The HorseWisdom REvelations Oracle


Buttes Sedona Sunrise

2008 chestnut mare

(A-One Copperlees Phoenix x Vintage Bouquet)

the HorseWisdom Invocation

 Sadie invokes the soul wisdom of RETURNING (to bring, send, come or put back to a previous state, place, position)

the HorseWisdom Invitation

When we are able to come back again to something to become a witness, we can see from a more enlightened perspective. This perspective gives space for what wants to happen, rather than from a place and position of needing an outcome.


the HorseWisdom Insight

*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple

Sadies’s natal Black Moon Lilith deepest repressed desires at 3°Sagittarius VAGUENESS WHICH CREATES THE OPENING AND EXPLORING OF NEW POTENTIALS

Enlightenment rarely comes by pursuing straight lines, by following predictable tracks. If you wish to find the secrets to the mysteries, you must give yourself over completely to the flux and to the ferment, and allow the winds of destiny to prevail entirely. This immediate sense world casts a very different glow than the heavens ever could. By identifying yourself with each shifting nuance, every flicker of instantaneous movement, you find the inner worlds way to waking up here in this Earth. But this journey is a perilous one, for you become awash in so many far-flung spheres, and there is no map and there are no shortcuts. You must somehow see right through your own most addictive and compulsive impulses, and ride the wild waves homeward through sheer presence of mind and gut conviction that everywhere leads to the same place. And that if you find yourself cast into any corner of fate it is the one perfect place to get home free within, if you can hang on and let go and never lose your sense of humor.

The impulse to forward movement here is relentless, you’re always desiring to go farther, sometimes without even being sure of what the goal is. Here we might say that the Path of Confusion is this degree’s way of finding out of that confusion that truths of the most fantastic are continually being born. Even though there may be times where there is no conscious knowledge of where one is going, it has within it a relentless impulse which will guide it towards its destination. Where we find ourselves drawn to those old stuck places within our being which may have become so taken-for-granted that our awareness had lost touch with them. This is a weaving together the various part of the emotions of our life where the discoveries found here can be priceless as this degree is about seeing that our emotions are reflections of spirit within them, which allow us to reclaim precious energies that have been long-stored inside us.

the HorseWisdom Illumination

*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium

 ~ Stomach Channel Point 29, The Return ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point speaks to the ability to return to, or to come back to something in order to flow forward.  It is the ability to heal from inner reflection when re-evaluating and re-examining events of the past and having a wider perspective due to the wisdom of experience.  This Energy Release Point also invokes the cyclic process of life, death and rebirth as a reflection of creation, transformation and receiving back.  Giving becomes a process of the extension of creation.  Consequently, receiving becomes the experience of the outcomes and benefits.  This cycle nurtures the flow of wisdom and links the generations.  The Elder expressing their advice and life perspectives to the younger members of family and community, who in turn continue the cycle for future generations.  Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point grants the space to pause and reflect.  To turn around and look back in order to reconnect with our Soul Essence.  From this perspective the impetus of growth is nourished from what has gone before in order to develop the opportunities which lie ahead.  It is to return to the Source in order to renew life and living.  

Disharmonies: Inability to give and to receive; inability to create; inability to move forward towards change; disrupted cycles such as sleep or menstrual; inability to reflect and observe life in order to learn and grow. 

~ Spleen Channel Point 21, Great Enveloping (the Great Embrace) ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point supports the great embrace of the Divine Feminine and maternal consciousness, much as a womb enfolds the preciousness of the unborn child.  It helps distribute this beautiful energy throughout the body as well as bringing energy to nourish the Heart.  It reminds one that in order to take care of everyone, one must also take care of oneself.  Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point promotes a return to childlike innocence and trust.  It activates self care and allows one to feel loved and nurtured.  The return of these feelings allow for a transformational shift to the experience of living and being unconditional love.  In this new perception of love, one views humanity with unity consciousness, thus promoting the ability to live in security, so that one can fully embrace life, humanity and the world.

Disharmonies: Selfishness expressed as neglect for one’s own needs; feelings of abandonment and insecurity, especially from the mother; insecurity; distrust; isolation; withdrawal from life; pain in the body and joint flaccidity. 

~ Kidney Channel Point 7, Returning and Repeating Current/Beyond Destiny ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point speaks to the flow of life.  In physicality, there is the moment of conception, birth and death.  Death on the physical plane is the point of birth in the spiritual plane and from there is the continuation of life, to the point of descent into the physical plane for a returning cycle of conception, birth and rebirth.  Within the cycle of life itself on the physical plane, this Energy Release Point is the place of the unification of the Divine Masculine Energy with the Divine Feminine Energy and as such rules the moment of conception.  It is ultimate creative power and ultimate vitality.  It is evolution and transformation powered by the creative matrix where the sperm penetrates the egg and begins the cycle of life.  Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point unleashes the potential energy, alchemically transforming it into active power that multiplies and amplifies exponentially.  The alternate name, Beyond Destiny, indicates that one has come to a point of non-growth, of no return.  This state having grown by blocking destiny by stagnating with living in the past, holding onto illusion, full of remorse with the missed opportunities life experience has presented.  To the point that a physical illness has a life of it’s own and overtakes the ability to live a purpose filled life.  In this case, unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point can assist with the transition from life to death, where the cycle of the return can be reset and reharmonized to the rebirthing cycle.   

Disharmonies: Preoccupation with the mundane; apathy; resignation; exhaustion leading to dis-ease; attachments to the past; inability to learn from life experiences.  


The HorseWisdom Initiative


Intimate exposure to currents, energies, and contexts which turn you inside out and upside down. Being hyper-impressionable, supersuggestible, and uncomfortably close and awkward. Nothing feels right. Nothing goes where it is supposed to. However, something entirely different is on its way. It is a matter of outlasting the fate of the past and resiliently coming back to life by surprise. The return is orchestrated by invisible forces. You're captivated by strange old stories with an incestuous, serpentine entrapment to them, and called utterly beyond all of this. You have the capacity to release and renounce the most confounding combinations of factors, and to leap vibrantly into unknown country with barely a scratch, everything going your way.

Cap 5 - The fortuitous timing of moving with your impulses will eventually carry you to a place of revelation, beauty, wonder and fulfillment. Consciousness that inhabits a place above endings and change and seeing these things as necessary and important to the whole of existence. Lifting our perceptions beyond the level of death we sense our connectedness to all the traces of the enduring spiritual reality that has come before us and will continue on after us.

Genealogy of Sadie 

Speedramp Walker


RG Lynna Lee

Sire: A-One Copperlee’s Phoenix (Phoenix)

Pine Ethan Walker

Duplicate Liberty

High & Mighty Candy


Ramona Brave

Richwood Bravado

Richwood Mira

Dam: Vintage Bouquet (Scarlett)


Richwood Irish Rose

Farceur’s Inspiration 

Relational wisdom to Sadie: Phoenix, Scarlett, Daisy, Stormy, Beau, Nyx, Pearl