulnerability of authentic response for staying safe, discovering resources, following desires, creating connections.
This is how they survive and thrive.
This is also how they help humans…
through holding the mirror of awareness of self as a body & a soul,
through which spirit is channeled.
Horses help humans find their own authenticity through vulnerability,
as an Archetype - as the potentiality that exists within the realms of the shadow & collective unconscious where our universal deep truths are found … then Horse is the instinctive & intuitive journey to freedom.
as an Altruist - a behaviour or action that increases the fitness of another individual, done with the conscious intention of helping the Other… then Horse carries the embodied consciousness of evolution.
as an Alchemist - one who transforms or creates something through a seemingly magical process, the art of transformation…then Horse is a real life magician of transforming potential into reality.
This is the pathway of HorseWisdom : Embracing all aspects of our self through our lived experiences for creating awareness that transcends the shadows of trauma to reveal understanding and depth of meaning from a soul level & igniting the spark of freedom within us to begin the journey into conscious evolution.
Horses have been the fabric that has woven my life together ~
from being on their back before I could walk… riding, training, showing, breeding, raising, as an equine assisted facilitator…
all leading me onto the pathway of my own highest potential -
as an Equine Guided Sacred Messenger & Soul Alchemist.
Not anything I had ever heard of or dreamed of, let alone even knew that such a thing existed!
But here I am, finding the fulfillment of my soul as I continue to learn from my own horses daily so I can offer & share their wisdom, guidance and connection
through the pathways of communication to gift people messages from Spirit, the Horses (& the entire animal kingdom) as well as their own Soul’s wisdom.
These are messages that transform lives… indeed, they transformed mine & the lives of human & animal clients I have worked with.
Not because I ever thought this was possible, but because when when everything else eventually became impossible…
I let go…and learn to listen…listen to the soul of my horses, who taught me how to listen to what was within my own body and soul.
It is with gratitude to all of the Horse souls who never gave up on me,
despite all the difficult lessons they had to embrace to help me learn...for remembering what was buried & hidden deep within.
I offer HorseWisdom Insights Guided by Equus for supporting the discovery & awareness of authenticity through the energetic pathways into the depth of wisdom found in relationship & connection to the body, soul & Spirit…
all realized through the experiential evolution found through sacred relationship that we are invited into through a conscious connection to Horses.
We are all meant to bring something into the world that will assist, uplift, heal & inspire both ourselves & others.
That something is our greatest ‘why' - the purposeful wisdom found within us; often encountered through our darkest times & greatest challenges.
Bridges connect worlds; as we become the bridge that connects us to our own healing & inspiration we become the embodiment of the message found within that healing - our greatest why - and we become able to bring about space for deep insights that offer healing, greater harmony & inspiration to others as we share the experiential wisdom we have curated & cultivated.
It is my honour to share the wisdom of the horse, Guided by Equus