The HorseWisdom revelation Oracle


Shaelen Syeda

1990 chestnut mare

(El-D-Bars Skootayo x Pembina Queen)

The HorseWisdom Invocation

Syeda invokes the soul wisdom of CONCURRING (to come together with, happen at the same time, collide)


The HorseWisdom Invitation 

When things in your life appear to be falling apart, this is often giving a way for what is to be, to come together. 


The HorseWisdom Insight

*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple

Syeda’s natal Moon inner world relationship with the Mother & emotional needs at 15°Cancer, natal Chiron key to unlock the wisdom within our wounds at 16°Cancer and Jupiter faith & benevolent expansion at 17°Cancer THE SUPPORT REQUIRED TO TRAVERSE THROUGH THE OUTER REALITIES TO ENCOUNTER THE UNKNOWN UNCONSCIOUS MATERIAL WITHIN

The soul, as divided as it can be between two diametrically opposed realities. Radical karmic crossroads. What is preferred, what you have a taste for and an affinity with is any known familiar world within which you belong and are not questioned. What you feel afraid of, forbidden from entering, are the vast, unknown worlds which partake of infinity. If given your way, the densely familiar worlds will surround and protect you for extended cycles. Spirit here must wait until all personal dramas are exhausted. Yet spirit here is not patient, and subtly curses your mundane endeavors for being so trivial. The resolution of this extreme polarization will require drastic self-loss and many subtle permutations to pass through in order to become whole again, when your karma has split you down the middle and left you there to work it out for yourself.

A knowing how to do it right, ingrained with staggering soul memory. The lineage taken further. Attainments in other lives grant in this one carte blanche to do what is in one to do, be what is in one to be. Offering to the world sparkling gifts. You can go as far as you are motivated to, no limits. At the heart of the mystery is the rare quality of simultaneous awareness and attunement upon multiple frequencies, which can become the mediating call to bring heavens and Earth into union or to allow any given frequency to link up with any other. So that the ancient visions are fulfilled, and the world opens up right on time at the crossing point, held absolutely intact.

Being inside the inside, yet staying under and weaving a web in time of remembrance and forgetfulness and remembrance. Deeply involved with the personal, yet coldly detached from whatever does not serve. Persuading, teaching, invoking, insisting that what comes next, comes next, that we must get on with it. This is a penetrating sensibility which finds what can be brought forward and fosters it all-pervasively. The collective voice of conscience. An immense force to follow the thread of growth and development all the way through.

The failures we experience in life cause us to be more in touch with our hidden aspects and to realize all the various ways in which they have a life of their own that is so often different from our expectations and the limited framework in which we view reality. This is an unexpected rekindling of old energies, a re-opening of unfinished business. The past takes over, seeking resolution, or to express all those things it never got a chance to. What we deny returns to us to present us with the boarded up doorway that leads us deep into the unconscious imposed limits and boundaries, directly into confrontation with the truth of consciousness.


The HorseWisdom Illumination

*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium

~ Stomach Channel Point 43, Sinking Valley ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point strengthens the ability to digest and assimilate life by empowering integrity and alignment to purpose.  It is often observed that as one compromises in integrity or detours from alignment, their world begins to crumble and fall apart.  Life becomes a struggle and challenges seem insurmountable and unavoidable.  The name Sinking Valley evokes the image of a crumbling foundation, the erosion of banks and barriers leading to the ultimate collapse of integrity.  Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point assists one to stay in integrity and to hold one’s center.  The ability to hold center is, by direct connection and alignment, to the central pillar of strength - the strength of which is derived precisely by the alignment of one’s little will to the Divine Will.  It brings realization that a body is strong, healthy and vital only by the honouring of one’s innate sense of purpose.  It is then recognizing that this innate sense of purpose is always in balance with one’s authentic truth.  The balance promotes self care and nurturance as essential qualities to the continuation of this balance.  Self care and nurturance become priorities in life so that the path becomes clear.  These qualities serve to promote uprightness and self assertion as we strive towards our goals in a centered and grounded way, being the example and the way-shower to others.  

Disharmonies: Easily distracted from goals leading to apathy and depression; difficulty staying on task; feelings of overwhelm; sinking in despair; loss of expression of purpose; loss of sense of purpose; inability to process life; physical symptoms of prolapses of the lower body organs.


The HorseWisdom Turning Point Initiative


Working to clear away everything that stands in your way, and a willingness to go to whatever lengths to transcend your own limitations and triumph over the ghosts of the past. An innate ability to seek out obstructive toxic energies - even if this means that structures need to be torn down and barriers broken to clear out old accumulations, leaving the consciousness free to experience the flow of imaginative possibilities. Passion saturates everything here, and when you allow your passion to come forth it permeates, inspires and purifies.


Genealogy of Syeda  

Montey Vermont

Beckridge Como

Milholm Coronation

Sire: El-D-Bars Skootayo


Shy Ann Model

Shy Bird


Tonka of Bo-Dot

Canalta Adious

Kerna Lee

Dam: Pembina Queen




Relational wisdom to Syeda: Willow, Sunny, Moon