The HorseWisdom REvelations Oracle
2001 bay gelding
(Two J Willy’s Warlock x Bandit’s Bambi)
The HorseWisdom Invocation
Rocky invokes the soul wisdom of DISLODGING (to move something from a fixed position)
The HorseWisdom Invitation
Expression is the body’s way of moving energy into form. It is the transforming of one state of being into another. Self expression is an agent of catharsis and transformation.
The HorseWisdom Insight
*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple
Rocky’s natal Moon inner world relationship with the Mother & emotional needs at 11°Pisces THE PROTECTION OF ONE’S SPIRITUAL CORE & THE ABILITY TO USE THE WORLD AROUND ONE FOR SUPPORT & SUSTENANCE
Wildly tuned in. Staggeringly aware of the overall situation and its call, you respond deeply and with earnest, plaintive engagement with all that is happening. You are profoundly emotional, physical, and personal in order to ground and focus a vaster attunement, urgently and critically mobilized at hot spots. Assigned to tune in to everything and make sure all the cosmic bases are covered--inner-planes activity predominates. You live within vast worlds, and are psychically charged with all that is being taken in, but your central focus is to respond, to report, to send the inner messages, to keep the lines open. Emergency and crisis sensibility inside of things, searching for signs, and knowing how to be there on the spot to turn things around by inward force of the magical will.
This degree is on a quest to find something of true worth and value, and all about letting things be and then seeing what becomes of them. A realization that many human agendas, although they style themselves noble and of great importance, are actually quite narrow and false - mere pretensions of the ego. It may be just as beautiful to see things fall apart as to strive to build them up. With this degree comes a stirring and stimulating of the subconscious and emotional body, compelled by the forces of evolution that refuse to stay dormant and needs us to acknowledge and allow its movement. As we seek passages through which to move forward, we discover unexpected riches along the way.
The HorseWisdom Illumination
*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium
~ Small Intestine Channel Point 8, Small Sea ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point balances the relationship between sorting and transformation, during threshold experiences when one must evaluate and discern. It accesses and relates to conscious awareness the lessons learned from life experiences so that one can let go and move into a place of more awareness. In this way, one can release trauma and pain from the body in a conscious way. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point provides the awareness and healing of painful experiences. It brings a movement of energy to disintegrate the blocks which have hindered the soul’s ability to fully experience full, grounded embodiment. The gift of embodiment is to fully participate in the process of life. Incarnation in & of itself, serves as a foundation and centre of containment of the soul expression. Small Sea activates the true expression of alchemy between the passionate fire of Masculine forces and the watery sources of the Feminine forces in order to activate and embrace life purpose.
Disharmonies: Confusion; slowed thought processes; having the impression of working hard to earn a living but never enjoying the fruits of labour; sadness; bitterness; failure to be nourished by life experiences in all aspects of being.
The HorseWisdom Initiative
Rocky initiates the journey into 21°Aries MESSENGER OF THE MAGNIFYING NATURE OF HOPE AND BEAUTY
The stamina of high-mindedness magnifies the ability to look beyond negativity and discord into the very essence is what lights the way of encouragement. Anchoring in an openness that receives unusual gifts from unexpected sources. Perception and fostering of what we have been given allows receptivity to what life is continually offering us, so that we may share it with others for the benefit of all.
Genealogy of Rocky
Treble’s Willy Wild
Lord Willing
Back Brook Betony
Sire: Two J Willy’s Warlock
Whispering High Beam
Beamshee JMF
W-A-W Coles Coquette
Whispering High Beam
Beams Royal Bandit
Vervale Royal Ruby
Ramuls Justin
Monarch’s Gipsy
Relational wisdom of Rocky: Bambi, Willow, Rusty