The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle
Buttes Blackfire Cruz
2016 smoky black gelding
(OGO EastWest Coast x Sweet Iron Anisette)
The HorseWisdom Invocation
Cruz invokes the soul wisdom of DEVOTING (to vow, commit, give oneself over to)
The HorseWisdom Invitation
What has motivated you in the past is changing form. There is a lifeline that is intrinsic to you and requires your commitment to it. You may not have the big picture yet, but once you discover what inspires you, you will also then discover your intrinsic motivation.
The HorseWisdom Insight
*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple
Cruz’s natal Chiron key to unlock the wisdom within the wound at 22°Pisces COMPELLING ATTRACTION TO COMMITTING TO DIFFICULT TASKS
Hard substance is impossibly tough if you fall into letting it be that, but is the prefect basis if you are willing to make it so. All the resistances, crystallizations, dysfunction, and foundational dissonances are great excuses to stop or immense occasions to start. You get laid low if you do not know what to do with the stuff of this world. But if you have learned the subtle craft of world-making, you're best off meeting up against the hardest places and discovering how to turn them completely around--the exceedingly demanding guild of those who dig into the depths and draw forth beauty and infinite power from the brutal and heavy realities which otherwise seem impenetrable. A stubbornly hardworking, impossible-to-discourage craft of reworking the primal soil. Mostly unproductively, mostly learning how forever, paying your dues, never quite getting it right, until there comes a day when even the obdurate bends to the inner design--when the conviction is complete.
Here is about making the best of the most difficult of situations. To do so, one has to go out and find all the most difficult things where what can be discovered is the right attitude in being able to turn the most difficult things around through the reception of guidance by higher forces and an unconditional approach to yielding one’s will to the divine will, where the focus becomes allowing the flow of being receptive to one’s greatest creative impulses.
Cruz’s natal Moon inner world relationship with the Mother & emotional needs at 5°Cancer HIDING TO PROTECT THE SELF
Getting lost and getting found. Shadowed by self all the way. Sent upon a cycle of radical externalization and almost being able to pull it off. Yet you are shadowed, haunted, bugged, and sabotaged by the strangest things. Fate speaks loud and clear and says, "You are doing all this for a purpose, and your expression is pushing so far outward for good reason. But you must remember, get sobered and humbled, be tripped up by what you don't see and won't let yourself feel." Superstitious and peripherally aware of just about everything. Concentrated upon self-intent with ferocious striving insistency. Needing to accomplish concrete external goals and needing to find them to be no longer enough. Pursuing yourself beyond the immediate drama so that soul can restore wholeness, just where persona gets swept away by how easy and natural it is to fill your world with your own ideas and sensibility.
This degree is able to go one’s own way with such persistence that you completely ignore anything which not supportive to your agendas. Here can be a feeling that you don’t fit in, but this can be a tremendous blessing, offering to others a vision of new and freer ways of being. Perceiving potential choices that others aren’t aware of, this ability to think outside the box brings a wealth of possibilities. Others may not comprehend your decisions, and/or may attempt to get you more in line with their agendas. The key here is the persistency in holding to your own course, or else frustration and inner discord will be the result. There is a tremendous amount of resistance in this degree, and a tremendous desire and ability to be true to oneself and maintain one’s integrity, either by outright disobedience to seeming laws and inevitabilities, or by simply disappearing. There is an inherent need to seek retreat in a place of privacy where you can easily be yourself for a time, freed from the coercions and energies of the world.
The HorseWisdom Illumination
*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium
~ Small Intestine Channel Point 9, Upright Shoulder/Shoulder Integrity/True Shoulder ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point empowers the virtues of integrity and the inner moral compass of righteousness so that one stands in clarity and acts decisively in one’s right action. It allows one to embrace life with renewed enthusiasm, fervor and active engagement in community and world events. In Ancient China, the scapula of the shoulder was often used in divination to foresee good fortune and luck. It was understood that if one stood in uprightness of character and walked their path in virtue, good luck and fortune would always follow. Therefore, this Energy Release Point speaks to responsibility, that is, the responsibility we hold within ourselves to the appropriate response to what we know as truths. To devote ourselves to the recognition and the understanding of the Truth - then to be firmly devoted to this truth in the same way as we honour the I AM Presence within. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point helps one to stand in his/her truth. A truth that is pure and in integrity and alignment with right action. In this energy, one is incorruptible and far less likely to veer off the path of purpose and destiny.
Disharmonies: Extremes of fanaticism or apathy; self-righteousness or self-deprecation; anger over injustices or stagnation of action. Physically this can show as pain and inflammation in the shoulder.
The HorseWisdom Initiative
Cruz initiates the journey into 9°Taurus THE POWER WITHIN SPONTANEOUS ACTION
Unexpected things can emerge out of our being when we are moved to seek release from what calls us to explore. Here intent and inspiration draws forth the abundance of energies dwelling deep within, to arise and guide us.
Genealogy of Cruz
Primavera Valdez
OGO Tejon de Oro Hermoso
Tia Margarita
Sire: OGO EastWest Coast (Coast)
MEMC Tequila Cuervo
CFF Texas Tea
Kelly’s Blackfire
Francis Tito
Sweet Iron Morgan
JMD Gay Ebony Dancer
Dam: Sweet Iron Anisette (Annie)
Francis Blackman
Francis Cinder
Francis Lizita
Relational wisdom to Cruz: Annie, Coast, Noche, Cinder, Dandy, Echo, Domani, Ixchel, Falcon, Mahina, Inti