The HorseWisdom revelationsOracle


Buttes California Surf

2010 palomino gelding

(NHR CA Golden Eagle x Sweet Iron Carmelita)

The HorseWisdom Invocation

Surf invokes the soul wisdom of RESURRECTING (to revive or bring to life again)


The HorseWisdom Invitation 

A part of you is in revival and regeneration mode, restoring you to a more authentic version of self in connection to your greatest ally and asset, your heart. 


The HorseWisdom Insight

*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple

Surf’s natal Uranus awakening innovative breakthrough at 28°Pisces & Medusa- protecting our emotional issues around hidden secrets/traumas & the deeper truths they hide- at 29°Pisces & Astrea - learning what we truly value when challenged by holding on vs letting go - at 30°Pisces THE UNEARTHING, RETRIEVAL & RESTORATION OF LOST TREASURES, VALUABLES AND WONDERS FOR THE ENRICHMENT OF ALL

Dumped out of status and specialness and made to be hyper-receptive to whatever is moving here--an abandoned center, karmically sacrificed to learn both humility and the lessons of the street. The state of mind random, chaotic, inspirational, capricious, given to every kind of spirit passing through. Sorely troubled, yet fantastically out of touch. A regressive loop with powerful emanations. The feeling is that something must be done and that this will require a change of heart. But you gotta go deep, and it takes a whole lot of desperation to turn this one around.

Learning by heart all of the ways to perfect the Earth dance. Elaborately and ritualistically devising and setting up cycles, projects, programs, and trainings to master skills, to develop missing areas, and to make up for what are felt to be gaps and gaping holes. Remedial practice--going back to go forward. Relentlessly pursuing perfection. You are granted a sensibility that knows and can recognize anywhere the real thing, the fulfilled prototype. Tyrannically beset by the need to embody that archetype no matter what. Putting yourself through hell to make it happen. No sacrifice is too great. you are ultimately inspired and infused with a marvelous and even a spectacular self-witnessing capacity and self-reinventing skill that does work if you stay with it forever, and refuse to hear of anything less, no matter how crazy it momentarily seems.

The Earth is pregnant with alternate futures. Each of her progeny, each possible future could become the one chosen. The criteria center around whichever future stream is most genuinely surrendered to the highest will. It is the same microcosmically as macrocosmically. Many souls are pregnant with alternate futures. The one that prevails will likely be the one most surrendered to the absolute, the most rightful. You feel burstingly full of visions, possibilities, worlds, and streams. And you know that so very much shall pass away, but what is essential will keep on coming. It is very hard to tell who is who and what is what, which way to lean or how to conceive the way it shall go. But if you stay rooted in your inward awareness and enduring core sensibility, you will be tapped as a vessel for what is to be, and that is all you need to know. 

To make everything beautiful, everything important - golden and shining - is the power and the art of this degree. We become what we focus on. The ability to go deeply into one thing and through it access many things. Everything carries a message in the final degrees of Pisces, bringing prophecy, parallel universes and the responsibility of the tools of the divine warrior for the death and rebirth inherent in spiritual cleansing. There is a feeling here with the symbols that recur to us and the ability to use these as keys to greater understanding and a way off the wheel of karma.

The more we allow ourselves to flow the more what is most needed and beneficial for us will come forth from the inside as well as meet us from the outside. This is the truth of the last degree of Pisces, as a conduit for limitless possibilities where acceptance of all that is beautiful and wonderful, as well as acceptance of all the rest - the ugly, the sad, the scary, the terrifying, all that of which we would reject or deny. The magic in this degree is finding that when all is accepted, spiritual radiance reaches pure perfection and we achieve the release for which we’ve been searching for all along.   

The HorseWisdom Illumination

*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium

~ Divine Masculine Directive Vessel Point 26, Waterway to the Centre of my Being/one of the 13 Ghost points, Ghost Guest Room ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point speaks to the importance of placing oneself first in order to be able to assist others.  This Energy Release Point has as a main function the empowerment of resurrection and resuscitation - to bring back the Essence when disconnection from both the energies of the Creative Force and the Earth Mother have parted company.  When there is a disconnection from Essence (Creative Force) and vital life forces (Earth) the Being in the physical body is in a vulnerable state.  It is in this vulnerable state that mental/emotional and physical fracturing can occur.  Fracturing to the extent of becoming a host to astral entities, dark forces and fear based thought forms as the alternate name Ghost Guest Room suggests.  Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point allows for the flow of harmony from Divine Sources to reach the core of our Being.  It is through the connection to the inner core that wisdom reigns.  When wisdom is established, purpose and direction finds the Path.  Once on the Path, one can resume the walk through life in simplicity, cultivating peace, harmony and joy. 

