The HorseWisdom REvelations Oracle


The Sun Man

1990 bay gelding

(JMF Dea Con Man x Carvel Lane’s Willow)

The HorseWisdom Invocation

Sunny invokes the soul wisdom of INFERRING (to derive as an outcome of bringing into being, arriving at a conclusion by reason of evidence)


The HorseWisdom Invitation 

Not withholding the fully engaged nature of who we are, employs the extensive expression of that nature in a way that shines into and within those who gather around us.  As we do so, we expand not only our own capacity to infuse our natural expression into all that we are and all that we do, but we bring into being, as an outcome, the bountiful bearing of those whose lives we touch.


The HorseWisdom Insight

 *astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple

Sunny’s natal Sun illuminating strength & confidence through alignment with 1°Taurus SPONTANEOUS INTEGRATION

A passion for bearing ripe fruits. Feeling transported by an ongoing realization that you are in your own element, doing what you need to do and subtly fired by an inner purpose that clarifies everything. The glow of your central intent warms you through. This quality of soul is simple and direct. It makes for a primal, elemental presence. One needs no grasp of complex matters in this sphere. You know what you need to know, and you're on the beam so palpably that nothing much matters except being there. You distinctly charge the atmosphere with a pranic renewal, a source sustenance, and the whole idea is to make way for the universal life-force to stream right in and bless with its all-forgiving radiance.

This degree enables a fresh, clean, clear approach to life, re-entering into the flow going on all around and released of preconceptions. Enhancing this perspective is the continual freedom from a needing to be, revealing a life force in its pure impulse to grow and unfold and release into a continual cycle of renewal that flows refreshingly forward. The fulfillment of this comes through the planting of the magic seed of desire that grows a tree of imagination into the world, continually re-envisioning everything in it.


The HorseWisdom Illumination

*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium

~ Gall Bladder Channel Point 3, Above the Pass/Guest Host Man/Easy Host/The Great Sun ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point harmonizes and balances feminine and masculine energy so that the ability to receive adn to discern what can be released is enhanced.  It promotes the flow of the Law of Reciprocity.  Symbolically, this Energy Release Point also speaks to the sacredness of the trilogy - the union and balancing of Heaven coming into our physical body through inspiration drawn from Heaven, Earth as the solid support and foundation, and Humanity, the physical body that hosts the interaction of Spirit (Heaven) adn Earth (Matter).  Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point helps to realize one’s sacredness.  It brings to awareness that one is a facet of the Creative Force and as such, a living embodiment of Love.  With this awareness, the ability to live and embrace life with joy is enhanced.  The heart and hands of service flow in loving exchange as one opens to share and receive the gifts of self and of others.

Disharmonies: Withholding and withdrawal from society; depression.

~ Gallbladder Channel Point 38, Supported by the Strength of Solar Power ~

Virtues: This Energy Release Point serves as a pathway of light. It is simliar to having a direct connection to the Sun. The Sun carries powerful energy at all times, however, the springtime Sun has a gentle warmth empowering a connection to the human heart. The human heart, when in harmony, has a fiery passion. When the human heart has experienced pain and discouragement, the fires of passion have withered to a spark - a mere shadow of its former brilliance. The connection to the Sun via this Energy Release Point awakens the sparks from their dormancy, and acts as a catalyst to encourage and activate the sparks in oder to create growth and movement within the heart. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point creates a sustainable energy fuelled by the heat and the light of the Sun Source of Life. It supports and strengthens. It brings sun radiant forces of confidence and stability allowing us to open and flourish.

Disharmonies: Inability to plan, or overplanning; lack of goals; lack of motivation to create a future; apathy; feeling of flatness; feeling stuck without a desire to make a change.


The HorseWisdom Initiative


A deep fulfilment of our desires allows us to be playful and enjoy life to the fullest. Here is the energy of a time when we were free to play and be ourselves, which brings a refreshing vibration that touches the child in all of us. Listening into the magic of the world helps melt away the illusion of alienation. When we follow what we love as our own true path, then we are at harmony with all that is.

Genealogy of Sunny 

Midnight Micky

Skagit Awatobi

Skagit Shawnip

Sire: JMF Dea Con Man

Dickie’s King

Mon Heir DD Chant

Dixie Chant



Ramuls Justin


Dam: Carvel Lane’s Willow (Willow)

Mill’s Monarch

Monarch’s Gipsy

Bay Bette Model

Relational wisdom to Sunny: Willow, Angel, Maple, Bambi, Buddy