The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle
Buttes Karmic Spirit
2014 black mare
(OGO Sellman Hill & Co x Sweet Iron Carmelita)
The HorseWisdom Invocation
Karma invokes the soul wisdom of EVOLVING (to change or develop slowly through a process of growth into a better, more complex or advanced state of being)
The HorseWisdom Invitation
You have come here as a change maker. As a catalyst. What you know need not be justified, but instead returned and gifted into the world to bring the secrets from the depths to transform and evolve.
*insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Inside Degrees/Star Sparks & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple
Karma’s natal Pluto transformation through death/rebirth at 13°Capricorn
Use and misuse. Taking advantage of your own beast of burden endurance to get the most out of yourself you possibly can. Extracting productive results from all other factors and fixating upon these. Eventually you get what you put into it. And if there is a self-exploitative or a darkly-abusive side to your way of operating, it generates the karma of aging and death and blight. It becomes crucial to develop, against the grain, compassion and all the gentler feelings. Because if unchecked, the heavy-handed self-demand to make the world work better at all costs will decimate the inner self.
This degree directly contacts the creative spirit. It is listening to inspiration in its purest form, letting go of inhibitions and standing aside to see what will flow out of you for rekindling the mystery of all that enriches life. Inherent here is someone who has served much, and wishes to serve more. You come across as being strikingly real, humble and genuine. A knowing of how everything one does and thinks comes back to oneself as a reflection from the outer world. Seeing possibility of releasing oneself from negative loops in one’s life. Offered a complete impression of how the threads of your existence are woven together that is almost impossible to communicate what you are seeing, and allowing the magic of the present moment to continually carry you forward.
Karma’s natal Neptune divine connection to universal consciousness at 7°Pisces CONFIDENCE IN SPIRITUAL KNOWING
Spirit is well preserved from becoming untrue. It is held within its own matrix, and granted a pure and wonderfully veiled atmosphere and feeling tone and sphere to stay within. From this place spirit can empower itself to be whole, to commune, to remember, and to conceive. You are given what you need, and a specially-granted timing grace to be ushered through the world in a guided tour that leads only to the temples and the marvels that are here. However, all of this happens inside, deep inside. The outside situation may belie the inward experience. But here what seems in the moment is as nothing, and what is really there between the lines and through the cracks is everything. This is a domain set apart for special purposes, projects, and endeavors, and is the perfect retreat for one who wishes to remain in touch with the living spirit, who wishes never to forget what it is that stands under the phenomenal world and keeps the eternal flame burning without a flicker.
There are hidden and secret connections that we all have with a greater reality. Here is an inner spiritual certainty that cannot be shaken, broken or worn away…to never forget the truth you know, and that anything one truly has can never be taken away. There is a feeling in your heart that knowledge is not something that is ever really lost, but something that eternally is. With this degree is a deep understanding that truth is ultimately incapable of corruption, and that even though its manifestations may change, truth itself is a light to be tuned in to and rekindled with each new beholding of it. The message here is that to communicate the faith of Pisces requires clarity of focus and dedication to the light, trusting that whatever you encounter in life is just what you need at that moment in time to grow into the timeless and eternal knowledge inherent here.
The HorseWisdom Illumination
*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium
~ Kidney Channel Point 6, Sea of Reflection & Illumination ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point connects to the depths of the vast ocean of consciousness, the womb of creation, where the Divine Feminine births and generates the potentialities of the Soul. The sea is the Microcosm to the ocean and the individual is the Microcosm to the sea. The individual therefore, is made of consciousness - as generated by the Divine Feminine and made active by the Divine Masculine. The oceans, seas, and water systems move and flow by this dynamic energy. The water itself is a reflection of both aspects of the Creative Force - for it holds depth and moisture of primordial being-ness and yet reflects light and activity of the sun, the moon and the stars as active expression of doing-ness. It is the inner vitality of inner wisdom. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point creates the opportunity to witness the reflection of Soul self brilliance. A brilliance fuelled by illumination and wisdom. By connecting to this brilliance, the mind is illuminated to the unknown nature of the Self, in all aspects - the gifts, the beauty, the fears; all that which is buried. It enables conscious connection, allowing reflection into wisdom and thereby healing and releasing that which hinders the full growth into a Self-Realized Being.
Disharmonies: Fear stemming from Karmic sources; shock; trauma; anxiety; feelings of urgency; easily overwhelmed by life circumstances.
