The HorseWisdom revelation Oracle
Buttes Sunset Storm
2017 bay mare
(Buttes Cielo de Noche x Buttes Sedona Sunrise)
The HorseWisdom Invocation
Stormy invokes the soul wisdom of ALLOWING (to give the necessary time or opportunity for)
The HorseWisdom Invitation
What is wanting to be acknowledged in your life right now? Take the necessary time you need to provide yourself the opportunity for what wants to make itself known to you. When we don’t make it a priority to provide time and space for what is trying to get our attention, the universe has a way of doing it for us.
The HorseWisdom Insight
*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple
Stormy’s natal Hades excavation of the shadow self at 6°Cancer FEARLESS LOOKING THROUGH
The Medusa’s head writhing with snakes for hair. Karma is frequently anticipated and anxiously dreaded. We know we must confront whatever we have given power to haunt us. Ancestors, collective undertows, personal mistakes of the past, everything comes due. And so there must be the utmost honesty and integrity, dedication and perseverance, to cut right through the gathering storm clouds and rescue or redeem what is essential, what is vital. When karma is this palpable and heavy duty, the only skillful means is to cultivate a life-giving perspective and to inject all of the negativity with this elixir, until there is nothing further to worry about. Because you have become forward looking enough to turn any past around and to make any darkness luminous from within, and to be able to walk on..
Anyone looking at the Medusa will turn to stone. It is looking at ourselves and not being able accept what we see, not being able to move forward - becoming frozen, due to fear, that stonifies us. There is nothing to fear. We are more than what we see in our reflection. We each have inside of us the inner clarity which, if we allow it to absorb our ego will manifest as a purifying and harmonizing influence in the world around us. Letting go of sadness, which always stems from an attachment to the past, we then become curious to see those areas of ourselves that are unknown and we encounter the challenge of confronting our fears so that we may move forward into the future.
Stormy’s natal Moon inner world relationship to the Mother & emotional needs at 15°Scorpio POWER DERIVED FROM TRACKING WITH THE PROCESS OF TRANSFORMATION
An extraordinary gift, very abusable and utterly redemptive. You invent, conceive, bring into being whatever you hope for and whatever you dread. Usually the dreads come up more first and dominate for a while. In this cycle you scare up the world's most extreme melodramas, each one of them marked ‘no way out, no way through.’ If you should outlast your dread demons, and you shall, you will find, in a very different direction, that there are equally powerful hope angels. You hope and wish and yearn for everybody to go free and this wishing has deep, uncanny power. For you have been nourishing for a very long time two counteracting worlds: the one dark and heavy with foreboding; the other swept clean by the magical will to bring the world around right. The one who made the light go out brings the light back in a seasoned, tempered form. And this renewed light is phosphorescent, glowing in the world's darkness, seeing the way clear, knowing it can be done.
The key to evolution is to merge with the present moment as it moves through time. To be in the present means to always be in the process of letting go, and what we are letting go of is one of two things: either attachment to the past, or fear of the future. All letting go is a kind of death, and this dying into the present must be embraced if we are to live fully. Inherent here is the ability to embrace your weaknesses and vulnerabilities, and to realize that they are not just something you have to live with, but that they are here to help you sort and synthesize information which will help you arrive at the truest conclusion possible. A sensitivity to the process of transformation brings out whatever needs to come to the surface which allows for us to find ways of using what we possess to restore our power and light in a real way.
The HorseWisdom Illumination
*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium
~ Urinary Bladder Channel Point 45, Stomach Granary ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point provides access to spiritual nourishment, the nourishment which comes from acknowledging the presence of Spirit and its life giving principle as the movement of the Soul. The Soul invites us to experience life in al aspects, such as events, people and emotions. When one connects to Soul there is joy, purpose, security and trust. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point opens up the ability to receive nourishment by reconnecting to Divine Love. It allows the processing of life so that one can see the beauty and perfection of the experience. It teaches one to recognize what one needs in order to flow nourishment from within. Life becomes purposeful. The self is strengthened in unwavering trust and knowing that it is held in the secure embrace of the Divine.
Disharmonies: Neglect of self; inability to find pleasure in a job well done; lack of compassion; callousness; needy behaviour. Physical manifestation of eating disorders and weak digestion.
