The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle
Buttes Rockwood Remolino
2022 bay stallion
(Buttes Higuera Hechicero x OGO May Rockwood Sparbeau)
The HorseWisdom Invocation
Remolino invites the soul wisdom of SPIRALING (winding in a continuous and gradually widening (or tightening) curve, either around a central point on a flat plane or about an axis so as to form a spherical cone)
The HorseWisdom Invitation
The realization that the nature of the path of life is cyclical, brings about our own reference point up the spiral of unwinding that within us to work our way into the greater existence of moving out beyond to reach into that which awaits us within the stillpoint of the eternal galaxy within and without.
The HorseWisdom Insight
*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple
Remolino’s natal Sun illuminating strength & confidence through alignment with 14°Taurus RETURNING TO CORE
Caught inside a strange predicament--you no longer belong to worlds you always dreamed into before, and you have only a light connection with worlds calling you forward from here. Caught in a time warp, being neither this nor that. It is a stark and merciless dilemma. Your heart is divided between memories and visions, sentiment and knowledge. Inside this quandary, something else is going on. You are distracted from all solid allegiances in order to overhaul your way of being, even while remaining stubbornly adamant and resistant. You get around your own paranoid system by subtle and subliminal means, eroding the ego base and bringing yourself through a humiliating stage. Make yourself ready for deeper challenges ahead by stripping away your self-importance; you who have leaned back hard on self-importance for your very identity, and who now must let go despite not wanting to at all.
There are things in life that magnetize you. Sometimes you don’t even know what they are, but feel compelled to keep going even if the journey could be long and arduous with lots of twists and turns. If you try to deny this urge to seek, you will experience inner discord until you give into it. This degree needs to be free enough of all commitments to follow these inner urges, if you are to fulfill your destiny. This is innocent creativity as a form of play, which can bring about the energy of spiritual regeneration and healing without even knowing that this is being catalyzed through you. This is a means of truly bringing one back to the centre of one’s labyrinth realizing that end results are always inevitable as it is the processes of life that need to be focused on. Sensing our own deepest needs moves us through all twists and turns of ourselves toward our centre.
The HorseWisdom Illumination
*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium
~ Divine Masculine Director Vessel Point 20, Meeting in Grand Unity/One Hundred Convergences ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point embodies the Hermtic Axiom “As Above, So Below”. It is the meeting place of unity with the Creative Force. It is the point of unification where the Creative Force interfaces with the physical body through the seventh energy centre and into the centre channel. It is the reflection that all that is contained in the Cosmos, the Macrocosm, is contained within the individual, the Microcosm. It is where everything from a place of wholeness is directed into the One. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point unleashes a flow of vitality born of creativity and inspiration, serving to energize the full body systems. It serves to reconnect to ancient wisdom from both the spiritual and genetic lineages in order to bring our individual lifestreams into harmony. It restores balance, tranquillity and calm. This flow of energy continues to serve the energetic system of the body through its connection to the seventh energy centre, and from there to the other energy centres, sensory and secondary centres, the central, main and core channels, the Energy Release Channels, the Energy Body and the vertical and horizontal fields. It is through this Energy Release Point and it’s flow of continual energy that magnetizes the effects of prayer, new belief systems and meditation. In addition, this Energy Release Point has the numbers one, three and five connected with it. This is seen as the movement created through the intervals of music in the pentatonic scale. (The basic scale in Chinese culture) Music is a universal language spanning all cultures and ages. The movement of thirds embodies movement within movement itself, therefore speaking to the swiftness and enormity of the movement of spirit and manifestation. The One represents the energy of the ALL descending into physicality, creating the blueprint of an individual life stream. The Three becomes the manifestation of physicality through union of the masculine and feminine energies creating the Being. The Five is representative of the Being in a perfected state, the embodiment of a Divine Soul animated by Spirit.
Disharmonies: Feeling of fragmentation, fragility and overwhelm; weakness; depletion; disconnection from spirit, from purpose, from life; anxiety.
The HorseWisdom Initiative
Remolino initiates the journey into 9°Cancer THE JOY OF UNEXPECTED CHANGE
Here is the truth that change is nothing to fear, that it is, in fact, beautiful in how it offers us a myriad of energies to nurture our soul. To accept changes and joyfully partake of the transformations they bring, attunes us to an approach to life that respects and acknowledges the past and rekindles the spiritual fire within.
Genealogy of Remolino
OGO Sellman Hill & Co (CC)
Buttes Cielo de Noche (Noche)
Sweet Iron Anisette (Annie)
Sire: Buttes Higuera Hechicero (Magic)
OGO Higuera Rio Bravo
Buffalo Horn Desirea (Desi)
Fancy All the Way (Fancy)
Vining Lamar
OGO Primavera Red Oak
OGO Bellota Del Oro
Dam: OGO May Rockwood Sparbeau (Mahari)
Higuera Bandido
OGO Higuera Del LaBandita
South River Kola
Relational wisdom to Remolino: Noble, Magic, Mahari, Desi, Noche, Annie, CC, Fancy, Mahina, Hacienda