The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle
OGO W R Hacienda Butte
2023 palomino stallion
(Buttes Ceilo de Noche x OGO May Rockwood Sparbeau)
The HorseWisdom Invocation
Hacienda invokes the soul wisdom of DWELLING (to live in a particular place or feeling) from the word ‘hacer’, meaning to make.
The full expression of Hacienda’s soul wisdom is to make a dwelling place within, or to make oneself a dwelling place of a particular feeling.
The HorseWisdom Invitation
When we come into the certainty that is always reaching deep and drawing forth from within the well spring of the source of what it is we give, we know that we have created this place within ourselves for which to hold the makings of all that we are.
The HorseWisdom Insight
* astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandback’s The Circular Temple
Hacienda’s natal Jupiter faith & benevolent expansion at 22°Aries ALLOWING THE EMERGENCE OF HIDDEN FORCES
The inner worlds can be just as animated, as fully fleshed out, as vivid and vibrant as any outer world could ever hope to match. There are vast kingdoms to explore on the inner. It is all a matter of motivation: if you seek for inward substantiation, you will get it to infinity and beyond. Here you get what you ask for. Everything snowballs. It tests you mightily, in that everything inside comes out. A wish like magic becomes embodied. Being so fertile and ingenious is one of the most demanding possible arenas to put yourself in. Most difficult of all is that if you fear or dread, resist or deny, these too have full power to play themselves out all the way. The inner life becomes the place where everything's happening, and where you must cultivate your highest and your best, or else be treated to the validation and proof of whatever you put in there coming out again amplified, magnified, completely full-on.
We invent forms which we bring to life with our imagination. It is a way of encountering ourselves, meeting our depths, and especially of contacting our pain-body and releasing its traumas, so that we can become even more alive. To master this art requires love, innocence, receptivity to magic and the need to choose or invent a new way when the way one is going gets lost. The path forward is found by means of an inner, intuitive sensing of direction. From the awareness that we need not resist change is born a desire to be free of mechanical and unconscious ways of being, so that we may experience the fullness of our relationship to the universe.
Hacienda’s PreNatal Lunar Eclipse soul lesson at 15°Taurus HOLDING ONE’S CENTER IN THE MIDST OF TRANSFORMATION
Love penetrates all barriers. It arises the greatest wherever it most profoundly needed. And it is perpetually astonishing in its fullness, its rich sustaining power. Love is also held in a grieving and a mourning for what was and is no longer and sometimes love becomes enrapt in a twilight mood, and can no longer see through the sentiments and the attachments to touch the limitless source of love--staying attuned to that place. Love can be a rocky ride. It pulls in great lessons. It feels too much. And love is wedded to death, which it sometimes wishes to divorce itself from. Love is a limitless doorway and discovers how to navigate all the realms it is called into fluently, willingly, and gladly, stripping away all the ideas about what it should look like and how everything needs to be to gratify and appease and make secure when love needs none of these things to endure.
You are a highly receptive being and are learning in this lifetime how to let the negativity that you accumulate be burned away by the fires of your love. Letting go of the past and acknowledging the enduring connection to love, we are able to engage with our emotional self more directly and vitally and we become receptive to whatever deep and profound communion with self and others which is continually coming to all of us, if we open ourselves to it. The secret of this degree is that through losing what we have again and again we come to learn what it is we truly have, which is who we truly are - eternal beings. The communication of love can heal sadness and help us to put aside our defences so that we may engage in a complete and intimate communion.
The HorseWisdom Illumination
*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium
~ Stomach Channel Point 11, Spirit Cottage/Abode of Qi/ Qi Residence ~
Virtues: The Energy Release Channel of the Stomach is considered to correspond to the energy of Earth Mother and its qualities of nurturance, security and stability. This Energy Release Point represents the elements of home, beginning with Spirit moving from the lofty heavenly aspect of the world of Ether to ground into the physical body through the nurturing mother aspect, we see Spirit moving from the spiritual realms of glory, in to the simplicity of the cottage dwelling. Spirit transforms itself from the point of Light within the mind of the Universal ALL to the point of Light within the mind of humanity. Movement from the realm of Palaces to the realm of mind/thought within the realm of the Cottage. The Cottage, in its simplistic sense, is a place to live, rest, stop or find shelter - much as the Earth itself is home to our humanity. It is a place where we embody in physicality and receive nourishment and comfort. Spirit Cottage is an Energy Release Point which balances and integrates the welcoming in of Spirit into the body. It nourishes both the physical and spiritual aspects of our being so that our mind creates and our actions manifest our creations from a heart, love and spiritual base. Therefore, our ability to fulfill our desires and find contentment, stability and peace throughout our life’s journey is dependent upon the integrity of alignment of heart/mind (spirit/physical) and our ability to feel at home in wholeness and completeness in any circumstance or situation in which find ourselves. Our outward life of centre, security and stability is a direct reflection of our ability to be comfortable, secure and centred within ourselves. This Energy Release Point nourishes communication between our minds and our hearts so that we feel secure and centred in all aspects of our Being.
