The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle


Buttes Legacy of Ixchel

2019 smoky black mare

(OGO EastWest Coast x Buttes Karmic Spirit)

The HorseWisdom Invocation

Ixchel invokes the soul wisdom of HARMONIZING (the joining, blending or bringing together of different parts to create something in tune)

The HorseWisdom Invitation 

You have created the space to find balance and harmony.  What enlivens you is what brings you into balance.  When we embody what enlivens us, we are like a composer who can see and feel what is needed to create greater harmony.

Ixchel is the Mayan Rainbow Jaguar goddess of love, named as the Divine Feminine (Ix) and Chel (rainbow, of the light); also known as Keeper of the Bones, Goddess of Becoming (Maiden, Mother, Crone).


The HorseWisdom Insight

*insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Inside Degrees/Star Sparks & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple


Feminine power of the deepest kind. Ancient, impressive, and formidable. Standing for the Dark Goddess. Authoritative, proud, and knowledgeable. Can be attracted to pouring on the power and becoming personally identified with dominant behaviors. Lack of compassion, very little forgiveness. Not generous-spirited. Imperious, demanding, and not to be denied. If sparked by wakeful seeing--redemptive and cauterizingly renewing. But if captured by old pictures--autocratic, ideological, and retaliatory. The perfect soul-gift for those with pure intention. Otherwise, a scourge.

This degree is about fusing compassion and forgiveness with innate potency of power found in the cycles of death and rebirth. This degree symbolizes the goddess Kali, a dark angel who helps us to befriend all the hidden and lost pieces of ourselves. Until her tests are met we cannot fully attune to the sacred hierarchies of limitations, priorities and processes of finding one’s way towards pure consciousness which is union with God. Here if the focus is on seeking power and denying the fears inside which need to be released, there will only be a perpetuating of old karmas. This degree is a rising above such ego impulses to access the tremendous ability to deeply heal and clear your own being as well as to be a catalyzing force which helps others do the same. Through natural spontaneous direct manner is found the ability to tune into the wavelength of pure, natural beauty that gives voice to that which feeds others, strengthens their souls and promotes deep healing. This is the direct experience of how the vast cycles of our deaths and births assist us in shedding all that stands between us and the light.

Ixchel’s natal Sun illuminating strength & confidence through alignment with 6°Taurus THE POWER OF LOVE EXPRESSED AS ASSURED ACTION BASED ON INSTINCT

The heart feels everything. It burns with a fever. Inside the burning something marvelous is forming. Grace permits the realization of the heart's desires. You become a vessel to demonstrate, to share the beauty, the love, and the light. Yet all of this is implicit, is inherent, is inward. It is not seen by outer eyes. You are warming through slowly, contemplatively, those qualities of soul that are best entered upon free from reflection. The inner life is rich beyond measure with seeds which will be fertilized and are given forth in the fullness of time, with a consummate touch of having been through the fire to attain what is true and lasting.

This degree contains the ability to make difficult connection through ingenuity and flexibility, and has the courage to bridge great gaps that separate you from others. With the simplest of means comes the improving all sorts of situations. Here is the ability to know how to do many things that you were never taught, but that you carry with you from other lifetimes. To access these you need to be non-judgemental and willing to go beyond rational thought. Here it is about being your own authority and not talking yourself out of your creative impulses, and then your greatest gifts will bloom. Love reaches out to give of itself, yet is the most powerful of all defences. Soft and receptive, hard and enduring; this degree contains these opposites and expresses the truth that love is the perfect healer.


The HorseWisdom Illumination

*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium

~ Urinary Bladder Channel Point 41, Diaphragm Border ~

Virtues: This Energy Release Point assists in stabilizing and harmonizing movement created through the release of emotions. The diaphragm is a network muscle which supports the lungs. It allows for the movement of inspiration and exhalation, providing stability and fluidity. It is a constant calming force. It serves as a pivotal transformational point so that vitality, flexible force and calming strength serve to harmonize with the lungs and heart centre, to assist in the navigation through the changes life brings. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point helps harmonize the movement necessary to move through transformation brought on by life experience. It allows a fluidity to the release of emotion while creating vitality and enthusiasm for the life experience.

