Sacred mirror of the soul
There are many paths that lead us through Life …
I am jess campmans & mine is guided by equus

Through a soul deep search to find what I had lost, I came to intimately know the healing power of Horse as a Sacred Mirror.
HorseWisdom as my guide and greatest teacher showed me how to bear witness & hold safe space for my own healing potentials.
One of the greatest gifts of healing wisdom came from my mare Chinoden,
‘we can only do for others, that which we do for ourselves’
Embracing what is reflected as an invitational offering of possibility through the Sacred Mirror
we come to see the inglorious parts of ourselves in a whole new light;
transformed by the journey to the sacred flame that resides in the heart of wisdom, our found sacredness mirrored in the eyes of the Horse.
equine guided sacred alchemy
is the deeply transformational Journey of sacred excavation to reveal the intrinsic gifts
SACRED ~ something that is set apart, worthy of reverence and respect because it is unique & extraordinary
ALCHEMY ~ the process of transforming something ordinary into something extraordinary
HorseWisdom invites myriad pathways for humans to come into Right Relationship, Integrity, with - to seek in order to find -
to become a channel for the universe - a conduit of the wisdom within
Horsewisdom guided me to seek the pathways that helped me find what I had lost
What I had lost was my sense of self, my connection to my soul
experiences (perceived/real) of threat, conflict, pain, trauma, moral dilemma = dissociation, fragmentation, soul loss
cause us to become stuck in fight, flight or freeze & unable to fully feel what wants to move through & inform us
feeling moves us - as Feeling is energy that moves through us
That movement generates a felt sense experience in our body that informs our Gut brain awareness
without our connection to the informing energy (wisdom) of the universe find ourselves lost & seek our answers in things/places outside of ourselves to find that connection
The truth of the matter is, we have within each of us the potential to find what we have lost…
we hold within us the Key (Qi) for healing & transformation
becoming guided by equus led me to the crossroads of my psyche,
where through many deaths I found a forgotten doorway that opened up into the realm of spirit
What I offer in service is what I have gathered along the way for cultivating the intrinsic pathways that bring us into right relationship & transform our lives - helping us find what we are missing & what we are seeking -
so that you, yourself, can open up to embrace all that exists within you to share as your transformational gift to the world
as a foundation of healing, harmony & soul restoration for All.
thank you for finding yourself here :)
Jess Campmans Guided by Equus
Horsewisdom guided me to the intersection & weaving together of astrology, numerology & the acupuncture meridians
Each of these ancient ‘methods’ when applied in relationship to each one of my Morgan horses reflected aspects of conscious & unconscious energies as well as ways of holding space for those aspects that revealed pathways for coming into deeper, more meaningful embodied knowing of not only that particular horse, but also ancestral & reciprocal parts of my self.
You don’t know what you don’t know… but when you know, you know.
knowledge is power. Knowledge empowers us.
But power comes with responsibility
the Responsibility of Right use of Power IS the Responsibility of Right Relationship
The soul, as divided as it can be between two diametrically opposed realities. Radical karmic crossroads. What is preferred, what you have a taste for and an affinity with is any known familiar world within which you belong & are not questioned. What you feel afraid of, forbidden from entering, are the vast, unknown worlds which partake of infinity. If given your way, the densely familiar worlds will surround and protect you for extended cycles. Spirit here must wait until all personal dramas are exhausted. Yet spirit here is not patient, and subtly curses your mundane endeavours for being so trivial. The resolution of this extreme polarization will require drastic self-loss and many subtle permutations to pass through in order to become whole again, when your karma has split you down the middle and left you there to work it out for yourself.
My Natal MC (MC points to our livelihood) ~ 15°Cancer, Inside Degrees (Ellias Lonsdale)
there will be a blockage at GV 15/16 AKA the ATLAS & the AXIS, one being the YES vertebra the other being the NO vertebra…when we say yes when we mean no & vice versa, we jam the signals at this junction and create an essential (& existential) dilemma between the acquired mind & our original nature.
~Alchemy of the Extraordinary Peter Shea Soul Pivot
GV16 - Ghost point - This Energy Release Point can be viewed like a doorway to the home of our divinity. It is known that a blow to this point in physical reality will most likely result in physical death. In emotional, mental and spiritual realities a psychic blow to this point will most likely lead to a fracturing and possible mental/emotional illness or energetic death to a soul aspect or part.
GV15 Gate of Muteness - This Energy Release Point expresses the metaphorical place of juncture, to reach a turning point for unlocking the gate of vocal repression. Unlocking and walking through this gate/doorway empowers the ability to speak the necessary words to bring to resolution an inner conflict, or the experience of a present reality, that is not in alignment with the inner self. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point opens the gate that fear or insecurity locked shut. It enables one to be able to speak, to sing, to laugh in freedom, thereby bringing healing in right relationship within Self & with others.
~Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium from Harmonic Medicine
For many years of my life I felt the split, the sense of loss described above and the existential dilemma ~ unavoidable & beyond words.
How do you explain to someone something you do not understand yourself? How do ask for help when you have no idea what is wrong - or even if anything is wrong…. except that nothing feels right… and no thing, no matter what you do or try, feels real or authentic.