Disharmonies: Devitalization; exhaustion and fatigue; fear; poverty and survival consciousness; entity invasion; obsessive thoughts. 

~ Stomach Channel Point 36, Leg Three Miles/Lower Tomb/one of the 13 Ghost Points, Ghost Evil ~

Virtues: This Energy Release Point nourishes the muscles and strengthens the ability to feel grounded, centred and stable. When one is grounded and centred, the ability to align one’s thoughts, intentions and actions evolves with more clarity and facility. This alignment is an essential component in bringing forward the manifestation of action, gifts and talents. Also being grounded and centred endows us with the strength and ability to share these gifts and talents with the world community for the betterment of humanity. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point facilitates connection to the centred Being. It serves to fully integrate the Spiritual Self with the Physical Self in order to flow with direct and purposeful action of Destiny. It strengthens the awareness and realization that there are gifts that only you can bring to the world. That you are an essential part of the plan within the interconnected web of humanity, earth, animal, mineral and plant kingdom. This powerful Release Point enables the body to physically continue despite all obstacles and hindrances. As this Point’s alternative name implies, it is understood that sometimes in order to discover ones’s purpose one may need to go deep within. The journey inwards has the ability to draw out and heal painful darkness that the psyche has stuffed down in the shadows. However it is through this journey of pain the one can discover the buried jewels and treasure. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point, in this context, strengthens the ability to draw on the wealth of family lineage and the wisdom of genetic history in order to resurrect the treasure. The name, Ghost Evil, is to discern the distractions which seduce you from the fulfillment of your life’s purpose. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point with this intention is to strengthen the ability to stay focused and on course.  

Disharmonies: Over-consumption; materialistic view; inflexible; being stuck; apathy and lacking of motivation; depletion; stubborn; lethargic; unwilling or unable to move from current circumstances; compromise of position in order to please others; ingratiating behaviour which undermines one’s integrity leading to physical depletion; overcome by shadow aspects; muscle weakness; pain in the knees.

~ Heart Channel Point 4, Path of Spirit ~

Virtues: This Energy Release Point connects one to the philosophy of ancient cultures who tenets of truth are that the cause of all disease is attributed to the individual not living their purpose and destiny; that disease is the inability to connect to and follow the Path. Healing manifests when one begins to find the way. The WAY - as exemplified in the ancient document the I-Ching (The Way of Life) or as exemplified by Jesus who said “There are many paths but only one Way”. As we raise our vibrations through our evolution to One-ness and Unconditional Love, we resonate closer and closer to the Ascended Masters, Yogi Saints, Christian Saints and other Beings in the Celestial Hierarchy. We do this because we choose the path to enLIGHTenment. We develop the virtues of peace, harmony, joy, wisdom and ONE-ness within ourselves and our world. We draw to us others who are also on the same path to the Way of the LIGHT. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point empowers openness, receptivity, integrity and righteousness by connecting our Heart and Essence to its spiritual path. It assists in transcendence from the mundane and reconnects to our inner wisdom as defined by our values and our conscience, and the influence of this in the development of our character.

Disharmonies: Isolation from purpose; overly concerned with the “I” or EGO; attachment to negative ego desires; self-absorbed; self-righteous behaviour; pain and bitterness; betrayal issues.


The HorseWisdom Initiative

Surf initiates the journey into 12°Pisces PROTECTION OF THAT WHICH IS TRULY IMPORTANT

The past houses secrets which, if they could be known, might have a transformative effect on the present. The persistent desire here is to allow all to be revealed - to open up the treasure chest of the past, even at the risk of threatening the identity. The secret here is that the knowledge that you seek is there, waiting, within, and will inevitably be discovered when right timing and persistent desire come together revealing the explanation of the hidden reality that is the path within.

Genealogy of Surf

Worlds Edge Goldhawk

NVS Tersoro

Apple Pi Baylyn

Sire: NHR CA Golden Eagle

Triple S Golden Buck 

Badlands Misty Rose

Apple Pi Miss Tish


Primavera Vaquero

Primavera Valdez

Tia Margarita

Dam: Sweet Iron Carmelita (Carmelita)

Francis Blackman

Francis Cinder

Francis Lizita

Relational wisdom to Surf: Carmelita, Cinder, Karma, RainbowDash, Annie