The HorseWisdom REvelations Oracle
Buttes Tejon Spirit
2016 smoky black stallion
(OGO EastWest Coast x Buffalo Horn Desirea)
The HorseWisdom Invocation
Tejon invokes the soul wisdom of ATTUNING (to make receptive or aware)
The HorseWisdom Invitation
Sometimes we are meant to live the mystery in order that we cannot comprehend it, but instead find value through the lived experience.
Tejon is Spanish for Badger. Badger is known as a healer. Badger as a spirit animal shows us how to dig deep to excavate what is hidden under the surface, and to embody the tenacity and strength found in the fierce warrior spirit.
Tejon Spirit is our Healing Spirit. Said another way, it is the Healing of our Connection to Spirit.
The HorseWisdom Insight
*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple
Tejon’s natal Ixion betrayal turned into passionate mission & Saturn foundational lessons in discipline & responsibility at 25 & 26°Sagittarius SPIRIT SPEAKING THROUGH AN INDIVIDUAL WHO IS THE SELFLESS REPRESENTATION OF RETURNING TO A COLLECTIVE UNITY
When life is a dream, not too much of selfhood is asked for or welcome. Ancestors, previous lifetimes, collective currents feed the dream, keep it alive. The self hugs a secretive outpost of neither being with nor being against. One of the remarkable things that happens is that spirit can speak and reveal much. One of the habits which easily proliferates here is to take no responsibility for anything. And one of the primal paths through is to drift deeper down in and to let all ego go, yet move with the soul as it is guided to each and every place it is meant to travel.
Letting things take their course, and remaining safe in doing so because you allow your pure instinct to take care of you. Here is a deep inner sensing that both protects and guides through the forces of nature. This degree is about things that have been neglected or foresaken. But rather than feeling sad or regretful about those things, the neglect can be seen a potential to bring forth new possibilities and portals for exploration and break through. Creativity here merges discipline with joyfulness and heart, transcending confining, difficult or flawed situations and all known boundaries.
A sensibility that is profound and extraordinary, in tune with the juxtaposition of the God force and the human scene. In tune with progressive evolutionary currents, the reinstating of the sacred upon the next spiral. Tuned in to what is really happening here. An expanded space for dreaming, remembering, conceiving, visualizing, and creating. Absolutely knowing that the galactic forces are integral to every breath, and moving toward true galactic citizenship with a passion. Intimate exposure to currents, energies, and contexts turn you inside out and upside down. A feeling of being hyper-impressionable, super suggestible, uncomfortably close and awkward. Nothing feels right. Nothing goes where it is supposed to. However, something entirely different is on its way. It is a matter of outlasting the fate of the past and resiliently coming back to life. This return is orchestrated by invisible forces. Captivated by strange old stories with an incestuous, serpentine entrapment to them, and yet are now being called by the Greater Forces out beyond all of this.
Denial of vulnerability and fear of exposure. An acute awareness of needing to find what has been hidden. Here is becoming receptive to cosmic energies to allow the self to open up to what has been stored up, and what it’s potential value is. A way of coming back to something and attuning to it, so that understanding and clarity results.
The HorseWisdom Illumination
*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium
~ Heart Channel Point 1, Utmost Source - to Reach ALL ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point connects to the source of ALL THAT IS, aligning the human heart with the Heart of the Divine Source, the Creative Force. It empowers compassion and emotional warmth within the context of being a Divine creation. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point strengthens alignment. When in alignment, the realization is that Heaven exists inside one’s Being, facilitating the ability to attune to living ones divine expression.
Disharmonies: Isolation; depression; anxiety; lack of compassion; struggle; chaos and spiritual emptiness.
~ Urinary Bladder Channel Point 42, Gate of the Ethereal Soul ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point connects to the central core and vision of the inner Essence - the Soul. It is the immortal see of the I AM Presence and encompassed within the Three Fold Flame. It is the Soul Essence which upon death of the physical, returns via Christ Consciousness to the Eternal. It connects with vision and purpose bringing guidance on the path of the incarnated lifestream. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point reconnects the lifestream to vision and purpose. A vision which easily allows us to see the beauty of the world. A world in which we fully come to realize the value of our participation in what we bring to it, therefore activating the desire to create and live in the highest integrity. The realization that we are at one with humanity, and therefore, our contributions serve to benefit the whole. It penetrates to the inner recesses the ability to discern and let go of what no longer serves in order to live a purposeful life.
