The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle


Buttes Vintage Daisyfield

2014 chestnut mare

(A-One Duplicate Eagle x Buttes Sedona Sunrise)

The HorseWisdom Invocation

Daisy invokes the soul wisdom of BARING (the removal of covering, to reveal, uncover, open something up)


The HorseWisdom Invitation 

Regardless of how others have seen you or currently see you, there is a greater field of awareness that you are part of.  While this may have felt like it was too much in the past, this part of you is your greatest asset and ally for the future.  This is a turning point for you, as you come to have greater clarity of the capability capacity of depth within you. The bearing of your nature is that of such depth of understanding through feeling that it can at times disable you from connecting. As you bring your focus to the centre of your being, allow your alignment with the truth of your being to permeate through you as this is what attunes you to the strength within your sensitivity and dissolves worlds. 


The HorseWisdom Insight

*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple

Daisy’s natal Ceres responsibility to what most needs to be nurtured at 18°Libra MAGNETIZED BY WHAT OTHERS IGNORE THROUGH SENSING OF DEEP AND HIDDEN ENERGIES AT WORK WITHIN THE SELF

Taking outward phenomena literally. The utmost in naivete. You wander into every trap and pitfall with eyes wide open, wanting so badly for everything to add up and to make sense. Lacking a strong center of selfhood. Impressionable to recieved ideas and at the mercy of conditionings, wanting only to please and to make everybody happy, you are held within the circle of consensus agreement. Behaving in such exemplary fashion that it is too good to be true. All is from the outside in. Lessons in outlasting what you take on, and in showing up after being so far gone that nobody knew where to find you.

The force of evolution here will inevitably induce the release of all illusions that stand in its way. Here is the transformational power of loss and regret arising from something having been lost, with the potential to recapture what seems impossible to retrieve. This brings great hope in the overcoming of life’s tragedies. This degree explores the past to find new information and aspects that are hiding there. It shakes up the psyche allowing for the emergence of the child self, and that which was thought lost. The most difficult and arduous parts of our journey make us more aware of the signs, symbols, and portents along the way; for these are the helping messages from the Universe at work in our lives. Through deepening our intuitive awareness of our relationship to the collective reality, this allows one to perceive the bigger patterns at work in our life, and the ways they might be activated for healing and thereby bringing about change for the betterment of all.

Daisy’s natal Moon inner world relationship to the Mother & emotional needs at 11°Taurus SUBMITTING TO THE FLOW OF THE INTENSITY BURNING WITHIN US

A woman with flames for hair. Direct, full on, and unstoppable. Pushing for optimal outcomes, you are self-convinced and hard-driving. So passionate about your own desire and impulse that anything off to the side is far out of the picture, and all that counts is to have your say, to make an impact. Something long-gathering suddenly emerging as rage, self-intent, need, and craving. Personal to the Nth degree. Almost solipsistic. "Me" mattering after being counted out. You feel the surge of power of someone who recognizes that they are bearing a life-force that can no longer be put down, and you follow the brightness wherever it takes you, blindly, insensately, and beautifully.

Inherent here is the knowledge that we can withstand more than we think we can, and that there is no reason to fear intensity. This degree can unite so intensely with the experience of the moment that you become it. The irresistible urge to take things to the farthest degree possible - this is wonderful, transformative and exhilarating. Follow it faithfully wherever it takes you. If we give in to the intensity of our vision what is burned away is any karma that has kept us from manifesting our true self.

The HorseWisdom Illumination

*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium

~ Stomach Channel 40, Abundant Splendour/Abundant Reservoir/ Thunder Resonance ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point strengthens our connection to reveal and acknowledge our intrinsic self worth. When self worth is acknowledged, we are impelled to look into our authentic selves and acknowledge our qualities and gifts. Inspiring us to seek further and align with our purpose as directed by Soul vision. Glimpsing into the authentic self unlocks the reality of our potential. It allows one to sense and see a vision of the future - a vision of life which is free from struggle and hardship. It is this vision which motivates. It allows the balance between calmness and gathering potential and vision with the manifestation of action through creative drive. It is a vision of joy, abundance and prosperity. It is the ability to taste of the fruits of ones labour and be filled with satisfaction and contentment. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point stimulates and brings access to a source of energy. An energy which empowers contentment, vitality, abundance, and prosperity from the alignment of heavenly purpose manifested by physical action in the material world.

