The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle
Buttes Phoenix Rising
2022 black stallion
(Buttes Cielo de Noche x Buttes Sedona Sunrise)
The HorseWisdom Invocation
Nyx activates the soul wisdom of ENTRUSTING (to give someone a thing or duty for which they are responsible for)
The HorseWisdom Invitation
When one is gifted the virtue and responsibility of trust, there comes with it a sense of freedom from that which compelled one to imprison their inherent nature. When trust is deemed virtuous, there is a benevolence that seeks to find one through the requisite relationship to that of attuning to receptivity in any, and all outcomes. It is, in a sense, the truest form of vitality seeking the emergence of creation.
The HorseWisdom Insight
*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple
Purpose gazes right down the middle and sees that the way is clear. The internal adversary lurks under, around, and through things and is supremely doubtful of everything you see and know. This only provokes the purposive one to become higher and mightier, more commanding and domineering--which in turn incites the adversary to more radical sabotage by denying your own worth in a savage fashion. Each side pushes the other over the edge. You are karmically at a crossroads, trying on for size strong selfhood and its inevitable shadow of pervasive doubts and negations. Learning and discovering arduously how to stay with yourself, even while going against oneself. And thereby outlasting the adversary, and proving that one can do the impossible, even when one is one's own fiercest critic and hardest-to-impress audience.
This degree has a sense that answers are all around you, waiting to be had if you can only be receptive and make within yourself an empty space in which to receive this knowledge. Able to manifest a quiet inspiration that can access universal wisdom in a pure form. You have within you the urge to go a long way, if you have to, to receive the precious information you are looking for. This degree seeks meaningful conflict and ultimately the source of all conflict….a desire to find the lair where your fears dwell so they can be confronted directly. A thirst for valiant and glorious quests that will bring real and enduring triumph can happen here by tuning in to those living forces of wisdom within, where we find we are able to use that energy to effect profound changes in this world and to help others open up to higher states of consciousness.
Nyx’s Saturn foundational lessons in discipline & responsibility & messenger Mercury at 19°Aquarius SUDDEN CONFRONTATION THAT RELEASES STUCK ENERGY AND ALLOWS A RE-ATTUNING TO THE HEART
The indomitable spirit of one who has been at this forever and will still be on collective karmic alert to the very end. Purpose hugely takes precedence. Whatever is changing and whatever is staying the same are the two forces you track with and report back to cosmic center upon. You are being driven to the utmost to observe and witness objectively and dispassionately all the decisive and epochal shifts and pressures in the collective mix. Eyes wide open in the dark. Attention riveted to trends and turning points, and yielded up to a long-ago-agreed-to code of recording and evaluating all the relevant data; so that the cosmic forces can determine what is happening way down here and can fine-tune their ways to evolve the situation optimally; so that all concerned can synchronize with the greater ways and be released from anything and everything that runs counter to the bright promise of Earth evolution.
Internal pressures emerge as intense desires. So much is always bubbling up from within, but our karma, our patterns, our structures, keep it down. The fantasies of the past and the future remove us from the present. This degree is about returning back to the present and finding there the energy that is wanting to come forth, which then wears away resistance to the force of evolution. This is a gentle buoyancy in the midst of all harsh or seemingly hopeless realities. This degree brings joy, life and gentleness to what is around you as well as hope for the future. Highly sensitive to, and an encourager of, forward movement and all that is evolutionary. Ultimately this degree is about aligning with the right time to act and to create by attuning to the movements of innate inspiration as you attempt to align actions with cosmic cycles. The goal here is to find a harmonious synthesis through the merging of opposing forces of the world to generate something far greater.
The HorseWisdom Illumination
*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium
~ Small Intestine Channel Point 3, Back Ravine ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point brings the flexibility needed to overcome obstacles which block one from staying on their course. There are many paths to connection to soul purpose and vision, and regardless of which path we choose, the goal is to arrive at the final destination. Back Ravine brings flexibility to the process and assists in the navigation of life. It strengthens inter-dependence and clarity, allowing for the discernment of positive outcomes. It strengthens trust in the Divine plan. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point empowers trust. A trust that comes from the connection to our inner wisdom and intuition. A trust that evolves from the practice of discernment and alignment to Truth. As one re-connects with Soul Purpose, the natural outcome is that the physical body benefits by being nourished from within. Back Ravine builds strong forces of vital energy, by generating the continual flow of trust when walking the path.