Disharmonies: Feelings of being stuck and un-motivated; weakness; inability to catch one’s breath; inability to breath in inspiration and release the unnecessary; anxiety and fear.

~ Triple Warmer Channel Point 2, The Gateway of Outer Harmony ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point is the gateway of harmonization between our inner world and our outer world.  This gateway connects with the ninth part of both our vertical and horizontal, masculine and feminine energy fields.  This ninth part of the field is called the Environmental Part and governs what the Ego (physical consciousness) needs to learn in order to feel its surroundings as well as the energies of the environment.  From its perceptions it learns to discern what is beneficial or not beneficial for itself.  It is this discernment that assists in the appropriate response.  This principle also applies to the environment inside the physical body where imbalances can manifest.  These manifestations can be attracted through thoughts, emotions and beliefs.  This Energy Release Point is a transformational gateway allowing for the releasing, balancing and harmonizing of the environment.  Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point ensures that the gateway is moving easily so that joy, love, sharing and companionship flow both inwardly and outwardly.  The world as well as life’s experiences fill us with awe, the beauty fills us with wonderment and peace.  It allows for discernment and clarity; therefore a support for the True Self.  Once we allow this connection to our core, we can feel the depth of our Essence and trust that through healthy relationships (with self and with others) the beautiful Soul nature may be shared with the World.

Disharmonies: Aloofness; withdrawal; isolation; over-sensitivity to the environment; compromised immunity; compromised integrity.   

~ Triple Warmer Channel Point 5, Outer Frontier Gate ~

Virtues: As this is a gate Energy Release Point, it speaks to the importance of harmony between the known inner realms and the unknown outer realms. In order for one to safely navigate the unknown, the feelings of security, safety and connection to inner truth needs to be firmly established within so the it may translate with confidence one feels to embrace living life and participating in the social network. To feel joy in the companionship with others is energizing for the Soul. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point allows for discernment of who we extend ourselves to and with whom we do not in accordance with our highest good and well being.

Disharmonies: To erect barriers towards others; to have dysfunctional boundaries within relationships; social alienation; avoidance of intimacy; embarrassment; feelings of shame; low vitality; premature aging; compromised immunity; extreme fluctuations in temperatures within the body. (for example Reynaud’s syndrome, hot flashes)

The HorseWisdom Initiative


Use and misuse. Taking advantage of your own beast of burden endurance to get the most out of yourself you possibly can. Extracting productive results from all other factors and fixating upon these. Eventually you get what you put into it. And if there is a self-exploitative or a darkly-abusive side to your way of operating, it generates the karma of aging and death and blight. It becomes crucial to develop, against the grain, compassion and all the gentler feelings. Because if unchecked, the heavy-handed self-demand to make the world work better at all costs will decimate the inner self.

Direct contact with the creative spirit. Listening to inspiration in its purest form. Turning off of the mind, letting go of inhibitions and standing aside to see what will flow out of you. There’s something intensely pure about this. It is a potent force for enriching life and rekindling its mystery. Allowing the magic of the present moment to continually carry you forward.

Genealogy of Ixchel

Primavera Valdez

OGO Tejon de Oro Hermoso

Woodrose Katrina

Sire: OGO EastWest Coast (Coast)

MEMC Tequila Cuervo

CFF Texas Tea

Kelly’s Blackfire


OGO Tejon de Oro Hermoso

OGO Sellman Hill & Co (CC)

Ursula’s Higuera Bandita

Dam: Buttes Karmic Spirit (Karma)

Primavera Valdez 

SweetIron Carmelita (Carmelita)

Francis Cinder

Relational wisdom to Ixchel: Coast, CC, Carmelita, Annie, Karma, Surf, Raven, Maduro, Zeteo