~ Divine Feminine Conception Vessel Point 10, Dark Gate Into the Core ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point opens the gate into the depths of the core essence of Feminine Energy, a place of tranquility, profoundness and solitude.  In this place, one can explore the mysteries of the Self.  It is the place which strips, releases and drains that which is no longer needed, leaving the raw, bare, essential self.  The action of stripping bare is done easily, in a quiet tranquil manner.  It is unassuming and unannounced.  It is done in a sacred way - in One-ness - communing with the Divine.  The old self dies, the new self is re-born through transformation.  Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point facilitates the process of letting go of the old in order to be able to transform and receive the new; to re-birth and grow in Evolutionary Consciousness.

~Liver Channel Point 1, Wellspring of Esteem and Sincerity ~

Virtues: This Energy Release Point connects us to our Essence where one finds great esteem, sincerity, integrity, respect and honour. All qualities that are essential to deepen and strengthen the commitment to surrender. This Energy Release Point also helps one to be in alignment with inner vision, the inner vision that flows from the Creative Force. This alignment teaches the beneficial use of creative energy and empowers one to potentiate who one really is. From this state of being we honour ourselves and others. From wisdom one creates and shares that which benefits humanity, while remaining open to receive that which comes back in tenfold return. It is the realization that when one is in alignment with integrity, life in all aspects will have harmonious flow. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point gives strength, confidence and courage to reveal our true identity, and set goals towards manifestation of vision with full trust that the path will be clearly marked and success ensured.


The HorseWisdom Initiative


Here is a child like, innocent desire and inquisitiveness to understand the innermost worlds where is carried much knowledge. Deep respect for how to interpret and use this knowledge leads eventually to a beautiful way of summing it up, or distilling it down to something strikingly simple that has great impact. Peering into the darkest corners of the psyche in an attempt to discover the truth leads to a paring down to the barest of essentials as we touch into the encounter of what it is we truly need and what is dispensable. Finding intimate connection with our ability to communicate our discoveries around uncovering the truth of simplicity, brings an offering of healing for advancing the world.

Daisy initiates the journey into 18°Leo THE SEEING OF POTENTIALS AND FINDING WAYS INTO THEM

Remaining inside while feeling urgently, outwardly called, you stay put and hold steady in the face of immense pressures and demands. The greater the onslaught, the more adamant the determination to stick to your own lights. Knowing inside that you cannot spread around what you bear, for you are seeking to regenerate the Earth, and every social sphere speaks a different language from the Earth's inner call. It is not possible to tune out what lives within. You must abide with fierce integrity in the center of things and never stop no matter what. For you are giving a legacy to the future and it has nothing to do with momentary events and trends. You are working for what lasts, and everything else seems dim, peripheral, and purely customary.

Taking on and reflecting the environment in a way that inevitably reveals all of the places where fears await us as repressed and trapped energies to be released therein realizing the ability to sense into the parts of consciousness that connect us to the phenomal world of spirit into matter for meeting the needs of the present moment without inhibiting or restricting the creative impulse.

Genealogy of Daisy 


BDM Ellis Doll’s Dandy

A-One Jim Dandy

Duplicate FieldQueen 

Sire: A-One Duplicate Eagle (Eagle)

Darfield Duplicate 

Duplicate LadyHawk

Correll’s Folly



A-One Copperlees Phoenix (Phoenix)

Duplicate Liberty

Dam: Buttes Sedona Sunrise (Sadie)

Richwood Bravado

Vintage Bouquet (Scarlett)

Richwood Irish Rose

Relational wisdom to Daisy: Sadie, Eagle, Phoenix, Scarlett, Summer, Dandy, Huma, Falcon, Noble