The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle
Vintage Bouquet
2000 chestnut mare
(Richwood Bravado x Richwood Irish Rose)
The HorseWisdom Invocation
Scarlett invokes the soul wisdom of PRECIPITATING (causing something to happen suddenly or unexpectedly)
The HorseWisdom Invitation
When we find ourselves feeling limited or attached to certain outcomes, this is the greeting of a self actualization process that is yours to be undertaken. Where are you feeling a greater need for freedom right now? Empower yourself by taking a leap of faith into the unknown.
The HorseWisdom Insight
*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple
Scarlett’s natal Saturn foundational lessons in discipline & responsibility at 16°Taurus DEEP COMMUNION WITH THE FORCES OF LIFE
Weaving polarities adroitly with alchemical awareness of what can come from the right combinations. You are fascinated and awestruck by all the various combinations, facets, and ways the life-force distributes itself and plays itself out. The rapt admirer of the wisdom and beauty of nature, transfixed by what happens around here. Coming at things always from yet another side, yet never feeling it is enough. There is more to be done, infinitely more to partake in and enhance. The world is an open book. And it magnetically, almost hypnotically draws your attention and interest to what is needed next, to what is emergent and outstanding as life matches dreams and dreams encompass fantastic variety and vivid spectrum to lose yourself in and discover everything through, from one end of the Earth to the other.
Energies combine in all sorts of ways to create new blends, which stirs up and stimulates the being, so that the self learns of its own nature by experiencing what it is drawn to - and also the opposite - by tuning into to its reactions to everything it experiences. This degree is powerfully imaginative, emotionally turbulent in a way that maintains vibrancy and so very alive that it ultimately is unwilling to let anything block or limit its exploration. Here is a way of finding just the right point of contact to draw forth the greatest benefits out of sharing yourself. You radiate vibrant spontaneous flowing energy which is your expression of the kind of love that heals the fear of change.
The HorseWisdom Illumination
*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium
~ Stomach Channel Point 41, Stream of Release ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point processes the pain of past experiences and strengthens fiery energy to break through burdens and stagnation. By consequence this fired up energy creates a release. This release can sometimes show as a torrent of tears. Stream of Release re-establishes the momentum and flow of the assimilation of inspiration and of life; the integration of nourishment in order to flow new creation and manifestation; as well as the elimination of the non-beneficial and the extraneous which do not serve the Divine Plan for our life. The self imposed constraints to forward motion and manifestation of desires are unfastened and removed. The ability to understand and solve our perceived problems is enhanced as the virtues of clarity, understanding, compassion and co-operation are restored. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point allows for the untying of constraints for beneficial release. A release which heals and restores flow to active and conscious participation in our co-creation with the Divine for manifestation of living joy. Stream of Release creates connection to the world leading to renewed interest and enthusiasm for life. The restoration of contentment as well as enthusiasm for joyful service balanced with the principles of giving and receiving.
Disharmonies: Inability to let go of pain; inability to learn from the past and move forward; inability to digest and receive nourishment from life manifesting in digestive disorders; unexplained weight gain or weight loss; lack of interest in life and others; discontent; dissatisfaction; hunger after eating; manic behaviour showing as extreme self centredness; obsessions regarding one’s own needs and verbal diarrhea.
~ Kidney Channel Point 1, Bubbling Spring/ Burst of Vibrancy/ known as the Courage Point ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point speaks to our connection with the Great Source or Essence from which all life springs. The Source which on Earth is seen as water - life giving, purifying, vibrant and essential to our existence. We are made up of water. As water bubbles out of the ground in the form of springs, we witness the strength and vitality that is required for it to burst through layers of earth, rock and stone all the while emitting joyful music through its bubbling sound. Many of these springs would wide have become sacred places known for miraculous and spontaneous healing. These springs are witness to the vitality and life giving healing properties made manifest from water’s journey of purification through the Earth’s crust and its countless gem and mineral qualities. This Energy Release Point opens us up to the bursting energy of water’s vibrancy and purity. Through unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point, we can draw into our body the vitality of the Source. Our whole body systems are then refreshed and rejuenveated by the replenishment of our inner waters as the memory of water reconnects to its origin. Through this reconnection we are inspired to receive and be infused with renewed vision and growth. We reconnect with our creativity and are propelled toward forward flow in self empowerment, grounded balance, joy and vitality, embracing higher evolution.
Disharmonies: Lack of motivation; lack of vitality; feeling of stagnation; anxiety; depletion; disconnection from purpose; overly influenced by others; fear.
The HorseWisdom Turning Point Initiative
Scarlett initiates the journey into 14°Sagittarius THE RISING TO MEET SPECIAL OR UNIQUE NEEDS IN A CREATIVE WAY
When communication is imbued with beauty and charm, it can captivate. Sensing of the language creative intelligence uses to communicate with all beings allows us to tap into the universal signs and dance with the aliveness and grace of the language of information. A re-awakening of this ancient wisdom at the core of our being, summons those energies that bring greater depth and meaning to all situations.
Genealogy of Scarlett
Otto McClure
Ramona Brave
Jean Mary
Sire: Richwood Bravado
Farceur Morgan
Richwood Mira
Constance Gold D
Stormy H
Dam: Richwood Irish Rose
Farceur Morgan
Farceurs Inspiration
Braves Golden Image
Relational wisdom to Scarlett: Sadie, Kona, Daisy, Falcon, Muse, Zeteo, Noble, Huma, Stormy, Beau, Nyx, Pearl