The HorseWisdom Revelations Oracle


Buttes Summer Rain

2014 chestnut mare

(A-One Duplicate Eagle x RJ Satin Paisley)

The HorseWisdom Invocation

Summer invokes the soul wisdom of ALIGNING (to derive as an outcome of bringing into being through right relationship)


The HorseWisdom Invitation 

You are not your past.  Who you are is a reinvention of those who came before you, and healing begins when you walk your own path, and bring your past into alignment through your inspired truth. 


The HorseWisdom Insight

*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple

Summer’s natal Black Moon Lilith deepest repressed desires at 12°Leo THE QUEST FOR OUTLETS

Rarely can you get to the central place and stay there. But if destiny is fast and free, you do abide in the heart of creation and you never leave this spot. A host of virtues and gifts are showered upon you as you hold this post with supreme impersonal self-command. The most outstanding of these qualities is a faith and confidence in the powers that be, which can move any mountain. And accompanying this trait is an unworldliness which hosts or orchestrates a threshold awareness, an open door between worlds. You entirely live for the cosmic, the universal, the inner sourcespring. And what you perceive along this path is how everything goes out from here over all the world, but everything returns to here. So that the highest and the truest can once again be sparked into the shared stream and known to be pulsatingly alive and self-renewing, in the most rapturous gesture of moving with whatever is asked.

When we grow tired of playing a particular role in life we need a way out of it, so that we may escape into the freedom of our eternal self. In doing so we find new strength and energy that we bring back with us to enrich ourselves, and the world. This degree will find suffering until there is a giving up of the ego with its limitations, and as one becomes more expansive, generous, and in rapport with creative intelligence will find richness and bliss. Here is faith in the way of the universe that links you to your own confidence and connection to the way. Letting go of our limited notions of ourselves we merge with the universal consciousness, which creates in us an acceptance of what is and a willingness to use our own past and memories as a support for connecting with our life in the present.


Remembering...oh so many things...the personal, the collective, the ancestral-karmic stories everywhere. Held transfixed by the¡ overshadowing of the stories, you seek shelter in the confines of the familiar. Layer upon layer of allegiance and sentiment, memory and realization. A certain habit of going back to the beginning. Magnetized by what you feel to be your own sphere of existence. Wishing to stay there and rest undisturbed, in the rippling waves of pasts sensed and followed. You keep the home fires burning in a vigil of being fragrantly tied in with your many pasts, so that there is no room for anything else, as what has always been continues in yet another variation, in enchanted life-force dreaming onward.

The essence of this degree is masculine power hidden deep within the feminine, which manifests as gentleness triumphing over fierceness. Here is knowledge that seeks connection with the emotional and intuitive realms. The significance of focusing our attention deep inside ourselves and far outside ourselves into the infinite and that the more aware we become of these two realms, the more we see they are a reflection of each other, and ultimately they are the same - there is no inner or outer, only the oneness and unity of self. With this degree there is a need to be aware of getting stuck in beholding life from just one perspective - a reminder to always let yourself go farther, and not be afraid of reaching out to embrace what calls to you. Coming into a deeper connection with one’s inner world and outer world, is to bring them together and eventually be able to work with the power found through uniting that which supports a heightened ability to flow through all challenges with acceptance and the motivation to walk through the challenges that guide our way.

The HorseWisdom Illumination

*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium

~ Gall Bladder Channel Point 29, Dwelling in the Strength of the Bone ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point empowers the feelings of protection by building the strength of the bones so that structure is maintained.  It is here that strength gathers so that dynamic energy can be created.  Wellsprings of energy are valuable resources for decision making, for once a decision is made, there must be energy in place for intentional action and concrete manifestation.  Sometimes these actions are necessary break away actions.  Break away action in that one needs to release themselves from self destructive patterns and lifestyles, or move away from limiting influences such as those found in family, friends, or intimate relationships.  This Energy Release Point not only finds the courage to follow one’s own path and destiny, but assists in connecting to one’s inner strength found within the bones.  Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point brings energy towards taking decisive action toward following the path of truth.  It provides trust in knowing that the strength necessary to take the beginning steps is abundantly available.  It brings centre and support to one’s Being so that goals can be flexible within the virtue of positive structure.  It further assists with the absolute knowing that one is loved, supported and protected by the spiritual world for the unfoldment of the Soul’s journey.

Disharmonies: Procrastination; inaction based on fear; doubt; confusion; inflexibility.  Physical manifestation of disorders in the hip; lower back pain; atrophy in the legs. 

~ Liver Channel Point 4, Middle Seal ~

Virtues: This Energy Release Point is beneficial for strengthening identity and empowering the recognition of self confidence. It strengthens the ability to believe in one self and one’s ideas. It is the strength of this belief that assists in bringing the Life Plan into action. This Life Plan is embedded upon us at the time of our conception. It is the seal of the Divine Blueprint, the sacrament which makes our life precious, for the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. It constitutes the foundation of self-worth, self-esteem, and value of our Essence. Remembrance and connection to this sacramental seal brings quality and self-worth to the central plan of our life. The deep respect and integrity that we feel for ourselves and who we are, our Sacred Essence, in its uniqueness as an expression of the Creative Force is what gives us our value. Our connection to our value allows for the expression of integrity in all our actions. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point connects us to our strong centre. A centre which is filled with vision born from knowing ourselves from True Self. Staying in our true alignment, we can express the gifts of our Divinity to fulfill our vision in its optimal expression and by so doing, live a purpose-filled life for the betterment of humanity.

Disharmonies: Inability to find richness and fullness in life; lack of meaning to life; no identity; lack of self-confidence; low self-esteem; no pleasure in life; no pleasure in eating or receiving nourishment; indecision; inaction - the suspension of movement; paralysis; physical manifestations of cold in the legs; colic; heaviness of the body; lumbar pain; pain in the genital region and disharmonies in the reproductive system.

~ Divine Masculine Director Governing Vessel Point 27, Correct Exchange/To Open With Correct Reason & Happiness~

Virtues: This Energy Release Point empowers us to open up and exchange through the spoken word, the truths of our right alignment. As we go through life, we are often met with a diversity of experiences that help define our internal measure of what becomes our truth. Here, at this Energy Release Point, we are open to experiencing opportunities which present to us in the NOW moment. These opportunities and our words, are made manifest and should we choose, we can be propelled more and more forward towards a purpose filled life. Subsequently, the more in alignment we choose to become, the more clarity we gain. All becomes clear and synchronistic. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point helps us speak intentional words. Words that create actions which become more and more in alignment with our Divine Self, thereby bringing joy and happiness in all aspects of Being.

Disharmonies: Withdrawl; congestion; indecision; clenched jaws; rigidity; toothache.

The HorseWisdom Initiative


The need to be who one is in a living and vibrant way. Giving into and accepting our vulnerability leads to a realization of the adamantine (unable to be broken) strength of our spirit. Accepting and exploring our sensitivity becomes the basis for the development of power, health, integrity and strength in the physical world.

Genealogy of Summer 

BDM Ellis Doll’s Dandy

A-One Jim Dandy

Duplicate Fieldqueen

Sire: A-One Duplicate Eagle (Eagle)

Darfield Duplicate

Duplicate Lady Hawk

Correll’s Folly


Leanders Ace

Drumsongs Smoky 

Rosemont Barbie Doll 

Dam: RJ SatinPaisley (Paisley)

VBC Sir Gaylord

BDM Black Satin

Diamond’s Jewel

Relational wisdom to Summer: Eagle, Paisley, Persy