The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle


Lil’ Black Samba

2002 black mare

(Two J Willy's Warlock x Lilly)

The HorseWisdom Invocation

Samba invokes the soul wisdom of ENCRYPTING  (converting information or data into code to keep hidden, conceal, prevent unauthorised access)

The HorseWisdom Invitation

As a way to keep ourselves and certain of us ‘safe’, we hide those aspects of self that then become part of our shadow.  Our destiny is the experiential journey of bringing to light all that is unconscious within us, giving us the key to unlock the code of our soul and dissolves paradigms.


The HorseWisdom Insight

*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple

Samba’s natal messenger Mercury & natal Moon inner world relationship with the Mother and emotional needs at 4°Taurus PROFOUND DESIRE FOR COMMUNICATION

A psychic faculty is dreamt into and sustained, leaving everything wide open for passive absorption. Going so deep in there, an altered state, that you become karmically thrown into the dilemma of translation between the worlds. Being used by astral forces, and learning to adapt. Indwelling a place reserved for those who are not ready to activate. But, oh, the dreams, the vapors. Remembrance. Recapitulation. Return. Longing for connection between the worlds, you may be able to take the underworld route through if disciplined attunement is fostered. Creative powers are dammed up and filtered through into naive wistfulness. You wait, hope, and are drawn back and back until the inner worlds have been heard and respected and the balance can be restored.

Here is a witnessing of subtle and strangely beautiful revelations hiding in obscure and unlooked for places. This degree is of a specialized and rare sort and it is best to not become frustrated if you get negative responses from others concerning the revealing of your creativity. Do what you know you do best, and eventually your work will find its ideal place in the scheme of things. Creativity is the glory of eternity as it magically floods into the present moment, and in its purest form is free of worries concerning the future and the past. No matter what, you have to say what you have to say, so say it - the light works in mysterious ways, and wants to work in mysterious ways through you. This degree is an ability to channel messages which deeply affect the subconscious and have the power to evoke a wealth of moods and feelings for emotions to come forth. Exploring the many interwoven corridors of the self we are eventually impelled to give voice to what is deep within us. When the subconscious is allowed to speak, it creates a cathartic purging, especially of sadness. Caught in our self-made dilemmas we come to realize that the only way out is to perfect our ability to communicate with our intuitive self. The subconscious, when it finds a voice, spontaneously heals and clears itself of all poisonous and toxic energies.

The HorseWisdom Illumination 

*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium

~ Urinary Bladder Channel Point 25, Large Intestine Connection ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point removes blockages and obstacles which create stagnation in the flow of life.  It strengthens the ability to bare life’s burdens.  The bowels of the body metaphorically correspond to the bowels of the Earth.  The place where things are in the dark, buried and hidden from view.  Connecting to this Energy Release Point assists in bringing light into the depths.  It helps with the reconciliation of past behaviours and past experiences from which one extracts the jewel of wisdom from which to learn and grow.  In this perspective, one begins to understand the behaviour and aspects of being that are in the current timeframe, adn in the new awareness, can bring healing light to those experiences which have caused pain in the past by embracing the shadows.  It brings to conscious awareness the perception and understanding that by being responsible means to truly access one’s ability to respond in an appropriate manner.  Once this perception is achieved, one can discern with wisdom and clarity what is extraneous and can finally be released, and what is essential and thereby serve as healing gems.  Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point strengthens the ability to release the extraneous in order to allow for a lightness of Being.  It renews buoyancy of the body and Soul, thus empowering the ability to flow unfettered and free.

Disharmonies: Repression of the emotional shadow leading to explosive outbursts; control issues; feelings of overwhelm which threaten to flood the full body system leading to apathy, stagnation, emptiness and loneliness; self-righteousness; martyrdom and perfectionism.

~ Urinary Bladder Channel Point 66, Penetrating Valley ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point quiets the nervous system so that spiritual sensitivity is enhanced.  It allows for the flow of spirit to move into the valley, nourish the treasures and transform the shadows.  Serenity becomes the natural state of being.  It calms and soothes the mind so that one can moderate and flow energy in a graceful and balanced way.  It helps one to become more aware of the subtleties of spirit, helping to penetrate the shadows in the valley so that the emotional life is softened, harmonized and integrated for balanced function in life.  Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point allows light to penetrate into the valley of shadows.  Sensitivity and receptivity to spiritual awareness of the gift of experience serves to strengthen the ability to heal traumas that define one’s emotional history so that the shadow can be resolved, integrated or released.  The focus of will is strengthened and challenges are met directly and easily, thereby allowing the mind to be at peace.

Disharmonies: Generalized fear and anxiety; generally high-strung; easily wound-up; inappropriate assertion of power over everything and everyone as an attempt to overcome insecurity.

The HorseWisdom Initiative

Samba initiates the journey into 13°Sagittarius (pallas and Pluto)

Death manifests among the living in myriad forms and guises. It is unforgettable in its imprint. Those who are drawn to get close to death and to get involved with it have their own set of challenges accordingly. Will they get wrapped up in the lesser levels of death and turn into habitual trapped creatures, or will they extend the range of their affinity and their allegiance to encompass the redemptive and the regenerative aspects of death? Being magnetized to relive previous deaths, to learn the ways of death and to fathom its mysteries, and being able to move among many sides of this equation. But ultimately drawn either to indulge the regressive loop of being in circles of recurrence, swept away, or to open up the space tremendously--to collaborate with the lively ones among the dead, and to discover that in their world, which is scooped out in that exquisite sensibility through which the lively dead see this world, they celebrate its free becoming more fully than anybody else would be able to approach in that sparkling way.


Here is the energy of spiritual regeneration and healing, which helps to re-attune us to our evolutionary direction. An appreciation of end results allows us to envision reaching higher states of being but a realization that it is the process of life that needs to be focused on rather than the end results. Reception to that which provides us new and ever-changing manifestations of wisdom through communing with the depths of what draws out awarenesses that are continually arising if we open ourselves to them. When we help others to find the place they need to be, our own path becomes clear to us.

Genealogy of Samba

Treble’s Willy Wild

Lord Willing 

Back Brook Betony

Sire: Two J Willy’s Warlock

Whispering High Beam

Beamshee JMF

W-A-W Coles Coquette


SunUp Neptune 

KRP Cocoa

Hot Fudge Swirl 

Dam: Lilly (Lilly)

Beams Black Panther

Will’s Lil’ Maple (Maple)

Carvel Lane’s Willow (Willow)

Relational wisdom to Samba: Lilly, Maple, Willow, Rusty, Rocky