~ Spleen Channel Point 19, Chest Village/ Chest (Heart) Home ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point opens up to the love and compassion of the heart. It empowers the ability to joyfully walk through life. This Energy Release Point is deeply connected to one’s relationship to mother and the feminine aspects within all of us. Its location is on the chest, the place where one first bonds with the scent, feel and touch of mother outside of the womb. This is a place where one receives milk and comforting care, connects to the beating of the heart and breathes in heavenly inspiration through the lungs. Chest Village speaks to the birthplace, our special home, nurtured by mother. It is the safe haven where the body connects with the Soul to unearth the passion of potential and the Cord of Life in order to fully participate in life. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point connects us to our home, the true home found within our heart of inner truth and wisdom. It allows one to feel empathy for the human condition and move into unconditional love.
~ Divine Feminine Matrix Conception Vessel 17, Centre of the Inner Storehouse of Light ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point accesses the palace of the Heart where the temple of Heaven is found. Within this temple, one moves deeper into one’s spiritual potential and finds peace, joy and connection with cosmic love. It allows for the embracement of life with greater sensitivity to the needs of others and the Self. It strengthens the ability to Self Love. It brings tenderness to allows compassionate action from a place of safety and protection. Protection and safety because the temple of Heaven is within the centre of the storehouse of Light. Light of the I AM, Light of Essence, which is more powerful than any shadow. The Storehourse of Light is further guarded by the palace of the Heart. It is a place of sincerity, purity and illumination of wisdom. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point unveils the brilliance of the eternal threefold flame so that is may radiate and re-invigorate the entire body in order that one may fully experience the embodiment of love and be love. When one realizes that one is Loves, one can. manifest love in action in the performance of service to humanity from a place of devotion, seeing the divinity in all.
*this is also known as the 4th Chakra, aka the Heart Chakra, point. Additionally, it is known as the ‘influential point of qi’ and the alarm point for the pericardium (heart protector) meridian. This point is often used for conditions affecting the lungs and heart, and has a hormonal effect due to its relationship to the pericardium meridian. (
The HorseWisdom Initiative
Hacienda initiates the journey into 12°Gemini WEALTH OF RESOURCES
Outrageous infinities of riches to share. Accessing these in stages. Always having more than enough and then still having more again. Good fortune. Prosperity--outside and in. You bear gifts and talents, treasures and marvels. Multidimensional, simultaneous, celebratory. Expanding to meet the need. Tapping the universal supply, in touch with the boundlessness of existence. All of this comes so naturally and effortlessly to you that the challenge is to value it, to honor it, to realize what is happening. Being this way is so fertile with promise and hope that it can dissipate into schemes, or it can come back to life as the real thing, of your being granted the orchestrator/coordinator/mediator gift, being offered by spirit whatever you need to open up futures and expand possibilities wherever you go.
We draw to us that which will satisfy our needs, and as become aware that when we value and recognize the tremendous prosperity at hand we become able to share the wealth inspiring others through awakening them to their own ability to connect to the infinite abundance found through an open heart.
Genealogy of Hacienda
OGO Tejon de Oro Hermoso
OGO Sellman Hill & Co (CC)
Ursula’s Higuera Bandida
Sire: Buttes Ceilo de Noche (Noche)
Sweet Iron Morgan
Sweet Iron Anisette (Annie)
Francis Cinder
Vining Lamar
OGO Primavera Red Oak
OGO Bellota Del Oro
Dam: OGO May Rockwood Sparbeau (Mahari)
Higuera Bandido
OGO Higuera de laBandita
South River Kohla
Relational wisdom to Hacienda: Noche, Mahari, Annie, CC, Fancy, Mahina, Remolino