The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle


Buttes Mystic Persephone

2018 chestnut mare

(Buttes Cielo de Noche x Buttes Summer Rain)

The HorseWisdom Invocation

Persy activates the soul wisdom of UNENCUMBERING (to be free from burden, without something making it difficult for you)


The HorseWisdom Invitation

Are you feeling stuck?  This feeling is an indication that there is a self imposed limit or barrier that is needing your undivided attention that is seeking your engagement with it to create movement and flow through release which brings about realization.


The HorseWisdom Insight

*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple


The fatal flaw. Knowing with excruciating clarity that you are bearing a character flaw that goes against everything you seek and hunger for. The flaw is that you do not stand firm and back your self up in your own truth. Instead, you pretend that you are a more superficial or easygoing prototype. But you do not get away with it internally. A dark dispute develops inside, subtly poisoning the atmosphere. And somehow, slowly and gradually, despite yourself, you are being hurtled toward an abyss that you cannot avoid--to cross over the abyss, to uproot physically, energetically, and emotionally your claim against yourself, your self-negation. And when this happens, a sober clarity of self-affirmative strength comes right in and proves to be a gift for all your world, worth every ounce of arduous effort to attain.

Part of this degree is finding what is bothering you, as it is impeding your forward motion. In this degree there is always something that you are sensitive to, and a need to locate and understand that sensitivity. Something is wanting to come out of you - so let it. When you try to control any creative action you find that you lose the power of being in the moment and true to yourself. This degree is about giving up control to allow whatever needs to, to flow out of you. This can sometimes be scary to do, and if you pull back in midstream and try to reassert control you will find yourself stuck in an endless loop. Trusting in the deepest layer of your creative urges is the way out of the problem. When we’re able to see the inequalities between the various aspects of our development we become gradually more balanced, and capable of healing our own understanding by removing whatever false beliefs impede both it and our forward movement. As we increasingly let go of control and let out the stories and dramas stored in our pain body we are imbued with an ever fresher and life-affirming vibrancy.

The HorseWisdom Illumination

*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium

~ Gall Bladder Channel Point 23, Attached Tendon/Spirit Light ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point assists the body, especially the limbs to flow smoothly and flexibly by strengthening the muscles and tendons.  These are essential qualities of strength that allow one to be able to move in all directions, free from encumbrances.  It is a functional Energy Release Point in that one can compare its function to that of a well lubricated machine.  A machine which runs smoothly, efficiently and easily in order to complete the task on hand.  Healthy muscles and tendons empower growth and motivation by helping one to stand upright and connected to their path.  As the alternate name Spirit Light suggests, it helps maintain communication with spiritual promptings and intuition of the heart along the driving forces of reason found in the gallbladder.  In this way, it ensures that decisive actions is based on forces that are aligned with wisdom and inner truth.  Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point strengthens the ability to bend and be flexible so that one navigates through life with ease, smoothness and freedom.  It balances intuition and reason so that one respects the needs of the full body system.  It eliminates the phenomena of mind over matter so that one knows when to take positive action and when to pause and listen for the next appropriate step.    

Disharmonies: Inflexibility in mind and/or body; frustration; resentment; paralysis; exhaustion; generalized weakness due to overextension of the will; symptoms of atrophy as the body breaks down. 

~ Stomach Channel Point 34, Beam Mound ~

Virtues: This Energy Release Point helps bring strength, energy and enthusiasm to be involved in the day to day living of life.  It allows one to move into centre, where, through tranquility and calmness, one develops mindfulness.  In the state of mindfulness, perception becomes finely tuned.  It becomes easier to slow down the input of life.  It allows for discernment and enhances the ability to take in what is beneficial for nurturance and nourishment.  A beautiful circle of restoration of vitality and joyful enthusiasm is created: move into centre, find tranquility and calm, develop mindfulness, fine tune perception, recognize joy in the task, move back into centre and continue the cycle.  Beam Mound empowers the ability to transform the mundane and perceived burdens in order to move more freely in life.  Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point assists in releasing the feeling of being encumbered.  It helps one to rise above mundanity to see the bigger picture in life, from a clear vantage point of the elevated perspective of the mound.  In this way one can perceive the path that leads to the manifestation of goals.  As the Essential Self rediscovers its innate vitality through joyful living, the ability to nurture oneself and others evolves in a balanced way. 

Disharmonies: Bitterness and resentment; fatigue and weariness; excessive consumption in an attempt to feel satisfied; dysfunctional relationship to food; over-eating; eating too quickly. 

The HorseWisdom Initiative

Persy initiates the journey into 10°Virgo THE COLLECTING OF NECESSITIES

This is the inner child in you drawn to what it needs. If this child self is allowed to play and explore it will find much that is amazing and of great value. Listen to and trust in your purest impulses. Sensing the healing properties in everything around us, we gather those things together which we are drawn to, for we know there is something we need to take in from them to nourish our own being and advance our evolution. Working to bring things together, we come to see that it is our emotions and inner needs that eventually bring us to what we are here to gather and reveal for advancing our evolution.

Genealogy of Persy

OGO Tejon de Oro Hermoso

OGO Sellman Hill & Co (CC)

Ursula’s Higuera Bandita

Sire: Buttes Cielo de Noche (Noche)

Sweet Iron Morgan 

Sweet Iron Anisette (Annie)

Francis Cinder


A-One Jim Dandy

A-One Duplicate Eagle (Eagle)

Duplicate LadyHawk 

Dam: Buttes Summer Rain (Summer)

Drumsong’s Smoky

RJ Satin Paisley (Paisley) 

BDM Black Satin

Relational wisdom: Summer, Noche, Eagle, Annie, CC