The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle
Lil’ Bit Rusty
2002 chestnut gelding
(Two J Willy’s Warlock x Lilly)
The HorseWisdom Invocation
Rusty invokes the soul wisdom of SACRIFICING (making sacred)
The HorseWisdom Invitation
You are transforming. What was once an idea or suggestion has now moved into the energy of becoming.
The HorseWisdom Insight
*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple
Rusty’s North Node of destiny at 17°Gemini WHOLE AND COMPLETE WISDOM CONTACTED AT ONE’S CORE
Bland realism as complete cover-up. Masquerading in whichever style and form disarms and deflects and confuses and confounds. Preferring to portray yourself as plain, straightforward, and as basic as can be. The ruse is that if you consistently blow yourself up to be a commonsensical character people shall look at you lightly, no probing. This frees up the subconscious mind to frolic impetuously, almost randomly. And if anybody ever inquired into the motivating spark behind the subconscious play and abandon, you would find a future soul discovering ways to entertain itself and keep it going, but exceedingly aware of the tides of events, awaiting the first cue to explode the personality and get on with the future for real.
You sense pure wisdom deep within yourself, but it can be illusive and difficult to express. You can feel into the meaning behind things but to express exactly what it is can be challenging. You’re aware of the insubstantial nature of most everything held to be precious. And being aware of this you seek that which has an enduring and eternal value. Your purpose is to stay tuned to spiritual realities even in the midst of tremendous pressure of the Mundane, and in those moments of finding your spiritual self your whole world takes on radiant harmony.
The HorseWisdom Illumination
*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium
~ Spleen Channel Point 1, Hidden White (Hidden Purity) also one of the 13 Ghost Points known as Ghost Eye ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point empowers the feeling of freedom to open up to receive nourishment from life. It supplies the strength needed to find and stay in center and integrity. It is located on the foot, and as such, is the intermediary between the vision of Soul expression made physical and the stepping into the vision of purpose. It creates balance between the physical plane of existence, where one must do the mundane to live the earthly life, and the plane of celestial harmony, where one recognizes a state of being that is filled with love, joy and ease. When one connects with Hidden White, one also connects to the symbol of purity. The purity that comes when viewing oneself as sacred. Embracing sacredness allows the freedom to become who we are so that life becomes a joyful expression of purpose. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point opens us up to new ideas and direction, motivating us to put our Soul vision into actions. It serves to balance strength, flexibility, and emotional stability. It assists to recognize and stand up to our own needs in keeping with clarity of thought and vision. The alternate name, Ghose Eye, is in reference to this Energy Release Point being a ghost point on the body. A place on the body where an entity enters and seemingly drains one of all vitality. Unblocking and activating with the intention of Ghost Eye is to address the dysfunction of feeling extraordinarily drained for unknown reasons as well as solving mysterious disorders of the blood leading to weakness.
Disharmonies: Lack of assertiveness; ingratiating behaviour towards others to avoid anger and conflict; disorganization; inability to feel grounded or centered; slow through processes; lethargy; boredom; difficulty in concentration; mental fogginess; obsessive thoughts; dreamy disposition and vivid fantasy life; restless mind; insomnia; blood disorders such as trouble with blood coagulation, inability to stop bleeding; muscle and sinew weakness; weakness of the internal organs; acid reflux; heartburn; bitter and sour taste in the mouth.
~ Small Intestine Channel Point 14, Outside the Shoulder/Shouldering Outside ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point is named for its geographical location on the body. As a shoulder point it serves to release pain of the shoulder and increase the shoulder’s range of motion. When unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point, one should shoulder the question as to the cause of the block of energy flow. This cause is diverse; for some, it is over responsibility, for others; it is a question of boundaries and either taking on, or shouldering the loads which belong to others. The cause of the blockage is usually from an eternal condition and it serves as a reminder to go inside and question why we sacrifice.
Disharmonies: Weariness and fatigue; having the feeling of burden and irksome duty; pain in the shoulder; limited range of motion.
~ Urinary Bladder Channel Point 39, Soul Hall ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point anchors the realization of the sacredness of Being. From this awareness, the connection to the inner chamber of the heart is strengthened. Once this is established, the ego personality has the opportunity to exercise its ability to make higher choices. Choices that empower and nourish the Essence of the Soul. The Soul continues its evolution, and through the gift of Free Will, can subsequently direct focused forces for self actualization and full expression. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point promotes the realization of sacredness within the self. It allows access to the passion needed for the fulfillment of purpose and destiny; stored within the inner chamber of the heart.
Disharmonies: Disconnection from life purpose; feelings of abandonment from the spiritual world; deep melancholia.
The HorseWisdom Initiative
Rusty initiates the journey into 16°Cancer SEEING THROUGH THE VEIL INTO THE PURITY OF VISION
Through being able to see things as they really are, unclouded by anything and to such an extent that nothing is hidden, no shadows or attachments exist. Here everything passes through, and nothing is held, which results in clearness, openness, and the ability to recognize and openly receive the spiritual aspect in everything.
Genealogy of Rusty
Treble’s Willy Wild
Lord Willing
Back Brook Betony
Sire: Two J Willy’s Warlock
Whispering High Beam
Beamshee JMF
W-A-W Coles Coquette
SunUp Neptune
KRP Cocoa
Hot Fudge Swirl
Dam: Lilly (Lilly)
Beams Black Panther
Will’s Lil’ Maple (Maple)
Carvel Lane’s Willow (Willow)
Relational wisdom to Rusty: Rocky, Lilly, Samba, Maple, Willow