The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle


Buttes Smoky Echo

2017 smoky black mare

(OGO EastWest Coast x Fancy All the Way)

The HorseWisdom Invocation

Echo invokes the soul wisdom of ENDURING (to continue through, live through, undergo, bear)

The HorseWisdom Invitation 

Has there been something in your life that you have endured without fully understanding the why of it?  Recognize the transformation that is happening now for you, as what you have endured is gathering and creating grace in your life for you to trust in the greater support that is arising for your soul’s mission.


The HorseWisdom Insight 

*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple

Echo’s natal asteroid Vesta keeper of the sacred flame at 23°Cancer ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SOURCE REAFFIRMS WHOLENESS

Nothing works any more. The form of things is breaking apart. In your mind's eye, you can remember how it once went, and you can certainly try to put it back together as it was. There is something about doing this that teaches you all kinds of things. And when you are called inside to reconstruct the old world and somehow keep it together one way or another, you must do it. One lesson you will eventually learn is how the mind works and why it is convinced that this task is so very necessary. But meanwhile, there is an elegance, sophistication, a cultured touch and sensibility that provides entry into so many fascinating worlds. Karmic recapitulation. Going back to the same places to do the same things can be quite a story to tell. Every bit of it is ebbing as it happens. All of your constructions in mind and outer form cannot hold on much longer. But the ego-mind is most tenacious and insistent in such destiny verges, hoping to postpone the deluge one more delicious moment.

This degree comes to know what it is that needs to be cleared to make way for a brighter future. An intuitive knowing that what matters most is what you do, for that is what you create. Your works, whatever they are, will live on as they echo through time, for all that we make or do has a life of its own. The important focus here becomes artful living - the beauty we make of our lives becomes a beauty that will outlive our current life. When we give love back to the source, we find the source supplies us with ever subtler perceptions allowing what we are given to be re-integrated into our wholeness.

Echo’s natal Black Moon Lilith deepest repressed desires at 5°Sagittarius THE CONTINUAL MOVING INTO DEEPER AND DEEPER LEVELS OF TRANSCENDENCE

Being mesmerized by your own triple reflection. Casting a huge chunk of your own soul back into the dim past, casting another chunk of your soul into the remote future, and enshrouding the present time chunk of your soul in layer after layer of obscurity and evasiveness. Living simultaneously in past, present, and future, but with all three time frequencies held away. Therefore, to a fantastic extent, you live inside the subconscious mind with virtually no conscious outlet. Down inside there something extraordinary is happening. Free from the glare of any form of overt reflection you are gestating, healing, and making yourself ready for the infinite unknown to pop or hatch. Intensive seething forces of dreaming into the void, the great abyss. And while knocked out of outer commission, liberated to conceive the inconceivable and to renew your tangled and damaged roots in the old wise woman way that never ages and always works.

Here is the past, present and future, as this degree is a weaving together of the great and endless tapestry of fate. Here is the ability to unite with emotion in such a total manner that gives you access to the deep wisdom inherent within it. This fosters a sense of connectedness and encourages the mutual release of pent-up energies. This degree has a way of working from deep within, to heal the root of karma. If one tries to follow the agendas and ways of the world, misery and suffering will be the result. Cutting loose and flowing with the inner magic that arises, brings freedom, potency and pure knowing. The ability to let your own flame touch the light of others, often artful without even knowing you are. This is a mystic degree that requires letting go of self-consciousness, which will allow the dream state that this degree has deep access to, to become a most potent teaching tool. An inherent ability to both guide and be guided, and this give and take generates an intimacy that dissolves the illusion of the self’s limits.

The HorseWisdom Illumination

*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium

~ Urinary Bladder Channel Point 29, Central Backbone Strength ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point communicates with the strength and flexibility of the backbone.  It speaks to the strength of the physical body as well as the strength of one’s character.  It enhances the ability to stay in center and balance while maintaining flexibility.  Strength of character is determined by the ability to be in center, following one’s integrity and inner guidance.  The bones give the body structure in order to walk a path in balance.  The backbone also represents the central axis of the body, and as such, contains the integrated masculine strength of endurance, fortitude and action with the feminine strength of yielding and flexibility within surrender.  Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point connects with core integrity.  It assists in standing up for one’s Self, one’s beliefs and one’s truth.  It provides support for flexible feminine movement within masculine fortitude, balancing these two opposites so that a centered Self knows when to endure and persevere and when to yield and receive help.  

Disharmonies: Inflexible in body and mind; inability to take a stand for oneself; inability to “stand for something” resulting in “falling for anything”; easily swayed to the causes of others; compromise of integrity; physical manifestation of lower back pain; compromised range of motion.  

 ~ Urinary Bladder Channel Point 50, Receive Support ~

Virtues: This Energy Release Point provides a balanced strength by opening up the ability to receive support. It softens the naturally strong capacities of endurance and perseverance in order to balance these qualities with that of gentle surrender. It enriches the qualities of community and family by bringing the awareness that one need not bare burden alone. This burden can be in the form of physical loads as well as be in the form of emotional trauma and pain. Physically, this Energy Release Point strengthens the back by moving the energy to connect heavenly inspiration with physical vitality, to serve with expression from the heart. This facilitates the ability to live our purpose as an example of a pillar of strength. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point assists in the release of trauma and emotional pain, which manifests physically as pain in the back, by opening to receive the support of others (as well as to receive support through alignment found in the strength of our structure). It helps one to acknowledge the needs of the emotional body, as well as honour the needs of the physical body by recognizing limits and fatigue. It empowers the ability to give oneself permission to ask for help and support, as well as honouring the process of learning to nurture oneself, in order to better be of service and a pillar of strength to others.

Disharmonies: Emotional trauma stored deep within the muscles and bones - causing physical back pain as emotional pain; overwhelm.

The HorseWisdom Initiative


Knowledge seeks connection with the emotional and intuitive realms. To come into deeper connection with one’s emotions is to eventually be able to work with their power. Here is a deep assimilation of the knowledge of root causes, that naturally offer spiritual guidance and address the inner child need of connecting to and giving by reaching out to embrace what calls to us.

Pedigree for Echo

Primavera Valdez

OGO Tejon de Oro Hermoso

Woodrose Katrina

Sire: OGO EastWest Coast (Coast)

MEMC Tequila Cuervo

CFF Texas Tea

Kelly’s Blackfire


El Spartez

Vining Lamar

Flick’s Emily

Dam: Fancy All the Way (Fancy)

Keer’s Red Oak

Sunny Delite

Shawalla Darling 

Relational wisdom to Echo: Fancy, Coast, Domani