The HorseWisdom Revelations Oracle
Buttes Blackman Dandy
2014 black stallion
(A-One Duplicate Eagle x Sweet Iron Anisette)
The HorseWisdom Invocation
Dandy invokes the soul wisdom of CHERISHING (to protect & care for, hold something as dear, nurture)
The HorseWisdom Invitation
What is it that you have held dearly in your life, as a dream, a hope or a desire? This is now wanting to be actualized by you, as a sign and symbol of putting into practice what is most cherished by you in a way that also serves the greater good.
The HorseWisdom Insight
*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple
Dandy’s natal Chiron key to unlocking the wisdom within our wound at 16°Pisces FEARLESS ACCEPTANCE OF LIFE SITUATIONS & PATIENT EXPECTATION OF CHANGE
Held as a cherished one in the womb of the world. A seed-bearer for the future. You are inwardly alive to multisensory faculties and worlds within worlds within worlds, bearing a legacy from the deep-down-under realms. An Earth-call to let the future resonate as it must with all that has ever been here. Profoundly moved by the human drama and its pathos, while feeling almost smuggled in to witness and be amazed by the phenomena of the sense life. Radically other; immensely in exile. And in the meantime, making the very most of the chance to fathom the ways of earth and the dazzling idiosyncrasies of the human species.
Here is a degree that has highly unique gifts and knows how to work silently and unobtrusively to make special contributions to the world - contributions that may be beyond the comprehension of others. Able to perceive hidden and/or unknown streams of knowledge you have the ability to track with them, which brings enrichment to the world. This requires an innocence and fearlessness and a sensitivity to whatever the situation you find yourself in requires, to what you need to do to make the desired transitions. When we come to the limit or edge of anything, it impels us to look at how we got there, and through this assessing of the past we are able to find a way out of any restrictive situations that impede our growth.
Destiny openings. Carte blanche to enter upon fresh directions. A child of destiny. Offered by spirit protection and guidance, encouragement and empowerment. You are the exception to the rule, the special exemption for future purposes extracted from the old regular patterns and given the chance to follow the inward instincts and sensibility completely. A distinctive quality of being marked out for destiny-acceleration beyond what is reasonable or set up. The start of something big. Granted permission to make mistakes, make a fool of yourself, and still come up as the one everybody knows can and will do astounding things, just because down the road somebody is calling you onward, who cannot be refused.
In the darkest passages through life there is kept burning the light of helping influences, if we can only maintain our contact with them. Sensing that where you place your focus is what can ultimately change everything. When truth is spoken the universe listens - truth never falls on deaf ears, even through the conscious mind may not understand or may reject what it hears. Something deeper and greater is always listening. This degree is about perceiving order and finding meaning in the seemingly random occurrences of life. To gain the most, you need to be aware of these signs as they come to you, and be sensitive to your intuition and instincts, so as to tune in to the spiritual forces that are in so many ways making themselves known to you. The organizing forces of the universe are always there and always wanting to imprint themselves on our lives, and what can seem to be at the mercy of random and chaotic forces are actually agents of the divine harmony of the universe. To feel the intensity of our emotional yearning and to allow ourselves to express it spontaneously leads us to sharing the spiritual light in the darkness around us and to do what we can to keep it burning. Through experiencing the subtleties of the energies around us we come to recognize patterns of harmony inherent in them that weave them all together into a whole and living pattern.
The HorseWisdom Illumination
*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium
~ Heart Channel Point 6, Communication Pass/Stone Palace/Penetrating Gate ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point speaks to the internal feminine energy, which is cloudy, private and mysterious. It is in the mists. It could be seen as secret, veiled or dark. However, this energy needs to flow unobstructed in order to communicate in a fluent and open manner. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point helps make conscious what is unconscious. It releases stuck emotions which hinder the understanding and knowing of who we are. It operates as a light which shines through a crack in the wall of the Stone Palace. The alternate name, Stone Palace, is a metaphor of the residence of our Heart, the stones being the walls of the fortress which barricade us from ourselves and from others. Connection with this Energy Release Point allows the Light to create an opening of the gate, a gate which penetrates and accesses the self love of our authentic Being.
Disharmonies: Hungry heart; over indulgences (in sex, food or drink) in our search for joy and fulfillment; bitterness and pain.
~ Pericardium Channel Point 7, Great Tomb aka one of the 13 Ghost Points; Ghost Heart ~
Virtues: Many civilizations honour the deceased by burial in designated areas of a village. These places are set aside with reverence. They create a sacred space to honour those who have transitioned from the physical plane of existence. Often times, these places would also serve as sites for celebrations. In celebrating the life and the enrichments of those who have gone before, prosperity and gifts continue for the future generations. Each life is sacred. A life has jewels from experience, and from the jewel great treasure is revealed. From the heart of Great Tomb comes strength, stability and support to assist in the present life journey. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point helps one to connect consciously with the gifts of our ancestors. It assists in focusing the energies, the insights and the visions with calmness and wisdom, so that we can create and embrace a life of joy. It is to follow therefore, that when one is in this vibration of joy, strength and support, that hearts can open more easily to relationships of nurturance and intimacy. The alternate name of this Energy Release Point - Ghost Heart - speaks to the facility that one may become obsessed with the inglorious aspects of death, the dark, the macabre, the painful and the suffering. By associating with these lower aspects, sympathetic merging with discarnate beings can result. Many of these discarnate beings are bound to the Earth plane by their own attachments to pain and suffering. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point in this context, is therefore very useful in the alchemical process of transmutation of suffering and thereby releases entity possession, obsessive thoughts and obsessive compulsive behaviours.
Disharmonies: Insecurity; anxiety; mental instabilities; overly porous aura.
The HorseWisdom Initiative
Here is a knowing that in the seemingly known the unknown always is present, and that all territory can become new territory if you’re willing to expand your mind and re-experience it. Patient and clear listening leads to refinement of understanding. When a clear dialogue between the opposites poles of our dualistic nature is allowed to happen, we find a host of understandings that encourage us at every step along our path.
Genealogy of Dandy
BDM Ellis Doll’s Dandy
A-One Jim Dandy
Duplicate Fieldqueen
Sire: A-One Duplicate Eagle (Eagle)
Darfield Duplicate
Duplicate LadyHawk
Correll’s Folly
Francis Tito
Sweet Iron Morgan
JMD Gay Ebony Dancer
Dam: Sweet Iron Anisette (Annie)
Francis Blackman
Francis Cinder
Francis Lizita
Relational wisdom to Dandy: Eagle, Annie, Summer, Daisy, Noche