And yet, somewhere inside something endures…
Governing Vessel 13 Tao Dao.Way of the Dao.the Road to Happiness
This Energy Release Point connects us to the fire of alchemy and transformation. It is the place where aspects and parts combine in order to birth a Great Creation. This creation is then given a form, a time and a space. This form is fuelled by passion, love and beauty, and consequently it transforms yet again into something of endurance - perpetuity. It is here that one may grasp the concept and fully understand what it is to be immortal. It is to know that our lifestream is eternal and by connecting with the ALL we can choose a true path; one that flourishes and is filled with joy. ~Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium from Harmonic Medicine
Transformational healing is found as we embrace our relationship to that which becomes for us the
‘Wisdom, therefore, is the mirror in which the I AM can see itself…’
in this aspect it addresses two of the universal laws: the first: the Law of Attraction, which states that what is hidden within will dictate what will appear on the outside; and two: the Law of Vibration, which states that one creates or attracts the events and people who come into our life by the vibrations emitted by thoughts, words & actions. Unblocking & activating this Energy Release Point brings the seeker to understand the Mysteries through the passageway of receptive wisdom and self reflection.” ~ BL 32, Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium from Harmonic Medicine
Timeless soul faculties wrench free from tumultuous times and places to gaze upon the innermost with tranquil and sage otherworldliness. Drawn inside very far, into the unconscious and superconscious levels. On the surface--nothing happening, a blank. But deep inside--astounding things going on; worlds ending and beginning; tragedies, heartaches, tremendous overcomings. Yet all of this is so far inside that it can get twisted in knots and cut off from the center. And therefore, you must over and again wander in search of your lost self and the lost self of the world, and journey through the most fantastic scenarios in order to reclaim at every major juncture the poignant, shattered, and self-regenerating lost soul. The lost soul whose pathos and triumph of navigation through every possible hiding place through the sheer inward intent of your subtle faculties, cannot be discouraged, cannot be denied.
My Natal Pallas Athena (asteroid/goddess of feminine warrior wisdom) 3°Pisces Inside Degrees (Ellias Lonsdale)
As I bring this page to life - 02.09.2024 - we are in the time of the new moon - of planting seeds for the future.
This new moon is occurring at 21 degrees Aquarius & points to a new chapter in our lives.
This Aquarius new moon is exact my 5th house cusp and is found in the natal chart of the mare who’s great grandsire I saw an ad for when I was 14 and promised myself that one day I would own offspring from him. His name was Francis Tito. Some 20 years later I came across a black mare who found her way home with me. She changed the trajectory of not only my breeding program, but of my life. Her name was Sweet Iron Anisette, aka Annie. The same name as my mother in law who passed only a year after I had married into the Campmans family.
Annie was the very first horse that I channeled HorseWisdom for. I had not idea what I was doing - it just came to me and flowed through me: the words that came forth were unlike how I communicate, so I knew it was being shared because of my relationship with Annie. That was in 2017. What came through over the course of the next 7 years was the transmission of HorseWisdom from each of my current and past Morgan horses, that would become the HORSEWISDOM REVELATIONONS.
These HorseWisdom cards are a compilation of the lived experiences & wisdom acquired through each of the horses that share their wisdom within. What they have offered and opened up within me was their gift to me, and it is this that I am here to share & offer with the world.
Annie planted a seed within me long before she was born and when the timing was right, we came together and she gifted me with so many more blessings during the physical time we had together.
Her greatest gift was the legacy she left behind…and the grace she inspired
The HorseWisdom Invocation from Annie is to BEHOLD ‘the gift is in the being…steps of uncertainty lead to hesitation in yourself and those who seek to follow you. Be bold in where and what you desire to see, and what you seek. Bold in your ever extending curiosity to leave behind the false steps of uncertainty. Your true nature calls you to discover, know and recognize the leader within. That you flow and find the trail where others do not or have not yet roamed. To be true to yourself, one must diligently continue these explorations into passion, through nurturing without sacrifice, while honouring with deep and un-abiding reverence that which has come before you and has combined forces within you. To embody, with humility and pride, and become the essence of what is in you as a representation of everlasting beauty and grace moulded into form.’
The HorseWisdom Illumination from Annie is found through Energy Release Point on the Kidney Channel, Valley of the Divine Feminine
from Michele Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Harmonic Medicine
This Energy Release Point facilitates the flow of life’s purpose into the world. Valley of the Divine Feminine brings strength and allows for inner illumination into the depths of one’s being. From this place one can find, retrieve, and bring forward our talents and gifts. From here, one can gracefully step into the unfoldment of destiny. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point is likened to the powerful energy of birthing and yet done in a way of balanced gentleness and strength. The ancient precept holds true: “Nothing under Heaven is softer or weaker than water, yet nothing can compare with it in attacking the hard and strong” (I-Ching).
This Energy Release Point serves to empower fluidity in all aspects of our Being. We are made mostly of water and our energy as connected to our physicality should flow fluidly - free of resistance and yet with steady strength - similar to a mighty river. The physical location of this point on the human body is in the crevice of the knee - mimicking nature in its similarity to where we see a bend in the river. The river and nature know that its path is to be at one with the ocean. The human path is also to be at One, and as we walk through the Valley of the Divine Feminine, we are given the gift of flow which assists us to move gracefully in manifestation of our purpose in life.
21°Aquarius Inside Degrees Ellias Lonsdale
My 5th House cusp (house of the Child, the Inner Child, play, where we shine, our originality) & Annie’s Natal Uranus (breakthroughs, innovation, originality, raw genius)
The transcendent and the fragrant particulars of life feed into each other and complete each other if you are radiantly responsive to their comminglings. In the dance of time, there comes a fresh cycle where the high feminine spirit comes into her own. She is Queen of the Heavens, yet she belongs in the Earth. And as she comes to herself she brings the worlds together, repolarizes and articulates the power of love. She is the caller, inaugurating the future. Yet early on she stumbles and falls, for what she is carrying is immense and it is too much for her personally. She must discover how to find a true form to harness, discipline, and distribute what she knows and who she is. As she gets her greater bearings and embraces multidimensional selfhood, she shall indeed find that destiny situates her right where she needs to be. And that becoming a collective fount of real-life inspiration is her very nature, her path, and her complete liberation from the misunderstandings and fragmentations of the days when she just could not get out of the way with sufficient grace and authentic conviction.