Disharmonies: Lack of clarity; untapped forces of masculine forthrightness; lack of vitality.
~ Large Intestine Channel Point 7, Benevolent Warmth ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point empowers the ability to release preconceived notions and judgements that block the ability to trust in the goodness of others. When there is trust, one can cultivate a flowing warmth of benevolence towards others. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release
Point helps one to become warm and personable. It strengthens the knowing that in letting go of past hurts one is allowed a deeper exploration of the feeling life of the emotional body. This Energy Release Point helps to connect with the virtues of gratitude and compassion in regards to past experiences, thereby allowing for the receptivity of warmth to flow gentle benevolence. In this way, the conditions required for creating a positive and optimistic future are supported.
Disharmonies: Cold within the physical, emotional and mental bodies; inflexibility; tendency to perfectionism; self-righteousness; attitude of distaste and aloofness; rigidity of the mind (and body); disdain of others; persecution complex; insecure in relationships; social barriers.
~ Kidney Channel Point 8, Sincerity & Trust/Junction of Faithfulness/Exchange Belief ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point creates the pathway of connection to truth, sincerity and trust. It helps build faith and inner wisdom within self and empowers the ability to trust that communication and exchanges with others will be met with an equal measure of sincerity and truth. This Energy Release Point creates the environment for harmonious exchange where wisdom prevails and the building of security, commitment, strength, integrity, confidence, sincerity and trust flourishes. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point brings peace and harmony to dissolve the fear which hinders the ability to trust in the communication of our truths and to have confidence that these truths will be well received by those around us. It empowers commitment to manifest our purpose in life as communicated by heaven at the point of our conception, as well as strengthening faith in the outcomes.
Disharmonies: Fear; anxiety; lack of confidence; expecting the worst in people and in situations; mistrust of others; betrayal issues.
~ Lung Channel Point 10, Fish Region ~
Virtues: The name of this Energy Release Point is very symbolic of the Piscean Age where the symbol for God is the Fish. There are many references of fish in the New Testament of the Christian Bible - Master Jesus feeding the masses with fish; his followers being fisherman and transforming into ‘fishers of men’ for example. The birthing place and dwelling of fish is water - vast oceans and seas. Symbolic of the water of Essence - the womb of Souls. Fish metaphorically become the representation of Source, which feeds us with Heavenly energy. This energy is pure fiery Essence. It is a fire greater than any fire known. The Alchemy is the transformational union of fire with the watery depths, bringing forth a completely new form by it’s transformational properties. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point breaks us free from stagnation, inertia and emotional coldness by reconnecting our hearts to the Divine Heart. We are thus inspired to find the highest within ourselves so that we may move forward with empowered Self Worth, compassion and purpose.
Disharmonies: Judgmental attitude towards self and others; low self esteem; self criticism; feelings of unworthiness; religious fanaticism; hard-heartedness.
The HorseWisdom Initiative
The refusal of lesser rewards because of the awareness here of greater potential rewards. The ability to let go of things for the purpose of achieving greater freedom. Becoming aware of the vastness of our inner self gives us context from which we can view the way potentials infinitely proliferate and a way to intuitively choose from the vast array of possibilities those energies which we wish to amplify.
Genealogy of Nyx
OGO Tejon de Oro Hermoso
OGO Sellman Hill & Co (CC)
Ursula’s Higuera Bandita
Sire: Buttes Cielo de Noche (Noche)
Sweet Iron Morgan
Sweet Iron Anisette (Annie)
Francis Cinder
A-One Copperlees Phoenix (Phoenix)
Duplicate Liberty
Dam: Buttes Sedona Sunrise (Sadie)
Richwood Bravado
Vintage Bouquet (Scarlett)
Richwood Irish Rose
Relational wisdom to Nyx: CC, Noche, Annie, Phoenix, Sadie, Scarlett, Beau, Stormy