~ Stomach Channel Point 3, Great Hole/ Great Crevice ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point addresses the ability to release excessive thought and worry in order to obtain inner peace. It is the ability to be emotionally honest with oneself, acknowledge emotional pain and remove the mask of cheerfulness used as a coping mechanism when facing the world. It accesses our inner core and provides the strength and courage to deal with the worries that deplete our vitality and compromise mental stability. The physical location of this Energy Release Point is in the hole of the cheek bone. Bones provide structure and protection for the whole body. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point brings connection to the inner core of the bones and the centre of one’s Being where roots of security and stability are accessed. Strengthening the connection to the bones and centre of Self, strengthens the feelings of stability, security and protection. This flow of vital strength brings courage to the forefront to address emotional pain and the fortitude to continue despite obstacles in the navigation through life. Ultimately, one feels the freedom to live authentically, in positive vulnerability and Soul expression.
Disharmonies: Worrisome thoughts; having a busy mind; denial and avoidance of emotional pain. Physical manifestations of pain and numbness of the face and lips; toothaches.
~ Stomach Channel Point 19, Not At Ease ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point expresses the ability to bring one to the state of being at ease. It releases worry and helps unwind tension held in the stomach and third energy centre which ultimately impacts the ability to digest. Not at Ease brings calmness to the mind, allowing for the acceptance of ‘It Is As It Is’, from the point of view of trusting the Divine plan and perfect resolutions. Within the quality of acceptance one also develops the quality of forgiveness of Self and of others. Forgiveness is a powerful cleanser of the psyche, where thoughts are churned over obsessively. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point allows for a cleansing of the mind via the channel of forgiveness, ultimately resulting in calm and comfort. It is in this gentle space of serenity that one can surrender and accept the quality of ease and grace.
Disharmonies: Overly dramatic engagement with life and taking things personally; worry and pensiveness; nervous stomach.
~ Kidney Channel 16, Vital Centre ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point allows ones to get to the Heart of the Matter - to explore deeply within one’s depths the imbalances of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Often these imbalances present themselves in the form of stomach ailments. Further examination holds that the stomach issues stem back to one’s relationship with our human mother, or whether it is the acceptance of one’s own feminine nature (present in both males and females) or also one’s perception of women in society and the value thereof. Simply put, there is a disconnection between our Selves and the Archetypal Divine Mother of the Birthing Feminine Matrix. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point allows us to explore these relationships and how we function within them, and with this awareness, the flood gates open and a resurgence of new ideas and creativity flow and their their way into our consciousness. This flowing serves to heal our creative centre and through harmonization with the centre of the Divine Feminine Vessel one gains access to unlimited potential and possibilities of creation.
Disharmonies: Blocked creativity; lack of vitality; exhaustion in the full body system; digestive disorders leading to depletion; dysfunctional relationship with mother and/or mothering roles; obsessive thinking; anxiety; emotional neediness; insecurity.
The HorseWisdom Initiative
Inspired soul gifts. You are endowed with a great wealth of talent and ability--the natural artist, visionary, and attuner. Everything overflows. Huge scope, bigger than life; issues of ego; can the self be selfless? Raw vitality and virtuoso performance. This calls for a ripening and deepening to be fulfilled. When still bold and wild, you experience great struggle against constraints; when clear and steady, there are no limitations on what can come through. The prototype for the future. Giving the whole picture in all its glory.
Science tells us that the very act of observation affects what we observe. Here is found the witness that can act as a revealing force in the world for the sake of the greater awareness of that which has not been acknowledged to make itself known in a way that allows the perceiving of incongruities as the hiding places of the universal laws and truths we are all connected through; the silver lining threads that weave together the fabric of our greater reality.
Genealogy of Stormy
OGO Tejon de Oro Hermoso
OGO Sellman Hill & Co (CC)
Ursula’s Higuera Bandita
Sire: Buttes Cielo de Noche (Noche)
Sweet Iron Morgan
Sweet Iron Anisette (Annie)
Francis Cinder
A-One Copperlees Phoenix (Phoenix)
Duplicate Liberty
Dam: Buttes Sedona Sunrise (Sadie)
Richwood Bravado
Vintage Bouquet (Scarlett)
Richwood Irish Rose
Relational wisdom to Stormy: Noche, CC, Annie, Phoenix, Sadie, Scarlett, Beau, Nyx