The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle
Buffalo Horn Desirea
2008 chestnut mare
(OGO Higuera Rio Bravo x Fancy All the Way)
The HorseWisdom Invocation
Desi invokes the soul wisdom of DESIRING (that which is longed for)
The HorseWisdom Invitation
When we can give space to that which needs ‘healing’, we give our own innate nature the opportunity to enter our consciousness and become the guiding wisdom to bring to us and bring us to that which we desire in, and of, our lives.
The HorseWisdom Insight
*insights adapted from Ellias Lonsdale’s Inside Degrees/Star Sparks & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple with permission
Learning ultimate things the hard way. You have to put yourself totally into every realm to experience it for yourself, with a zeal for empirical wisdom or the wild edge of the scientific method. The experimental test case is yourself. And you are out there all alone in vast, uncharted territory, just the way you like it. You've been granted the chance to prove things, to follow them out quite far, bearing a determined intelligence with karmically-trained faculties of subtle perception. However, objectively speaking, this is an intensively arduous and relentless way to do it, without safeguards or precedents, relying upon the moment's edge. If you can be tirelessly strong, doing it this ruggedly will prove to be the only way to go if you wish to uncover future territory without imprinting bias or distortion upon it. You just have to invent the wheel in yet another dimension.
Here is remembered a past that draws sustenance from the feeling of fellowship with all those souls who have gone before and who have worked together to fulfill a goal. Sustenance gained from a feeling of connectedness with the greater than humanity kinship with all life that transcends any limitation imposed by religion, ethnicity, race, philosophical persuasion - or even death. Love is the true connector. The ability here to express much with little means you give a striking vividness to your communications and cut through all useless detail and distracting information. The thoughts and concepts here have an energy and power that transcends their logic and inspires through the spiritual energy that they carry. The ability to communicate this deep knowing through the essence of love is what transmits the seed version of pure unconditional ideals, which has a wonderfully stimulating effect on the life force of others. Sensing how our connectedness with each other transcends all changes wrought by time, we realize the unconditional nature of love that we commonly share and are vitalized because of it. Coming to see death for the natural process that it is - and realizing that it provides us with a powerful way of assisting us in our spiritual growth - we are freed to live a more instrumentally causal yet spontaneous existence in which we savour all of life’s mysteries.
Desi’s natal Moon inner world relationship to the Mother & emotional needs at 7°Scorpio THE ABILITY TO LEARN ABOUT THE PROCESSES OF LIFE & EVOLUTION THROUGH THE STUDY OF WHAT IS LEFT BEHIND
Tumultuous changes. Hanging on to previous identities, ego fragments, and the shrapnel of personal illusion. You are plunged into a karmic process that exposes what is real and what is not, yet harbor such intense old places inside that it takes massive overhaul to get anywhere. Forcing yourself up against a brutally harsh karmic path of exceedingly rough process. But this is what it takes when you have built up in reserve so much retrogressive stuff that you must be enveloped by it in order to uncover a way to be yourself again, without all these barnacles and burdens. Fierce shadow world. Under duress, personal and collective. Tremendously powerful, treacherous and rewarding. Not for the fainthearted.
There is a deep desire here for profound communication and to express the essence of one’s Soul. A going beyond words and other vehicles of communication, until the essence of pure knowing is finally reached. Life challenges us to let go of we hold on to so that we can move on. Many times we think we have let go of something only to find out later that all we’ve done is merely repressed it. When we find we cannot let go of something we need to admit the attachment to it which helps attune us to our deeper desire within the attachment - the deeper desire which is the pure and hidden source of creativity and capacity of potential that lie deep within. Here is possessed a primal, raw power that desires nothing more than to be itself and allow the flowing forth from it, unimpeded. In recognizing that as we let go. our attachments to old cycles and ways of being become fertilizer for new forms which contain the essence of the old combined with a greater capacity and potential of a new vibrant frequency.
The HorseWisdom Illumination
*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from Michele Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium
~ Heart Channel Point 3, Little Inner Sea/ Yin Sea ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point nourishes the heart and calms the mind from the internal generalized pressure originating from repressed desires or unfulfilled desires. It brings wisdom, depth, peace and inner tranquility. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point assists in creating the space and circumstances that allow for great things to come together, bringing to fruition and unlimitedness the manifestation of desires with utmost simplicity.
~ Bladder Channel Point 4, Deviating Servant ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point assists in the transformation of knowledge into wisdom. The Energy release Points for the Energy Release Channel of the Urinary Bladder, beginning with the first, UB -1 Eyes Full of Illumination, ascending to UB-7 Penetrate Heaven, represent the integration of Divine Inspiration and the ability to draw on sources of energy as required to fulfill the physical manifestation of these inspired Divine directives. The fine tuning of this integration is based upon the strength of one’s perception of reality and the clarity of the mind. The name Deviating Servant expresses two concepts. The first is that of human tendency to stray from one’s goals and purpose, to turn aside or diverge from a course of action. Many instances present and again one finds themselves departing from living one’s truth and authenticity. It is the allowing of distraction that bring inconsistency to action, and as a result, brings mental confusion and questioning of what comes next in the plan of life. The second concept is that of servant. The imbalances manifesting as actions taken on behalf of others, again deviating from one’s purpose and fulfillment of authentic desires. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point harmonizes the servant, that is, it strengthens resolve and the servant becomes the strength to serve for the highest good and benefit of the One. It assists in the ability to connect with inspiration and authentic truth of One’s purpose, as well as strengthens the ability to function with clarity and set intention. In this way, acquired experience and knowledge transform into the wisdom of one who can master intentions of the Soul and serve to the benefit of all.
~ Bladder Channel Point 15, Connecting Space of Heart and Mind ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point connects the wisdom, compassion and love of the Sacred Fires of the Heart with the will and intentions of the mind. It facilitates the alignment between the central core of integrity, inner conscience and outward words and actions. It is through commitment to one’s inner truths and wisdom of the Heart that one finds the perfection of freedom. Freedom becomes based on the ability to create action and be of service through the sheer joy and love of the service in itself. Freedom in this way is the seed for the basis of fifth dimensional consciousness and way of life. The alchemy of this connection is that it catalyzes the Will and Heart for transformation. In this way it brings versatility, flexibility and adaptability of the Heart/Mind to integrate with the third dimensional physical plane. This alignment of Heart and mind creates a strong reserve of energy. An energy that fuels the heart’s passion, strengthens the will and formulates intention so that fulfillment of purpose and destiny actualizes. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point creates a space for unity consciousness and fifth dimensional living. It enhances an environment of honour, respect and reverence, for self and others, through the ability to recognize the divine within.
The HorseWisdom Initiative
Whatever we become entangled with by circumstances must be something that we need, for everything is here for us to learn from. Here is always trying to figure out the relationship of the thing to yourself. The magic comes with the ability to transform the seemingly random in the deeply meaningful through finding centre in the fullness of your deepest feelings. Seeking for something, we probe deeply into our needs which carries us to their deepest roots in the past in order to find the understanding of that which grows into wisdom.
Genealogy of Desi
Higuera Bandido
Countess of Copper
Sire: OGO Higuera Rio Bravo
Rockquests Blackjack
Circle H Merlita
Circle H Pita
El Spartez
Vining Lamar
Flick’s Emily
Dam: Fancy All the Way (Fancy)
Keer’s Red Oak
Sunny Delite
Shawalla Darling
Relational wisdom to Desi: Fancy, Chief, Tejon, Magic