The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle


Buttes Domani de Regalo

2016 smoky black gelding

(OGO EastWest Coast x Fancy All the Way)

 The HorseWisdom Invocation

Domani invokes the soul wisdom of GIFTING (to present, offer or endow something voluntarily)

The HorseWisdom Invitation

There is a part of you that you are reuniting with for you to discover it in a new way.  Even if you are uncertain of what this is at the moment, your acknowledgement will assist your entire being in receiving this gift and finding, or creating, a pathway in your life for reconnection. 


The HorseWisdom Insight

*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple

Domani’s natal Hekate torchbearer at the crossroads at 24°Cancer REVEALING THE CONCEALED

The Earth is pregnant with alternate futures. Each of her progeny, each possible future could become the one chosen. The criteria center around whichever future stream is most genuinely surrendered to the highest will. It is the same microcosmically as macrocosmically. Many souls are pregnant with alternate futures. The one that prevails will likely be the one most surrendered to the absolute, the most rightful. You feel burstingly full of visions, possibilities, worlds, and streams. And you know that so very much shall pass away, but what is essential will keep on coming. It is very hard to tell who is who and what is what, which way to lean or how to conceive the way it shall go. But if you stay rooted in your inward awareness and enduring core sensibility, you will be tapped as a vessel for what is to be, and that is all you need to know.

You’re acutely aware of the past, of what’s been lost, and of the valuable wisdom that needs to be retrieved and preserved. Willingness to take great pains to seek out and behold the beauties of the natural realm. Your desire to accept all gifts the present moment has to give can liberate you if you let them, from any negative attachments to past and future. Yearning for the past, which we sense deep in our being, this degree comes to realize through connection to our innocence and non-judgmental self that what we yearning for can be found in the here, and now, and all around us. This brings a merging with, and re-emergence of, our personal power returned as we come to accept the gift that we find in the present moment that can liberate us from our nostalgia and regrets of the past, found to be right here beheld in the present within us.

Domani’s PreNatal Solar Eclipse shining the light on 27°Aquarius CONTINUALLY ESTABLISHING A STEADIER RHYTHM OF PROGRESS

If vision and practical skills are brought into a place beyond either one, new worlds can come into being. Tenacity is the key. You have to see the pattern, inscribe the pattern, and let it set collectively. For when you are out ahead of everybody else, you must master the craft of timing in this Earth. Everything is perfect in the right time and place and awful when out of sync. Contained within yourself is the blueprint for the future; you need to season and temper the extraordinary forefront awareness with life-experience, and discover the intricacies of the cultural landscape. A mission pursued, a task taken on with a vengeance. A destiny that stands out and speaks volumes.

Our connections with ourselves and our reality are going through continual subtle adjustments, and this degree is acutely aware of all kinds of disharmonies that arise. You may take great pains to do something because you know that once certain tasks are completed, the foundation is laid for greater ease. You’re aware that the most effective way to realign disharmonies is through turning one’s attention to merging intuition with the substantial world around us, harmonizing our inner emotional world with the physical reality we find ourselves in. When the two become harmonized with each other, we find the evolutionary path forward without losing connection to our way.

The HorseWisdom Illumination

*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium

~ Urinary Bladder Channel Point 7, Penetrate Heaven/Celestial Connection/Old as the Heavens ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point assists in bringing the Energy of Peace where there is trouble and despair, by penetrating through the chaos and connecting with the Firmament of Heaven.  The Firmament being the vibratory protective shield of consciousness which surrounds our planet that has been placed there by Celestial Beings of Light.  Penetrate Heaven allows us direct access to a higher dimensional consciousness so that calm and peace of mind can ensue.  It is the point of consciousness that reminds us that we are linked to, and part of, a higher heavenly consciousness.  It is a consciousness that extends itself to be present in every now moment of life.  The central function of this Energy Release Point is to link the point of Light within the Mind of God to the point of Light within the minds of humanity so that we may shine our Light through the manifestation of our gifts, talents and intellectual brilliance to the world in service for the world.  This point of brilliance also serves to remind us to reach up to Heaven and realize our potential, to move to the highest within us to ultimately reach the God Force in purified virtuous form.  Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point allows us to address the pinnacle of our outer manifestation of our Essence.  In the aspect of the name Old as the Heavens, it helps one to connect to the wisdom of the innate gifts and talents that have come to us through the cultivation of virtues by our ancestors.  By realizing these virtues and acting on them through wisdom as opposed to fear brought on by chaos, we can heal the needs of our Souls of our ancestors and free ourselves on another level through a deeper understanding of the Universal  Law of Cause and Effect. 

~ Stomach Channel Point 5, Great Welcome ~

Virtues: This Energy Release Point helps us to see the wealth of our Essence and the unique gifts that only we can bring to the world. It is to know that we are welcomed by the world, as well as to help us reciprocate and welcome the world. When one connects to their intrinsic self worth, dignity and self-respect, the ability to receive and welcome life is empowered from within. It means to walk with dignity remaining open to the greatness of our potential. It inspires the virtue of flexibility in the face of curves and obstacles that the journey of life presents. The Soul becomes strong, resilient and vibrant. This strong Soul welcomes life and welcomes people, knowing it is safe, secure, warm and nourished. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point strengthens our centre through the perception of our gifts and empowers our self worth. Life and people are embraced and a deeper awareness of how one may develop and utilize their gifts in a way that best serves, is enhanced.


The HorseWisdom Initiative


Here is a deep need to be connected to something that you feel has meaning. If you can track with the guidance of your higher self, rather than allowing an endless array of chaotic impulses to drive a neurosis that has you running in circles, you will be lead to to all those places within that need to be healed and will foster your growth as they fulfill your deepest needs. Attunement to spirit finds the way forward.

Genealogy of Domani

Primavera Valdez

OGO Tejon de Oro Hermoso

Woodrose Katrina

Sire: OGO EastWest Coast (Coast)

MEMC Tequila Cuervo

CFF Texas Tea

Kelly’s Blackfire


El Spartez

Vining Lamar

Flick’s Emily 

Dam: Fancy All the Way (Fancy)

Keer’s Red Oak

Sunny Delite

Shawalla Darling

Relational wisdom to Domani: Fancy, Coast, Echo