The HorseWisdom Revelations Oracle


Buttes Huma Bird

2019 bay mare

(Buttes Chief Spar x Buttes Vintage Daisyfield)

The HorseWisdom Invocation

Huma invokes the soul wisdom of SURRENDERING (letting go of resistance towards, giving over to)

The HorseWisdom Invitation 

Transcendence is the embodiment of the learning and the process, surrendering to the higher destiny that has been awaiting your arrival.  What is occurring in your life right now is a culmination and completion of a cycle.  The truths that you have uncovered through the process of this cycle, if honoured, will indeed set you free. 


The HorseWisdom Insight

* astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandback’s The Circular Temple

Huma’s natal Kassandra complex of disbelief around speaking your divine truth at 26°Scorpio THE ABILITY TO INSTINCTIVELY NURTURE AND TO KNOW WHAT OTHERS NEED

Bearing within you something vast and wild and true. Your instincts given over to this seed. What can be must be impels sacrifice and renunciation. Being held in the grip of vast, primordial forces. Taken over by depths that forge new worlds into being. Stunned into submission. Unconsciously obsessed with something that lives within you and cannot be forgotten. Supercharged with energy. In tune with the Earth's cycles. Everything happening in a magnified and hypnotic atmosphere. The hidden worlds take charge. Individuality is eclipsed, and the surge of power dominates consciousness and life by its intensity and ruthless current right through the body, and there is nothing to say about it.

This degree is about complete immersion in order to come to deep understanding through having experienced the polarities at work. It is spiritual connection even in the midst of separateness. This degree may have been denied nurturing in early life and thus may seek it from nature in a wilder, purer form but have found a way to become the giver and receiver in ways that are unusual, unexpected but potent for all involved. The key here is allowing the intuitive self to attain ascendancy. The ego giving in to the softer more feminine nurturing aspects of the self. Realizing the value of giving up something to gain something more important for all. When we ourselves become light nothing else that is truly of value ever seems like a burden.

Huma’s natal Sun illuminating strength & confidence through alignment with 10°Gemini NEW AND STARTLING PERCEPTIONS

Blows of fate. Acts of God. Abrupt awakenings to what was suspected but naively denied. You become drastically aware of all that was hidden, and jump to conclusions. The gathering of events to prove a point, to generate a change, to draw it all out. Curiosity, probing. Yet as well, casual oblivion and riding high in euphoric assumptions. Setting yourself up for turnarounds, epiphanies, metanoia. The leap over the edge into the dark from the light that reveals the other side of life can generate cynicism and negative feedback loops, by the implication that behind every shining wonder there lies its reverse shadow image. The mind proving itself right and falling down its own hole.

Here is a most potent urge to rise above the ordinary to seek the freedom and space of the whole universe. And even though it’s the air that helps you rise to such heights the goal is to get beyond the air, which is the very thing preventing you from seeing the stars. This degree bears within it the magic of seeking beyond logic and reason. Finding solutions to problems within the problems themselves through ascending to a place of spiritual power, enables us to see things more clearly for what they really are.

Huma’s natal Jupiter faith & benevolent expansion at 19°Sagittarius OVERCOMING THE FEAR OF THAT WHICH IS HIDDEN BY APPROACHING IT SOFTLY & SENSITIVELY

 Poisons, toxins, the refuse of what is incomplete create a stink and a sensation. It is horrible to be rotting away in the wrong place at the wrong time. And it is worse for everybody to know it and nobody to be able to do anything about it. Each and every inward distortion magnifies itself and takes over the situation. You are getting a great chance to behold every old syndrome played back everywhere. And if you can forgive and move on, all of it will be more than worth it, no matter how sickening it felt at the time.

Inherent here are continuous revelations concerning things which have been taken for granted or overlooked. This degree wants to let everything be what it’s going to be through a desire to not impose the biases of self onto the world, so that the world is free to go its own way. Here is found a place of refuge and safety, especially for those things which are vulnerable to destructive influences. This brings to the surface in a safe way those vulnerabilities that are hidden in the depts of the self. It is only our fears that turn these vulnerabilities into monsters and it is the sensitivity to the process of transformation that brings up and out whatever needs to come to the surface, which reveals the power of what is to be protected as that which is most fragile and vulnerable within.

The HorseWisdom Illumination

*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium

~ Small Intestine Channel Point 11, Celestial Gathering/Heavenly Assembly of the Ancestors ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point has strong roots in creation mythologies.  Physically this point is located on the scapula - the shoulder blade; where one can visualise the unfurling of angel wings.  All of humanity shares creation mythology - one creation with many variants of the story.  The basis of these myths is the common thread that we were once ONE with the Creator - The ALL - the Universal Source - the Creative Force.  The Creator set about the task of creation of the world over a span of time.  In this time, the polarities of which we are all familiar were created.  The sky separated from the Earth, the clouds separated from the oceans, light separated from darkness, humanity separated from the vastness of the ALL and man created separation from woman.  These creations of polarity not only manifested in the physical world, but also represent an event in the Universal Mind.  That is: Heart separated from Mind - the universal to the individual and the  macrocosm to the microcosm.  All this is done with the goal to create individual consciousness and make the development of the EGO SELF possible.  By unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point, we are reminded that we are part of a wholeness; the Creative Force; the ALL - although separate by nature of our individual physicality.  This realisation in itself brings a state of mental repose and tranquillity.  Unblocking and activating this point brings about a state of calmness.  Through inner tranquillity, realisation comes that one is not alone in human suffering.  It is this perception and awareness that humanity has a shared experience and therefore, resolving our own dilemmas drawn from the wisdom of those who have gone before us is facilitated.  Depth of insight brings understanding, peace and inspiration.  Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point also allows for insight into the wisdom of our elders - our lineage, and those who have passed.  Acknowledging and honouring the past, as well as that of our lineage, followed by integration of the jewels of learning, brings greater fulfilment and abundance within our co-creative acts as we move through life.  Connecting to our ancestry allows us to open and to be guided by innate wisdom which may present as dreams.  These dreams help us access the vision of our Soul, as well as the dreams of the Ancestor Consciousness, and make peace with being human, accept our limitations and our inability to completely know and comprehend life.   Thus, to surrender. 

