The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle


Buttes Cuarzo Ahumado

2022 black stallion

(Buttes Cielo de Noche x Buttes Karmic Spirit)

The HorseWisdom Invocation

Maduro activates the soul wisdom of CULTIVATING MASTERY THROUGH MATURITY (to prepare, acquire or develop one’s environment to grow the nature of a skill or knowledge by way of time to ripen into the most advanced level, stage or process for producing a complete or end result of the process)

Cuarzo Ahumado is Spanish for smoky quartz - smoky quartz has been used since ancient times as a gem of direction that posses a masterful energy that enables its bearer to choose the right path; to test the purity of other gemstones; for it’s strong stabilizing Earth energy and grounding properties

The HorseWisdom Invitation 

 What one cannot deny is that which remains found within, when all else is let go.  To be this, is the singular and All encompassing reason of remembrance as to what you have come to enable, and become enabled by, upon this Earth.  For this, when you realize and remain true to, is what you release out into the world as you live your life in recognition of the greatest aspect within that you have brought to give out.  As we gift out the remembrance of who we are, embodying the cultivated gifts found in our full spectrum, our momentum in life gives rise into mastery.

The HorseWisdom Insight

*insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Inside Degrees/Star Sparks & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple

Maduro’s natal Kassandra complex of disbelief around speaking our divine truth at 19°Gemini THE SENSING OF TREASURES HIDDEN EVERYWHERE

Surprises, destiny shocks, stunning events present a way to evolve rapidly for the daring and the wild. Whatever you assume and prepare for, the moment shall be different. Nothing is meant to be straightforward here. You must be kept on the alert, prompted, beguiled, tricked--anything to help you leap off. The biggest trick is to identify consciously with an innocent, youthful, almost hopelessly ingenuous persona and then to magnetize a destiny that would never come to such a basic kind of person. This way, the edge, the tension, the joke is perfectly poised, stretched just far enough to trip you up every time. The greater self finds its ways to get at a little self who wants to hide in safe places, when instead a much larger destiny is in the works--which insists upon knocking at your door, preferably a back door or side door, to jump right in, scare the living daylights out of you, and wake you up for the next scintillating adventure along a vast and unlimited spectrum.

This degree is something that is calling to you, and you will not be at peace until you give it your attention and follow it wherever it calls. The quest here is for that which is truly needed and important. This degree is acutely aware of when and where to speak and of how far to go in attempting to transmit information. This degree connects to the realm of miracles - without even trying to do so. When life is lived with a minimum of expectations marvelous discoveries are made. Beings and energies that are usually hidden try to make contact with you because they sense your kinship and receptivity. Here are spontaneous and surprising encounters with the unexpected, and new and unimagined opportunities arising from them. The noticing and feeling of tinier and tinier things wanting to connect lovingly with you, and finding that you suddenly behold a treasure you’ve been searching for everywhere.

Maduro’s natal Hades power to transform the unconscious potential within our underworld at 10°Cancer INTENSE COMMUNICATION WITH THE PASSION OF OUR SHADOWS AND THE TRUTH AND WISDOM FOUND IN DEFORMITIES AND DISFUNCTION

Great disruption serves long-term continuity. By submitting yourself periodically to excruciating soul ordeals, to severe tests and trials, you make sure that your destiny is self-renewing. You pull in, at these junctures, what is alien or strange or far removed from your own way of being; by suffering the imposition of the dark stranger, you completely shake up all smug structures. Much of your life is keyed into enduring under onslaught, being able to form yourself into one who can encompass absolutely anything. The path indicated is neither chaotic nor random. It is sharply pointed to take on experiences and lessons that are needed and to fully transmute the karmic sequences. You have a core commitment to tackling the hard stuff with a fury of intent that is just enough to make the whole thing work, revealing that you can do the impossible if your will is singular and your inner strength to go the distance is as solid and real as any obstacle, and even more so.

This degree is a revealer of the strangeness of life that helps confronts whatever is being avoided. Here is a rejection of formality and frills which allows the purpose and simple beauty of what is to shine forth. The truth is, that anything which adorns, if it is to truly adorn, must be an enhancement to and augmentation of the spirit. With this degree can come the experience of feeling that something is missing, that there is something you need to be doing, or searching for. You are tuned in to what’s not there, and those places in yourself where you feel inadequate. It’s important to see this as good - something capable of furthering your own evolution rather than carrying it as a burden. You will find your treasure. More and more as we progress, we realize that the treasure we are looking for is within, and knowing that everything is in some way useful and can teach us something empowers our sense of purpose of whatever we are needing to find, we will find.

The HorseWisdom Illumination

*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium

~ Large Intestine Channel Point 8, Lower Side/Lower Aspect/Region Below~

Virtues: This Energy Release Point brings strength and stability to our core, the place where we find balance and harmony, movement and flexibility. It is to stand on the solid ground and stability of Earth. From this support, we can develop our skills, cultivate our knowledge, strengthen our integrity and strive towards mastery in our craft. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point strengthens our centre. It helps with the assimilation, digestion and integration of life experiences and allows for the flow of movement through the release of negativity.

