The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle
Buttes Flamenco Dancer
2013 chestnut mare
(A-One Duplicate Eagle x Vintage Bouquet)
The HorseWisdom Invocation
Kona invokes the soul wisdom of DANCING (to moves ones body and feet rhythmically, usually inspired by music)
The HorseWisdom Invitation
There is a missing piece of the puzzle that you are on the edge of grasping. This piece is what has both inspired you to seek it and will inspire others by way of your living this piece of the puzzle so as to the feeling the connection this piece brings into your life, in all it's glory. We embody our most creative self when we become and bring into being our inspired action.
The HorseWisdom Insight
*insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Inside Degrees/Star Sparks & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple
Kona’s natal Sedna shamanic powers activating the caretaking spirit of Humanity at 23° Taurus VITAL CENTERING
Burning up with the inner flame of creative activity in the soul realms. The inner life raging with power--an insistent force. A level of attunement to the central flame of your being that will not quit. The impassioned desire to manifest perfectly what lives inside. The alchemical intention to burn away the dross and return to pristine selfhood at long last. An extremely sharply motivated path of development. Difficult to harness, yet the mastery called for is just what you seek to embody, and anything more reasonáble seems easy and lazy. One-pointed drive to strip away all but self and be true to self in a fashion which will burn a hole in the world.
Here is an intensity of character and an extreme strong-mindedness that can evoke all kinds of different reactions in others - the two main ones being fear of affirming who one truly is, or the craving to find and unite with one’s inner fire. The personality of this degree bears a striking, nearly mesmerizing uniqueness that dances and overflows with vitality. It wants to be solely and totally what it is, and so literally cannot compromise, for trying to be anything less than the whole of itself would only dampen and dull its flame. No matter what reactions are directed toward this degree from those outside it, there is a strength of character here that challenges others to manifest who they are with greater power and directness.
Kona’s natal Sun illuminating strength & confidence through alignment with 24°Aries UNRESTRICTED IMPROVISATION THROUGH SELF-POLLINATION
Joy and freedom are perfect companions along the greater way. Joy celebrates existence with a passion and a power and a fervent insistency. Freedom keeps on opening the context to make it more universal, more resonant, and more karma-free. Moving along this way is a creative feast of self-discovery and exploration of the edges. When selfhood is free to improvise and is open-ended, it is an unqualified blessing. You most especially demonstrate and embody a self-generative style and substance that is wildly needed and inspirationally infused into the collective bloodstream. So that we can get on with innovations and limitless worlds, and feel confident that there is somebody there pioneering the bold reaches forward who is too foolish to stop for anything.
With this degree comes a love for moving and being free. Able to think on your feet and great at spontaneous expression, all you need is a supportive context in which to create and experiment in direct, open fashion, and your essence will shine forth, continually surprising both yourself and others. There is no stopping and deciding here, no planning, but instead a streaming forth from the soul, and the power of faithfully moving in sync with self’s inner rhythm - a moving that stays focus and attuned to its own essence where the composer so unites with the song that they are one. Entraining with our primal nature we overflow with the urge to express the landscapes within.
The HorseWisdom Illumination
*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium
~ Large Intestine Channel Point 13, Arm Five Miles/The Working Strength of Five ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point speaks to the powerful strength that is available through honouring the flow and movement of the Universal Laws. The Fifth Universal Principle is the Law of Rhythm. This Universal Principle speaks to the power of being in center in order to facilitate rising about the Law. Center is the place from which all directions and endless potential possibilities flow. The understanding and application of this Universal Principle allows one to tap into great energy and movement and use this energy as resources for the building of stamina. The stamina required to make change. The Fifth Universal Principle states that ALL is Rhythm; everything flows. To receive in the hand, embrace and take action with the arm, then allow the flow of the outcome.
Disharmonies: To have extreme opposites such as: to hold on tightly or to indiscriminately let everything go; to stagnate and be unable to take action or to be overactive leading to overwork and exhaustion.
~ Kidney Channel Point 5, Water Spring ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point unleashes the power of water in all of its forms. Water in the form of an ocean has the qualities of vastness and depth; rapids in the river has dancing vibrancy; a lake has stillness and tranquility; the fog and mist contain cloudy mysteriousness. It is the force and strength of water’s purity which serve to empower and revitalize the flow of life. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point allows for the tapping into the reservoir of Water Spring and empowers the regeneration of body systems, bringing fluidity and flexibility in all aspects of being. In addition, the forms of water and it’s qualities enhance perseverance and strength of Will. The strength of Will allows for a greater ability to break through the illusion of imprisonment and therefore empowers one’s ability to manifest in all aspects of expression. Water Spring supports the flow of potential into the world.
Disharmonies: Lack of will; devitalization; inability to move forward towards goals; inability to flow with life. Physical manifestation of pain below the heart region; difficult urination; menstrual issues.
~ Kidney Channel Point 14, Fullness of Four ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point brings together two very important concepts; the number four as well as fullness broth by abundance and plenty. The number four represents movement. In music, intervals of the fourth were used in sacred music of the church inspiring devotion to God and connection through the gift of the Holy Spirit. Humanity has four limbs to move forward, embrace, give and receive the joys that a purposeful life brings. Movement here implies being moved by the joy of Spirit to embrace doing, living, being through our physical vehicle. Four can also be the number for balance, harmony and bringing practicality to our spiritual visions. Nature also provides the number four with producing the winds of the four directions and resonantly, nature transforms itself cyclically through the movement of time through the four seasons. In this cyclical movement, humanity is in the centre of the experience. The ability to navigate the movement and changes of life from a state of centre is directly related to one’s inner sense of abundance and plenty, as well as being inclusive and generous of nature within grounded practicality. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point connects one to centre and balance, allowing the opportunity to penetrate to the inside of our Essence, nourish and fuel vitality, in order to continue forward motion in the fulfillment of desires from a place of abundance.
Disharmonies: Fear of change; inability to flow with life; fear of lack; miserly or hoarding tendencies; stagnation; inability to serve and give to others. Physical manifestations of bloating; abdominal fullness and distention, gynaecological disorders; fibroids and barrenness.
The HorseWisdom Turning Point Initiative
Kona initiates the journey into 17°Sagittarius REVEALING OF SPIRITUAL LIGHT THROUGH PLAY
Here is the ability to experience sudden and unexpected renewals of self that surprise and bring forth amazing spontaneous impulses that when followed become the joyous expression
Genealogy of Kona
BDM Ellis Doll’s Dandy
A-One Jim Dandy
Duplicate Fieldqueen
Sire: A-One Duplicate Eagle (Eagle)
Darfield Duplicate
Duplicate LadyHawk
Correll’s Folly
Ramona Brave
Richwood Bravado
Richwood Mira
Dam: Vintage Bouquet (Scarlett)
Richwood Irish Rose
Farceurs Inspiration
Relational wisdom to Kona: Scarlett, Eagle, Sadie, Summer, Daisy, Dandy