Disharmonies: Separation anxiety; feelings of malaise; inability to let go; control issues; overwhelm and disorganization; feelings of separation from family; alienation. 

 ~ Stomach Channel Point 42, Meet & Surrender ~

Virtues: This Energy Release Point allows one to find balanced strength. It is to connect with clarity to the knowledge of when to surrender. The act of surrendering is an act of strength. It takes strength and courage for the personality to release negative ego, for negative ego wishes to battle through on its continual impulse to seek, dominate and control. Through Meet & Surrender, the personality finds connection with the Higher Self and is impelled to shift forward in its evolution towards wholeness. It releases the need to exert will forces on Self and on others. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point assists one to find equanimity with Self and others. It provides the courage to shift and make changes directed from within. It brings forward realizations that true freedom is found when conditions to living are released and barriers to the Higher Self are dissolved through the qualities of grace and forgiveness. Meet and Surrender brings forward the positive attributes of surrender. It provides balance, stability and centre as one flows into wholeness and completion.

Disharmonies: Over-striving without mindfulness to the needs of the body; forcing one’s will onto others; desire to be in control and dominate; intolerant to the individuality of others.

~ Lung Channel Point 9, Great Abyss/Great Spring/one of the 13 Ghost Points, Ghost Origin ~  

Virtues: This Energy Release Point inspires the movement of creation and connects one to the place between Heaven and Earth. The place where ideas are formed. It brings one back to The Origin, the source of all creation. It connects one to the Universal Principle that ALL is rhythm, and by so doing, empowers rhythmic movement in our Being. We are a reflection of the macrocosm; the rhythmic pulse of the Universe. Through this connection, the ability to feel gratitude and abundance is strengthened. As one connects with joy, one realizes that Heaven is a state of vibration within our perception and therefore, our source of nourishment and light for the Body and Soul. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point opens us up to the miracle of the gift of conception - of life itself. Father is viewed as Heaven giving the Soul Essence inspiration and luminosity. Mother is viewed as Earth nourishing the body through food and nutrients. These elements of both Father/Mother/Creative Force untie and integrate in each and every ‘now’ moment. As the name Ghost Origin, this Energy Release Point releases possessive energies by surrendering all that is not authentic into the VOID, restoring connection to our authentic self.

The HorseWisdom Initiative


It is so hard to give up your fondest notions. It is so testing and trying to be asked by universal spirit to surrender your privileges, to renounce your claim upon your own life. And it is even an extreme act of self-transcendence to come to terms with the position you find yourself in as it really is. Ego-busting comes as a rude shock, even when the time is at hand to leap beyond your own shadow. The very idea draws out to the surface every resistance imaginable. The mind goes crazy with this edge. If only you could control it, manipulate it, relativize it. But excruciating self-awareness accompanies this edge--in particular no sentimentality towards your own excuses and reasons. For you are at that point where there is no place to hide and nothing to do except surrender gracefully, when you have exhausted every other option and found them to be null and void.

The type of security we seek in life is a reflection of our fears and the pain we have suffered. Here is the awareness of energetic distortions caused by past traumas and unresolved karma and the knowledge that simple, loving awareness of these can actually draw them to the surface of reality to become clear. This degree serves a purpose informing us of the instability of our foundation, and of how it can be righted to make it into something grounded - something we can depend on and which will foster our evolution. When we take time to stop and look deeply into something, we see beyond its normal lineaments into its deepest uniqueness. As we come to perceive the incongruities of our world we come closer to perceiving the hidden forces at work all around us, and the recognition of distortion that impels us to take care of those precious things we have so that their power is righted and reinforced in a meaningful, balanced way.

Genealogy of  Huma

OGO Tejon de Oro Hermoso

OGO Sellman Hill & Co (CC)

Ursula’s Higuera Bandita

Sire: Buttes Chief Spar (Chief)

Vining Lamar

Fancy All the Way (Fancy)

Sunny Delite 


A-One Jim Dandy 

A-One Duplicate Eagle (Eagle) 

Duplicate LadyHawk 

Dam: Buttes Vintage Daisyfield (Daisy)

A-One Copperlees Phoenix (Phoenix)

Buttes Sedona Sunrise (Sadie) 

Vintage Bouquet (Scarlett)

Relational wisdom to Huma: Daisy, Chief, Fancy, CC, Sadie, Eagle, Phoenix, Scarlett