The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle
Fancy All the Way
2003 chestnut mare
(Vining Lamar x Sunny Delite)
Fancy invokes the soul wisdom of INQUIRING (to question or seek for new information)
When you find yourself at a crossroads, take a pause and tune into the threshold feeling. Your curiosity and perceptive state of inquiry will become your greatest guide. Inquiry releases us from investment in the outcome, as it opens us up to receive direction.
* astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandback’s The Circular Temple
Fancy’s PreNatal Lunar Eclipse soul lesson at 23°Scorpio THE VALUE & PROTECTING OF BEAUTY IN ALL ITS MANY FORMS
The inside of things takes charge when the ego-self is out of the picture and we are free to go with our fancy. The outer side of things becomes purely symbolic, just one way to do it. When the formative soul has its way, the world is recreated in a different image. Eliminating the usual mental considerations, the formative soul sticks to how things feel inside, and pushes for a world that matches the inner pictures. Becoming bound up with subtle and hidden layers of existence and tuned out of what is obvious and straightforward. Deeply driven to move out beyond the known into other realities. A resourcefulness that knows no bounds. Able to turn anything back into what it was meant to be. In the process, you crack through every kind of consensus agreement, becoming an outlaw, fused with core existence and drawing the energy out of empty forms into what is here. When you can feel the magic and know it is real, it is the touchstone to make it all real again.
The intention here is on protecting that which you feel is of value…for that which is protected is not just for the self but, ultimately, for the world.
Darkness calls to those who have been surfeited with too much compromise and too unbearable a load of suffering. There are regions of the dark to live out parts of self or all of self for a time. And inside the darkness, an immense power of what is here in the Earth and still raging can be felt and harnessed. You are imaginatively and inwardly pulled toward the great extremes--not able to go on in any usual way. But you ultimately fathom the mysteries and the depths, by exploring all that is there and finding in the end that all is sacred, all is beautiful, and all is integral to the fiber of existence.
Until we can awaken those areas of ourselves that need healing we exist in a state of suspension…the fact is, what we run away from we give power to, whereas what we are willing to completely own and accept eventually loses its negative charge and becomes integrated into our being.
*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from Michelle Marie Gervais Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium
~ Divine Masculine Director Channel Governing Vessel Point 19, Posterior Summit/Behind the Vertex ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point speaks to an intersection point where something (ideas, groups, events) meet up. As a point of intersection, there can be chaos and clashing confusion. This Energy Release Point connects to energy which serves to harmonize consciousness so that there can be flexibility and receptivity. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point allows for the expression of emotion so that discordant energy can be diffused. It promotes clear communication which is emotionally balanced so that ideas can be nourished. It promotes strategy for harmonious living, enriching feelings of contentment that one has spoken, has been listened to, and is now calm. In this state, life goals and plans can forge ahead in a renewed harmonious state and the sense of peace and order is restored.
Disharmonies: Anger; discontent; stagnation and withdrawal; feelings of imminent crisis and fracture.
~ Gall Bladder Channel Point 9, Celestial Hub/Celestial Crossroads ~
Virtues: This name of this Energy Release Point is in reference to a star. This star however, is in a a very active place, a place of full cosmic force. This place has active, dynamic, immense energy that serves to fuel and direct the lifestream of the Being connected to it. Each lifestream in physicality has a direct connection to their star. This Celestial Hub is also called Celestial Crossroads in reference to the many directional energies which converge at this point. These many directions represent the many opportunities which present in life’s journey. These are opportunities which are interconnected, beneficial and serve to support vision and destiny. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point helps to diffuse congestion from an over busy (overstimulated) mind by infusing the state of calmness within the mind. This calmness relieves overwhelm brought on by excessive planning or decision making (also frenetic energies or past traumatic memories). It is then, through the state of calmness, that one can align with Cosmic vision and have clarity in decision making that is congruent with purpose. It allows one to sit at the crossroads of powerful momentum and choose direction. This alignment with purpose creates a conduit for a great pouring of energy that revitalizes the body and supports forthright action.
Disharmonies: Overwhelm; migraine headaches; hypertension; dizziness; vertigo; seizures; indecision; stagnation and frustration.
~ Divine Feminine Matrix Channel Conception Vessel Point 7, Feminine Crossing ~
Virtues: The gift of the Divine Feminine Energy is that it invites us to go within for deep exploration of the spiritual, mental and emotional bodies. Through this exploration, we understand how the deep hidden components of who we are affect us physically. This Energy Release Point speaks to the exact place of intersection of these powerful energies - yet in a space which provides stability, center and anchor. It serves to unite, intertwine and integrate a solid core and brings harmony within the entire field of consciousness throughout our physical temple. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point connects us to the field of internal consciousness where strength can be generated for outward joyful action.
Disharmonies: Depression; frustration; withdrawl; mental and emotional instability; suicidal tendencies.
The HorseWisdom Initiative
We adopt a split-screen mind when the outward frame of things seems so insistent that we must be reasonable and logical and make complete sense in a quantitative, functional way. But what happens is that the other side of our awareness, the outlawed side, gets very strong in the subconscious and stays alive. We can almost play off of it in emphasizing our skeptical or worldly approach to things. But there is a joke to it. For you are aware of what you are not aware of--you are tuned into the very things you deny. This kind of edge hones the mind and the soul. It teaches invaluable lessons, not the least of which is to make way for the unknown while hugging the known close to you, knowing all the whole how profoundly the unknown beckons.
When we conceive of what is precious to us, and worthy of being embraced, our perception grows beyond limiting abstractions and generalities and comes to embrace the essence of our creative genius - which is the fleeting inspiration of the moment. This is the invitation to find ourselves on the threshold of encountering the helping forces of nature, who rejoice in our creative impulses.
Subnormal and supernormal as one. Bearing a karmic handicap in which you cannot get away from yourself for a moment. Yet this opens the doors to a destiny-dedication that is monumentally strong. Your world reverberates endlessly with your own individual themes. You are trapped in the form of individual selfhood. Yet for all its excesses and fanaticisms, this is the perfect situation to lead you through to where you need to go. Because by meeting yourself at every turn, in every possible guise, you are deeply pulled down into a self-expansive pathway where there had been extreme constriction and radical blockage. The transition is arduous and consuming. It feels as though it is impossible to break through. But the very things that characteristically and thematically just will not let you go shall become the ultimate springboard. You wear out your old programs the hard and laborious way, by being at their mercy and learning that somebody in here is ready for something fantastically different and will do whatever it takes to thin out all the delusions, and make personal egoism intolerable, insufferable, and just too big of a joke not to get, ever again.
Connecting to the countless subtle messages the universe is always sending us, we are inspired to find and become the buoyant power of gentleness through which to enter the flow of time in an egoless way that allows us to perceive the fluid nature of wisdom.
Genealogy of Fancy
El Cortez
El Spartez
Princess Spar
Sire: Vining Lamar
Shawalla Buck
Flick’s Emily
Shawalla Kitty
Shawalla Man
Keer’s Red Oak
Oak’s Ebony Lady
Dam: Sunny Delite
Shawalla Darling
Gay Joy
Relational wisdom to Fancy: Desi, Chief, Domani, Echo, Ayni, Inti, Muse, Mahari