The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle


Baptiste Ladijans Gold

2003 palomino mare

(Pal-A-Mor’s Golden Sun x Kodiak Lady Alta Walker)

The HorseWisdom Invocation 

Jan activates the soul wisdom of CONSECRATING (to declare a promise to) 


The HorseWisdom Invitation

What direction have you been heading in that no longer feels in alignment with who you are, with your soul's truth?  Consider that what you are experiencing in your life is a wake up call from your soul to rediscover what is most important to the original nature of your being. 


The HorseWisdom Insight

*insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Inside Degrees/Star Sparks & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple


Coming to a point in the journey where everything you fear, all that you wish to avoid, inevitably happens. Your mind's blind spots call up remedial action. Karmic lessons take over. A probationary path of self-testings and self-torments, Never letting yourself off easy. Determined almost blindly to expose yourself to the worst, you are particularly drawn to work out collective blind spots and missing pieces. Even willing to take them on, to play them through. Preferring to be the villain or the gadfly or the devil's advocate to letting well-enough alone. You feel irresistibly compelled in both self and world to draw everything up to the surface, to bring it all out--to make it visible and tangible. You have the excessive and redemptive eye for the dark side that must be cleared for free passage to become possible ever again.

We could become afraid to progress at all, for fear we will make a misstep, but the result of this will be endlessly waiting in the dark. Here is a stepping lightly, carefully and intuitively into your darkest places for the purpose of moving beyond them into your deepest inner sanctum. When danger and fears are met with faith and the belief that we are always spiritually protected, then any passage can be negotiated and an end to it found. This is the overcoming of the burden of memories through being able to contact the energy of their inherent essence, which is always based in love. An odd combination of losing yet having, as things by losing their labels and definitions take on new mystery as they are freed from their former limits.


The HorseWisdom Illumination

*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium

~ Stomach Channel Point 45, Hard Bargain ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point assists in developing flexibility within the quality of reciprocity.  It establishes a functional balance in our ability to give and our ability to receive.  Often times, the ability to reciprocate is based upon the ability of the Self to accept oneself with all of one’s imperfections.  In this case, it is important to release harsh judgemental attitudes towards Self and learn forgiveness.  Through forgiveness, one can more easily accept nourishment from Self and subsequently open up to accept and receive nourishment from others.  Once this is established, the ability to reciprocate in turn is facilitated.  One then finds within a flexibility to life, a flow, an ease and grace.  Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point allows for the flow of nourishment from the essentials derived from life experience.  It empowers the ability to receive that which is substantial.  This activation encompasses the ability to seize the jewels of life experiences in order to realize our potential and to eliminate the non-essential and non-beneficial.  In this way we can build on the elements that serve and enrich us in order to be of service to others.  As one builds generosity and reciprocity, one creates and strengthens the resonant light frequencies within so that buoyancy and lightness in the heart is the natural condition of living. 

Disharmonies: Tendency towards harsh judgment of Self and others; inability to forgive; over consumption of goods; overly materialistic clinging to wealth and possessions; dissatisfaction; addictions to alcohol, seen as a form of drowning our sorrows or addiction to shopping, seen as a way to fill insatiable needs; victim mentality. 

~ Stomach Channel Point 17, Centre of the Breast/Root of the Breast/Root of the Mother ~

Virtues: This Energy Release Point serves to clear dysfunctional emotional boundaries. It brings balance to the emotional life of the inner child who still tends to cling to a childlike dependant state. Centre of the Breast brings the awareness that these dysfunctional emotional boundaries are in co-creation with the mother. In the early stages of life - in the womb, the life of the fetus depended upon nourishment for physical growth and vitality as fed through the umbilicus. The nourishment received through the mother, however, becomes more than just her nutritional intake. Nourishment is also filtered through her thoughts and emotions in addition to the nutrients of the blood. This nourishment cannot help but feed the physical, emotional and mental needs of the developing baby. Once through the birth passage, the baby takes its first breath and receives the spiritual inspiration and re-connection with the Divine Heavenly Essence. Spiritual nourishment then integrates with the Soul Essence and the Physical Body. The baby is then fed at the breast of the mother and learns how to navigate the boundaries of the physical plane of life through the healthy interaction and teachings of the mother. The baby hence learns nurturance to gentle weaning for a secure and healthy sense of Self - growing to a mature functioning adult. It is in accordance to the level of health or dysfunction, in regards to the appropriate sense of boundary and dependency at the breast, that will result in the level of healthy maturation or dysfunction of neediness in the later phases of life. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point brings awareness to behaviour resulting from inappropriate boundaries and insecurities. It empowers positive maturation and the acceptance of adult responsibilities in relation to the healing and integration of the unhealthy childhood identity.

Disharmonies:  Neediness; childlike behaviour and emotional manipulation; insecurity; inappropriate boundaries; co-dependency; possessiveness; control issues; isolation and solitary behaviour.

~ Stomach Channel Point 35, Calf Nose/External Knee Eye/ Eye of the Knee ~

Virtues: This Energy Release Point restores the feelings of support and love, such as the experience of a child within a healthy functioning family. Through a healthy maturation process of embracing both the feminine and masculine aspects of Self, the child grows into a fully functioning adult who is able to face responsibilities as a citizen of the world. This is similar to the healthy maturation of a calf. The growth in the male bull has the qualities of bringing nourishment through slaughter - that is, bringing fertility and gifts through sacrifice. The growth into the female cow brings the qualities of nourishment through non-violence and nurturance. By integrating these two opposites, one learns to distinguish service from servitude and sympathy from compassion. By learning to discern in this way, the ability to trust in the process of life experience becomes joyful and the facility to release perceived burdens becomes easy. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point builds inner fortitude and perseverance to continue carrying both physical and emotional loads with the attitude of enthusiasm. It helps one to face responsibilities by restoring childlike wonder, awe and joy within a healthy functioning adult.

Disharmonies:  Sore tired body; achy knees; lack of enthusiasm for doing and/or serving; sacrificial behaviour; subservience; mistrust of the motives of others; fear; cynicism to life.

The HorseWisdom Initiative


Sometimes what seems to be a flaw, vulnerability or weakness is found to be an illusion, especially when we realize one the most pervasive of metaphysical truths: everything is perfect just the way it is. Accepting of imperfections of which you cannot currently change allows a deeper look into the nature of ‘beauty’, to come to understand how things are put together in order to see into the deepest most hidden aspects. Accepting of who and what one is, together with one’s weaknesses and vulnerabilities can be what finally allows one to see beyond them and into the great number of influences at work in every situation. The realization that distortions or seeming weaknesses bring us into confrontation with issues of what needs to be embraced in order for it to be fully realized from a fulfillment perspective.

Genealogy of  Jan 

Aeolus Walker

Glori-Del Sir John 

Manitou Tessica

Sire: Pal-A-Mor’s Golden Sun

Correll King

Correll’s Mae

Darla May


Speedramp Walker


Julie Bird

Dam: Kodiak Lady Alta Walker

Colonel Speed

Canalta Lady Be Good

Canalta Musie

Relational wisdom to Jan: August, Bert, Eagle, Phoenix