The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle
A-One Copperlee’s Phoenix
2004 palomino stallion
(Copperlee x Duplicate Liberty)
The HorseWisdom Invocation
Phoenix activates the soul wisdom of RECOVERING (to find again or regain possession of)
The HorseWisdom Invitation
All the answers we seek, lie deep inside of us waiting to be discovered. We reclaim our wisdom through the process of the discovery.
The HorseWisdom Insight
*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple
Wrapped about in customary trappings. Made to look and act the part superbly. Programmed to do everything on cue. Taking yourself in hand, and subordinating all other factors to ambition, power, and worldly position. In a premeditated, systematic, superorderly fashion, fitting the role. So good at this you fool yourself. The perfect wraparound set-up of simply turning yourself into what everybody needs to see. But because there is so much manipulation and control in it, this can become highly corrupted. It all depends on the motivation. At best, you will become a viable role model for a given set of characteristics of an advanced kind to be embodied perfectly. But at worst, you will deceive and beguile and maneuver so smoothly that nobody will know what you serve, who your master is, and where all this comes from after all.
Inherent here is a want to be admired, and to look good. There are two ways this can manifest: 1) a self-idealization expressed in outer trappings that are put on in an attempt to feel safe and comfortable and socially appropriate, and 2) a continual and persistent identification with the soul’s purity and spiritual aspirations so that everyone you contact is radiated with an elevated energy that disperses the heavy depressive vibrations of this illusory, physical world. Only number 2 will lead to self-fulfillment. With this degree comes an innate realization that sometimes you need to completely let go of an old way of being so that you can be reborn anew. The problem is that old energies from the past and our past existences- if not cleared sufficiently, will come back to limit and oppress you until they are cleared away. And so this process of dying to the old and being reborn may have to happen multiple times until the clearing finally occurs. Once we connect with the ever-present reality of death as a means of gaining new perspective on life, we can look toward something that’s beyond the oppressing involvements of physical existence and into identifying with the higher aspects of our being where we find that life provides us with a place for the light to appear, and it is then we find we become that place and expression of the light.
The HorseWisdom Illumination
*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium
~ Spleen Channel Point 4, Yellow Emperor/Grandparent-Grandchild/Ancestor and Descendent~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point is the only Energy Release Point on the body with a royal name. It speaks to human history that is found in mythology. In this mythology one finds a distant Divine ancestor representing Heaven, as well as a distant ancestor representing Earth. In this respect it serves to unify the light of the Mind of Heaven with the passion of the Heart of Earth. It is to be unselfish, to be open to all and to create and share posterity for the benefit of humanity. This Energy Release Point also is the family name of the mythological Yellow Emperor who ruled China for 100 years from 2697 BC to 2597 BC. It is symbolic of gold, royalty, merit, youth, virginity, happiness and fertility. It is the Yellow Emperor that received ancient wisdom of medicine to help ease the suffering of his people. He taught them to be stewards of the Earth and the Earth in turn would nourish the nation. By tending the Earth and teaching future generations the ability to do the same, the Emperor could be assured that prosperity, stability and abundance would be the birthright of all the descendants of his people. In this way, future generations would continually reap the riches of the harvests and as such this would be the inheritance of the royal treasury. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point empower the unification of generations. It forms a bridge and strengthens the ability to act in accordance to the heart’s passion while strengthening the forces of will. Yellow Emperor combines strength with wisdom and creates hope and optimism for the future generations in order for humanity to continue the journey.
Disharmonies: Dysfunctional comfort seeking behaviour; additions or addictive behaviour; being disheartened and depressed; hopelessness; pessimism and despair; conflict with images of authority; alienation from the past; disconnection with genetic lineage; unconscious wasteful behaviour in regards to environmental issues; disconnection from nature; unconscious exploitative behaviours in regards to nature.
The HorseWisdom Initiative
Phoenix initiates the journey into 14°Aquarius THE ABILITY TO INJECT HOPE & CONFIDENCE INTO SADNESS & FEAR
Coming to a point in the journey where everything you fear, all that you wish to avoid, inevitably happens. Your mind's blind spots call up remedial action. Karmic lessons take over. A probationary path of self-testings and self-torments, Never letting yourself off easy. Determined almost blindly to expose yourself to the worst, you are particularly drawn to work out collective blind spots and missing pieces. Even willing to take them on, to play them through. Preferring to be the villain or the gadfly or the devil's advocate to letting well-enough alone. You feel irresistibly compelled in both self and world to draw everything up to the surface, to bring it all out--to make it visible and tangible. You have the excessive and redemptive eye for the dark side that must be cleared for free passage to become possible ever again.
An odd combination of losing, yet having. Here is the direct knowing and deep sensing that all is ultimately for the purpose of furthering evolution and fostering the way through to reach the destination.
Genealogy of Phoenix
Merry Ethan
Speedramp Walker
Nugget Ann
Sire: Copperlee
Rusty Walker
RG Lynna Lee
Penny Lynn
Merry Ethan
Pine Ethan Walker
Red Princess Walker
Dam: Duplicate Liberty
Keer’s Chief Oak
High & Mighty Candy
Loretta King
Relational wisdom to Phoenix: Eagle, Sadie, August, Bert