The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle
Krila’s Crescent Moon
1998 chestnut mare
(Ida-Ho Cocao Ron x Gene’s Star Crest )
The HorseWisdom Invocation
Moon activates the soul wisdom of CONTEMPLATING (to consider throughly, fully or deeply, observe or study thoughtfully with continued attention)
The HorseWisdom Invitation
What is it that you have been considering in your relationship to something in your life? Contemplating what has been your experience vs what you want to have as your experience? Where you have been so focused right now is part of an adjustment process that is ‘speaking’ to you from the core of your being. Contemplating what you want in your relationship will give way for you to consider all possible pathways to that destination.
The HorseWisdom Insight
*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple
Moon’s natal messenger Mercury at 9°Gemini THE OLD AND THE NEW REVITALIZING EACH OTHER
Catching a second wind. Taking a booster rocket from one cycle to another, one lifetime to another, one whole stage in evolution to another. Shot out of a cannon to discover the next great thing, you are wildly attentive to signs and portents, looking for a way to the future. Coming out of immense soul experience. With flying colors, leaping forth into the new. Enthusiastic, naive, and impressionable. Eager for a thousand universes to come true. You feel that ultimate springtime quality of fresh immediacy and windblown alacrity, just sensing all through body and soul the possibilities, the openings, what wants to happen next. A destiny-bearer--universal in spirit, and in the right place at the right time for remarkable synchronicities and huge turnarounds.
This degree gives and receives energies that are deeply supportive and uplifting. This is a degree that brings about love, rebirth, joy and meaning, which emerges whenever our aspirations and sense of direction have become worn out, or too cold and removed from the heart. Here is an always moving forward, even in the midst of doubt and lack of support. Withstanding the drag of heavy, opaque illusions, this seems to strengthen your soul, and helps you see through sadness and uncertainty. It’s interesting how all that could be fearful and depressing can actually be appreciated, as long as we recognize its ultimate unreality and refuse to allow it to impede our journey. To simply be ourselves and affirm our life imbues us with a buoyant understanding that frees us from all heaviness and oppression.
The HorseWisdom Illumination
*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium
~ Urinary Bladder Channel Point 52, Floating Reserves of Energy ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point addresses the ability to float upon the current of life. The current of life is likened to streams, lakes and waterways which can be at times tranquil or very dynamic. Regardless of the water surface, great currents of energy abound within its depths. To float on this current, one must be able to remain light and buoyant. This Energy Release Point helps one to sustain joy within the heart by the infusion of buoyancy, courage and optimism. It strengthens the ability to remain in the present moment, flowing with life and navigating changes as they come. It assists with remaining balanced, calm, and heart centred. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point helps one to observe the changes around them, within a space of contemplation and joyful buoyancy. It assists with connecting to the deeper wisdom of the Heart, and replenishing oneself with the reserves of energy found within the depths of streaming currents, so that one can navigate the circumstances which greet us along life’s journey.
Disharmonies: Inflammation in the rear of the knee; inflexibility; lack of movement; heavy heartedness; discouragement; emotional attachments; longing for the past.
~ Kidney Channel Point 22, Walking the Corridor ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point promotes the sense of satisfaction found upon the completion of a stage of the journey. It is in this place that one can evaluate the progress of the journey. To contemplate, to relax and refuel one’s energy before proceeding onwards. It is having arrived at the realization that true joy is the positive effect of having devotion to a purposeful life. Once the realization is made, it is then to discover and receive heavenly inspiration as to the next steps on the forward journey. Fears are transcended and replaced by joy and ebullience. Feelings of renewal and refreshment surge forward. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point replenishes vitality for living. It renews joy, optimism and enthusiasm in the heart. Heavenly inspiration communicates purpose to the Soul and the Heart forces spark passion and positive action.
Disharmonies: Depletion due to the pursuit of happiness resulting in empty pleasures; lack of direction and purpose; being weighed down by mundanity; experiencing exhaustion after a long struggle; slow recovery from illness or injury.
~ Pericardium (Heart Protector) Channel Point 3, Crooked Marsh/ Water Blessing ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point facilitates open-hearted sharing, trust, fortitude and contemplation. It allows one to strengthen the ability to set healthy and appropriate boundaries especially in intimate relationships. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point amplifies the feeling of joy when experiencing intimate connection within a loving setting.
Disharmonies: Inappropriate boundaries; feelings of betrayal; nervousness and anxiety; impulsiveness; lack of joy; projection of past pain in present relationships; heart pain; trembling, contraction, incessant movements or paralysis of hand and arm; fear of meeting people; sadness.
~ Gallbladder Channel Point 44, To Walk From a Place of Inner Light & Stillness ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point gives quality to life and the quality of growth through life experience. The quality is defined as the ability to breath in inspiration and breath out that which doesn’t serve growth and evolution. It is a quality unique to each, it is beauty and simplicity. Empowering simplicity, clarity, focus, inner dignity and value of Individual Essence. This empowerment allows for insight and deep understanding of the dual nature of One’s Being. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point allows one to contemplate the inner self, where one’s essential Light shines and where there is peace and tranquility. It allows us to be receptive to our true nature and move forward to realize our potential and manifest destiny.
Disharmonies: Inflexibility; limited creativity; fear of letting go due to uncertainty as to what is essential and what is extraneous; indecisive; uncertain of life path; anger; self sabotage; resentment; blame of others in regards to not pursing our path; despair; resignation; feelings of “what’s the use?”; regrets’ nightmares; sentences beginning with “I should have…”; insomnia.
The HorseWisdom Initiative
Moon initiates the journey into 15°Virgo TRUST IN THE SUPPORTIVE NATURE OF THE UNIVERSE
Here is a great responsibility that comes with prosperity and the fact that there is so much here to work with. What are you going to do with what you have? If you become intimidated by your own gifts you may try to hold them back, or try to save them up for a rainy day which may never come. Importance here is to remember to use what you have, that you share your wealth of ideas and abilities with others, without allowing questions or doubts to stop you. Do not render your gifts worthless by wasting them on unfulfilling or unrewarding endeavours. Ultimate realization of the endless potentials of the great wealth we possess in connection with our own psychic powers, creates in us a desire to cultivate these gifts to advance both ourselves and others.
Genealogy of Moon
Desiderata Excaliber
Desiderata Alderon
UVM Carolyn
Sire: Ida-Ho Cocoa Ron
Mortana Pat
Ida-Ho Patsy
Star Golds Bess
Montey Vermont
Beckridge Como
Milholm Coronation
Dam: Gene’s Star Crest
Daisy Model
Lady Model
Relational wisdom to Moon: Willow, Sunny, Coalette, Syeda