~ Large Intestine Channel Point 11, Crooked Pond and one of the 13 Ghost Points known as Ghost Minister ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point brings nourishment, strength, security, balance, and stability through the reconnection to Divine Mother consciousness as well as Earth Mother energies. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point actively brings one to the state of being held securely in the arms of a mother. A place of safety, warmth and calm. This is especially important as one works through the understanding of Karma - to look at the bigger picture of events, learn the required lesson and invoke forgiveness. Connecting to the Divine Mother and asking for Divine Grace cleanses the body systems of fear and allows for the release of karmic lessons while keeping the jewels of wisdom. Connecting to the Earth Mother strengthens the ability to draw the nutrients from our sources of food in order to be enriched, cared for and nurtured. The ability to intake food and life experiences, digest and process them, restores the balance between intake and elimination. As the alternate name suggests, this Energy Release Point assists in exorcising ghosts from the past, releasing them so that one feels the impetus of forward movement.
Disharmonies: Emptiness; loneliness; abandonment; inability to let go of the past; failure to move forward; no conscious recognition of the Universal Law of Cause and Effect and karmic patterns; stagnation; distress; anxiety; depression; feelings of being out of control; auto-immune disorders; physical manifestation of hives.
~ Urinary Bladder Channel Point 38, Connection to the Richness of the Vital Region ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point connects to the region just below the heart in the physical body. As such, it refers to various vital centres, the concept itself implying to go deep within the most fundamental regions of the body: the secret chamber of the heart where the temple of light is housed, the energetic spaces of alchemy, as well as the gateway of interface between the physical body and the etheric body. This is a very sacred Energy Release Point for it helps open the pathway, allowing for the release of Karmic stagnation. Karmic stagnation is fatalistic for it behaves as poison in the Soul. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point allows for a glimpse of light inside the dark aspects of the Soul, darkness which festers as poison. It brings courage to see what one is now ready to see, so that it can be revealed, explored, healed and released.
Disharmonies: Dark secrets that fester; unexplained feelings of gloom and despair; suicidal thoughts and tendencies; deep depression; unexplained diseases.
~ Urinary Bladder Channel Point 67, Extremity of the Divine Feminine Matrix ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point draws energy through the womb of the Divine Feminine Matrix so that we can connect to the preciousness of our sacredness. It empowers self-worth, self esteem and self confidence to connect to our full potential in order to self realize and attain the ultimate goal. It is the pivotal point of transformation of the Divine Feminine energy into the Divine Masculine energy, thereby facilitating inward movement into the depths of one’s being, simultaneously empowering the outward movement necessary for transformation. It is re-birth on many levels, as it has the ability to create a powerful movement energy that serves to knock one back onto the path of Destiny, should one veer off course. It is a course corrector. In fact, the physical stimulation of this Energy Release Point has the ability on a pregnant woman (the feminine in full flower) to turn a wrongly positioned baby and facilitate labour. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point activates a movement energy that brings to realization that something must change. It is an active energy that prompts the removal of the veil of self deprecation and hesitation, so that one connects to their inner divinity and realizes one’s sacredness and potential. It releases fear this is associated with change so that one is impelled to reach and move through the point of no return. Once achieved, there is no going back. Life moves forward, embracing the now moment with enthusiasm of what the unknown future will bring. It activates the pure raw power of the feminine creative matrix, so that one can reach the summit of perfection and culmination of self realization.
Disharmonies: Overwhelm, caught in a cycle of patterns of abuse; lack of clarity; attachment to busy-ness as a way of escaping.
The HorseWisdom Initiative
Karma initiates the journey into 10°Sagittarius AWARENESS OF THE OPEN INVITATION OFFERED BY COSMIC FORCES
Bedazzled by the lights, intoxicated with the display, amazed and stunned by the spectacle. You are your own audience, your own accompanist, your own shadow-catcher. Prone to excess in all things, in a release of spirits unending. Becoming roles, worlds, ways of presenting self. Taking karmic episodes of the past and replaying them in another variation. Given over to the senses, body-charged, chaotic, and commanding. Taking life through all its shifts and nuances with easy and spectacular capacity, you feel somewhat at the mercy of the shadow that comes back to haunt. Effortless grace and subtle burnout. For there is more than this, and it will not come unless this does consume itself, and makes way for the unknown as the only place to go when the excitement wears off.
You are constantly being invited to embark on journeys and adventures. If you refuse these often they won’t go away but will continue to pursue you wherever you go. The way out of this stress is to give in to the adventure, for it is actually the heart that is calling and the true self that wants to be found. Acceptance of the mystery and unknowable nature of the universe in an embrace of the simple magic of reality.
Genealogy of Karma
Primavera Valdez
OGO Tejon de Oro Hermoso
Woodrose Katrina
Sire: OGO Sellman Hill & Co (CC)
Higuera Bandido
Ursula’s Higuera Bandita
Woodrose Katrina
Primavera Vaquero
Primavera Valdez
Tia Margarita
Dam: Sweet Iron Carmelita (Carmelita)
Francis Blackman
Francis Cinder
Francis Lizita
Relational wisdom to Karma: CC, Carmelita, Surf, Noche, Chief, Ixchel, Raven, Maduro, Zeteo