Disharmonies: Disconnection with purpose; feeling empty and depressed; deep sadness and longing for something more; grief; inability to let go of pre-occupation with the mundane; choosing not to evolve by clinging to the past; grief associated with the inability to let go of those who are no longer in our lives; inability to connect with the eternal truth; lack of inspiration and desire; apathy and resignation; feeling worn down by chronic illness.
~ Kidney Channel Point 20, Through the Valley / Connecting Valley ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point lends strength and builds the supportive energy of having a safe haven - the place of protection and comfort when dealing with darkness. It brings back to awareness the knowing of being connected to the Divine. Once this awareness takes root in consciousness, the feelings of love and support can be embraced while undergoing the experience known as the “Dark Night of the Soul”. Embracing the love and support of the spiritual realm allows for the return to balance and calm so that one can once more see the Light. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point is similar to shining luminosity into the darkness within, in order to clear the path to transcendence and higher consciousness. This is done through the cleansing of fear and other dark emotions by actively confronting and healing the pain. It strengthens faith and trust in a higher power to know that all will be well and empowers the ability to release the old and emerge into the light to be reborn and made new.
Disharmonies: Fear; disconnection; loneliness; isolation; acute suffering; panic attacks; loss of consciousness; heart pain.
~ Gallbladder Channel Point 13, Root Spirit/ Root of the Spirit/ (that grows into) the Tree of Life ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point anchors Soul vision into the physical body so that it can flower into manifestation. When one is living one’s vision, the full body system (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) functions as a harmonious whole. This Energy Release Point stresses the importance of the emotional and mental body in the process of integration between the spiritual and physical bodies. All four bodies work together. It empowers the ability to see and plan the necessary steps to fulfillment of vision, by defining and setting clear goals for achievement of purpose. It empowers a purposeful, joy filled tenacity to continue forward. It is a metaphor of the tree. The tree’s roots tap into the water of the earth and through alchemy, integrates the water with the sunlight captured within its branches. This process transforms the basic elements of water, light and wood into a living form called a tree. Similar to the tree, the energy field of the human draws in living light energy of the solar forces and cycles it through the body to anchor it into the physicality through the energy centres. It is the visual imagery of a being, standing firmly rooted in the earth, with the arms outstretched to the heavens, firmly integrating into physicality the supportive energies which nourish the qualities necessary for the manifestation of purpose. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point transforms Soul vision into physical manifestation by strengthening the ability to be fully present and grounded in the physical body. It helps in the planting and planning of goals by supporting conscious intention and coherence. It shines clarity in the understanding of the manifestation process by showing the steps necessary to create the strong foundation - the roots - upon which the entire creation is to be supported.
*GB 13 is the seed & root Essence of our Spirit that, when grounded, is our foundation in life.
Disharmonies: Unfocused; disorganized communication; overwhelmed; frustration; too many ideas and indecision; vertigo; manic behaviour; mental and emotional problems; constant worry and fixed thoughts; headaches; poor vision.
The HorseWisdom Initiative
In the darkest areas of consciousness and the cloudiest of situations here is sensed the potential for purity and clarity. Experiences in learning and teachings that are focused on contacting and comprehending the deepest and most universal truths. This is the mystery that enhances the world around us and brings about a nurturing of the soul, at the very root level.
Genealogy of Tejon
Primavera Valdez
OGO Tejon de Oro Hermoso
Woodrose Katrina
Sire: OGO EastWest Coast (Coast)
MEMC Tequila Cuervo
CFF Texas Tea
Kelly’s Blackfire
Higuera Bandido
OGO Higuera Rio Bravo
Circle H Merlita
Dam: Buffalo Horn Desirea (Desi)
Vining Lamar
Fancy All the Way (Fancy)
Sunny Delite
Relational wisdom to Tejon: Coast, Desi, Fancy