The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle
A-One Duplicate Eagle
2008 chestnut stallion
(A-One Jim Dandy x Duplicate LadyHawk)
The HorseWisdom Invocation
Eagle invokes the soul wisdom of NULLIFYING (to invalidate, void, cancel out, to make something have no use or value)
The HorseWisdom Invitation
Has something in your life that used to have great value and meaning, no longer hold such resonance anymore? This shift is drawing you into what you are here to transform, as you find your own truth in your expanded and higher perspective.
The HorseWisdom Insight
*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple
Eagle’s natal Jupiter faith & benevolent expansion at 22°Capricorn COMPLETE OPENNESS TO IMMEDIATE POTENTIALS
Death is a force that brings into Earth something from beyond and this something is the X factor in the human equation. Your own previous deaths as major sign-posts which hold you to your noblest and most surrendered ways of being. Mortality has spoken; immortality arises from the ashes. A threshold awareness that hugs the edge between the worlds and bows before a God who presides over the living and the dead. You stride across worlds, in tune with myriad frequencies, and are quite able to make way for the unknown, the infinite, the other side of life. A fiercely-held intention to bow before what truly is and fall for nothing less, no matter how attractive or appealing.
We use something until we no longer need it, but sometimes even then we continue to use it, which can sometimes cause it to work against us. This degree knows and feels the need to give up old ways to make way for new ones, and also to share power. Reception to the highest and clearest energies to which you can attune to. You realize that each moment holds possibilities and promises and has something of value to offer. This knowledge is a power antidote against focusing too much on the promises of the future, or the failures of the past. Here is the ability to create empty spaces whose vacuum draws in new energy. Awareness of how things we take for granted can block the inflow of new energy and inspiration, you are always trying to create a space that is clear. At your best you are regal in a way that expresses magic and wonder and are able to help others see this in themselves, and to find their own inner power through giving up their crutches to become more vibrantly and fully in the world through reception to the highest and clearest connection with spirit.
Eagle’s natal messenger Mercury & Ceres responsibility to what most needs to be nurtured both at 20°Gemini TRANSCENDENCE OF THE ILLUSION OF LIMITS
The elaborate ritual of putting yourself through life or death crises to determine what you are made of and how far you are willing to go in this life. Choosing from expanded faculties the optimal situations to enact this battle royale. Selecting what is karmically familiar. Variations on old themes involving bondage and freedom. When you are trapped, caught, stuck, a furious inner force asserts itself and can reconfigure everything. But it is a high-stakes ritual drama and loaded with real dangers. You must check yourself out in ultimate ways, for there is surging in your blood an impulse toward liberation, which cannot be distorted in any way. An extraordinary journey through radical tests and trails of an initiatory intensity. It is all about guts, and stripping away everything but the true inner direction. And if you must slay and move through illusions on every front, that is just how it is. You cannot survive any longer on old ways to do it--it is time to welcome the enemy into your very midst and discover that there are no enemies.
Whatever you think of as dependable and unchanging you’ll eventually find you can’t count on. This degree is about moving with transformations as they occur, for this is the key to personal growth. The truth here is that nothing is set in stone - all is capable of being reworked and reinterpreted. Perceiving expanded and immense worlds within what seems limited brings realization that cosmic wonder isn’t distant, but is here and now. As you look into detail it opens up more and more detail, and you realize this is all alive and reflects the glory and wonder of the cosmos, opening up a myriad of new worlds and realizations.
The HorseWisdom Illumination
*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium
~ Lung Channel Point 3, Heavenly Palace/Celestial Storehouse ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point is a sacred storekeeper of the Akashic Records: the library of the Soul’s journey. It is like being able to take a glimpse through the window to Heaven. Unblocking and activation of this Energy Release Point empowers one to find within themselves the highest expression of Heavenly inspiration. The Storehouse of the Eternal God; Our Soul Source. This allows us to connect to inspiration born of intrinsic Self Worth. To feel and receive the memory imprint of Divine virtue and inner purity. This is the place of virtue and purity that is untouched by life events. It serves as a reminder that Heaven/Divine/Universe can only see and find the best in us, despite life events and circumstances. It assists in the understanding that Heavenly justice is based on truths, free of judgment and compromise and that Heavenly justice is the embodiment of unconditional love. From this place of unconditional love, this Energy Release Point provides four important truths: Firstly, it provides access to inspiration from the grounded depths of spiritual Self Worth. Secondly, it cultivates the ability to forgive and to release emotional pain from the past so that one may move forward with freedom unburdened from life events. Thirdly, this Energy Release Point builds respect for self and for others as one begins to acknowledge the best within oneself and in others. Lastly, it allows for the internalization and integration of the relationship with Spirit; by connecting to the Divine it allows one to trust the inner teacher.
~ Liver Channel Point 13, Chapter Gate/Completion Gate ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point is suggestive of being at the end of a transitory state - where all things complete, where one witnesses and acts upon the turning of a new leaf and moves forward into the next phase of life. Standing in the middle of the gate is not comfortable. From this Point one may choose to go backwards and dwell in the past, perhaps rewriting or re-cycling repetitive thoughts creating worry and stagnation. Or, one may choose to step towards new life experiences. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point dissolves walls that block vision and empowers the letting go of old injuries so that one may take the forward step and experience a healthy transition. It also unblocks creativity, allowing for free flow of written work and other artistic pursuits.
~ Divine Masculine Director Governing Vessel Point 28, Mouth of the River Crossing Into the Sea/Crossing Junction ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point speaks to the ending and the beginning. The end of a passage, a chapter or a cycle in life and the beginning of a new creation. To become, to explore or to move into. It is to be able to extract value and accumulated wisdom from the experience of living and bring these qualities of value and wisdom forward into the creation cycle. With all life, the Universal Principle of Rhythm engages in an endless cycle of movement and transformation. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point strengthens the alchemy of flow within the Wholeness of the ALL. An alchemy which harmonizes the mind, the body and the spirit through breath and movement with the Universal pulse.
The HorseWisdom Initiative
To make others aware of the beauty of their soul is the gift here to give. Ability to become the voice and communicate what is going on inside as potentials to be brought forth that want to be heard and known. Getting in touch with the forgotten treasures and finding a way to constructively channel them releases hopelessness and sadness and makes a way for the beauty of the soul to reveal its passion and power.
Genealogy of Eagle
Dancer’s Pride
BDM Ellis Dolly’s Dandy
Ellis Dainty Doll
Sire: A-One Jim Dandy
Keer’s Chief Oak
Duplicate Fieldqueen
Princess Holly
Darfield Duplicate
Darla May
Dam: Duplicate LadyHawk
Correll King
Correll’s Folly
Mortana Retta
Relational wisdom to Eagle: Phoenix, Dandy, Summer, Daisy, Kona, Percy, Falcon, Huma, Noble, Zeteo, Muse