Disharmonies: Experiencing periods of stagnation and apathy; negativity.

~ Large Intestine Channel Point 16, Great Bone ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point has two important aspects within the name - the noun Bone and its adjective Great.  Bones, in and of themselves, are the structure of the body.  They are the foundation of where we have come from.  Within the bones, are the memories of our experiences as well as those of our generic lineage, flowing within the bone marrow.  Our foundation and structure of the bones create the shape of our body.  Within the foundation and structure of the bones - our bone marrow, generic lineage, family, cultural traditions and our values, create the shape of our lives.  Within all this is the Seed Memory of the gift of being created.  The remembrance of the Great Soul Within.  The Soul has great work to do.  It is said that great work requires intensity and Soul passion.  This Energy Release Point calls us to our Mastery.  Mastery assists in the release of that which blocks the cultivation of our gifts.  It empowers the ability to stand tall, with dignity and healthy esteem born of our worthiness.  In this way, the strength required to shoulder our responsibilities flows with ease from the foundation of our bones.  Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point reminds one of the greatness within, our worthiness and the realization of the importance of what we bring to the world. 

Disharmonies: Low self worth; feelings of unimportance; contempt; bitterness; overwhelmed by duties and responsibilities; structural aches in the shoulders and neck. 

~ Divine Feminine Matrix Point 23, Majesty’s Spring ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point speaks to the purity of vitality of a source of fresh spring water, bubbling up in confidence, freshness and clarity. This water springs forth from the Earth and carries within its consciousness, the memories of knowledge, skills and talents derived from the experience of the journey. It empowers the view of perspective and the ability to look at life form all angles. This spring bursts through the Earth as a true embodiment of joy, humbled yet honoured to carry the consciousness of knowledge and wisdom. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point connects us to the Majesty’s Spring source of purity, where we humbly recognize the brilliant sparkle of who we are and allow Light to shine into our crystal depths. It supports us to live our life and step into our majestic mastery so our ability to expand and share our knowledge, skills and talents with others is renewed with a freshness that gives our life meaning.

Disharmonies: Constant seeker; thirsting for more due to our perceived inadequacies; lack of ideas; verbal dryness; loss of voice due to not wanting to be heard; lack of confidence; holding back our potential.

 ~ Gall Bladder Channel Point 42, Earth Five ~

Virtues: This Energy Release Point is a centre point, the expression of all potential. It is the convergence of four directions, and therefore, holds great power of the Creative Force. This power is the ability to realize freedom from a place of strength and centre. It is self empowerment. The number five is a perfect number, it is the expression of the Soul within the physical temple of the human body. It is the Human within the sacred trio of the Divine Masculine (Heaven), the Divine Feminine (Earth) as connected to the heart’s fire and passionate purpose. It is the middle between the number one, a beginning, and the number nine, a completion. It represents the life cycle - a beginning: movement from the spiritual world, into physical manifestation, where one walks the path of Self Realization to the completion. In music, the fifth represents openings, the freedom of expressed creativity, potential and endless possibilities. The number five is fearless adaptation, versatility and activity. Connecting with Soul vision, one strides confidently towards mastery of purpose, emotions and thought. This Energy Release Point is located where five toes meet the Earth. It is the ability to step into Mastery, to release frustration and to connect with the fifth dimension - a vibrational frequency where nothing less than the frequency of joy can exist. Realization of joy and freedom brings higher consciousness within one’s physicality and reality. This higher, fifth dimensional consciousness embodies peace, harmony, joy and love on the Earth plane. Freedom is realized and Heaven on Earth becomes a reality. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point assists in connecting to the I AM Presence within the flames of the Heart. It assists in grounding in Spirit and walking a purpose filled life through positive connection with the Creative Force and Soul Vision.

Disharmonies: Inability to connect with vision; inability to connect with inner hearing; lack of joy; lack of inspiration; physical foot pain; fatigue; over extending to others based on the inability to feel nourished from within; caught in a cycle of over giving without replenishment, depleting the ability to serve and nourish others. Physical manifestation in nursing mothers of insufficient breast milk.


The HorseWisdom Initiative

Maduro initiates the journey into 27°Gemini REALIGNMENT WITH THE RESOURCES OF THE TRUE SELF

Power in knowing that where your focus needs to be placed, and when you put it there, all else tends to fall into place. A deep understanding of your own vulnerabilities through opportunities as the bringer of the hidden elements of cosmic realities that bear the power to support the growth processes of others.

Genealogy of Maduro

OGO Tejon de Oro Hermoso

OGO Sellman Hill & Co (CC)

Ursula’s Higuera Bandita

Sire: Buttes Cielo de Noche (Noche)

Sweet Iron Morgan 

Sweet Iron Anisette (Annie)

Francis Cinder


OGO Tejon de Oro Hermoso

OGO Sellman Hill & Co (CC)

Ursula’s Higuera Bandita

Dam: Buttes Karmic Spirit (Karma)

Primavera Valdez 

Sweet Iron Carmelita (Carmelita)

Francis Cinder

Relational wisdom to Maduro: Raven, CC, Annie, Noche, Carmelita, Karma