The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle


OGO EastWest Coast

2009 smoky cream stallion

(OGO Tejon de Oro Hermoso x CFF Texas Tea)

The HorseWisdom Invocation

Coast invokes the soul wisdom ofREJOICING (to feel, cause or bring joy to )

The HorseWisdom Invitation 

What have you noticed as a reflection of who you are in the world?  As you begin to see what is illuminated for you, and what you are illuminating, you can better understand how to shine your light for others. 


The HorseWisdom Insight

*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple

Coast’s natal Saturn foundational lessons in discipline, responsibility at 18°Virgo PERCEPTION OF THE SPIRITUAL REALMS WHICH OVERLAY THE PHYSICAL

Seeing through the eyes of anybody, everybody, all worlds together, all worlds differentiated sharply, you are able to switch perspective from the personal vantage point to any conceivable other. Drawn to extend the range of perception and the worldview to encompass what it looks like from the inside of each and every one. Clairvoyant, telepathic, and mythically potent with the power of story. Keenly guided to unfold consciousness into its evolutionary potential. You are thoroughly convinced that if all sides can be respected, honored, and lived into, interpersonal dynamics will naturally work out optimally. And you feel ultimately transported by an affirmative life-giving perspective to open doors and make this world a brighter place, with simple, straightforward brush strokes of cosmic common sense.  

This degree is able to bring your creative fire gently and lightly even into the most set, limited and restrictive of systems. You naturally infuse the ordinary with magic. Depression and sorrow can only come from a limited view of the world, and so you bring hope to others through going beyond the usual way of viewing things. As we become more aware of the changes that need to happen in our consciousness we eventually become aware of their great beauty and glorious potential.

Coast’s natal Sun illuminating strength & confidence through alignment with 28°Pisces FOCUS ON & PROTECTION OF ONE’S INNER WORLD

Cast into an abyss. Dumped out of status and specialness and made to be hyper-receptive to whatever is moving here--an abandoned center, karmically sacrificed to learn both humility and the lessons of the street. The state of mind random, chaotic, inspirational, capricious, given to every kind of spirit passing through. Sorely troubled, yet fantastically out of touch. A regressive loop with powerful emanations. The feeling is that something must be done and that this will require a change of heart. But you gotta go deep, and it takes a whole lot of desperation to turn this one around.

Here is a sensitivity within a great need to be attuned to yourself in a supportive way so that what you need to express is allowed to come forth. You try to avoid opinions, input and other static of the outside world so that you may be yourself with a complete lack of inhibition. What you most need is to create a space that will be conducive to bringing forth that which is within you. This degree is about going deep into ourselves to create beauty out of the inner light and keeping faithfully tuned in to find ways to express the light of the eternal truths.


The HorseWisdom Illumination

*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium

~ Lung Channel Point 4, Valiant White (Valiant Purity) ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point connects to the Ray of Divine Will.  It guards and protects the spiritual flow of energy from the Source to our physicality.  It brings purity of intention, courage, faith, initiative and dependability in regards to integrating one’s will with the Divine Will.  Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point serves to raise our consciousness to the purity of intentions as inspired by Christ Consciousness (Unconditional Love).  With this heightened consciousness, the development of Spiritual Warrior qualities are sparked from within and adds inner strength to act on inspiration.

Disharmonies: Self righteousness; fanaticism. 

~ Urinary Bladder Channel Point 1, Eyes Full of Illumination ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point assists us in discerning the difference between looking and seeing.  It opens up the mind’s eye and the spiritual eye in order to form clear perceptions of reality, free from judgment and limitation.  When one begins to observe what is around them, then one can begin to describe what is seen.  This strengthens the ability to be present, really beginning to see and observe for the first time, and then, beginning to see more and more.  The wise one will begin to observe and describe the beauty of what is seen.  Therefore, the more one sees, connects and holds the description of beauty in the mind’s eye - the more the eyes will open with wonder and awe.  The eyes begin to fill with illuminated consciousness to see the radiance of the Creative Force in all things.  Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point allows our eyes to open and be filled with the brightness of Spirit.  It allows for the alchemy of transforming our vision through the insights and connection to the Spiritual radiance.  It brings clarity and wisdom into perfect balance.  From this, we are energized and more capable of greeting each day with enthusiasm and vitality. 

Disharmonies: Misperception of reality; distortions of truth; fear; depression.

~ Triple Warmer Channel Point 14, Shoulder Bone/ Shoulder Crevice ~

Virtues: This Energy Release Point helps to strengthen the shoulder so that is can continue to carry its load. It transforms the negative aspects of ‘load’ into action of joyful service - a joyful service stemming from an inner source of strength in its alignment to purpose. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point brings joyful energy, enthusiasm and involvement in life’s tasks. It renews strength and vitality in direct relation to our alignment with purpose.

Disharmonies: Physical manifestation of weariness and fatigue; pain in the shoulders; over-extending one’s boundaries; sacrificial service; withdrawal from service due to ingratitude; apathy; selfishness; numbness, paralysis, inflammation in the shoulders.

~ Pericardium Channel 8, Palace of Weariness/one of the 13 Ghost Points, Ghost Road ~  

Virtues: This Energy Release Point connects to the inner chambers of the heart. These inner chambers contain a soft lamp and illuminating presence. This illumination exemplifies the quality of Soul essence as it is always present despite even the most trying times of darkness. The strength of this light has influence - it can vanquish darkness, psychic infiltration of entities, ghosts or possessions. It has the ability to illuminate all manners of shadow and then reconnect with the Ultimate Source of Light and Life for all. Nourishing this light empowers the virtues of openness, warmth and safety. Protection that comes from a base of love guards and enhances one’s light. Protection that comes from a base of fear, does not protect. Fear can be fed by paranoia, amplifying fear. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point connects one to the sacred inner chamber. It allows one to open the heart, it empowers courage to love and to live within the context of fulfillment and joy. Through joy and love, we can more fully embrace ourselves and others by the action of releasing the demons of the past.

Disharmonies: Addictions (in particular lust and bliss); paranoia; fear; mania; depression; lack of joy; lack of will to live; weariness from life; pain of heartbreaks; closing the heart to oneness and intimacy.

*activating this point causes the energy of the heart to leap up and brings hope

The HorseWisdom Initiative


Knowledge manifests in an endless number of forms and through an endless number of ways. We walk into and through them every day. Here is mirrored the beautiful and vast complexities living within simplicity. An intuitive sensitivity to observe through the lower realms and perceive the patterns of the higher realms and the core essence of what is being observed and perceived. The expression of beauty, when sincere and genuine, will always draw us toward exploring the deeper meaning and purpose found in the shadow in order to see with spiritual vision the higher truths that overlay everything.

Genealogy of Coast 

Primavera Vaquero

Primavera Valdez

Tia Margarita

Sire: OGO Tejon de Oro Hermoso

Windswept Imperial 

Woodrose Katrina



Triple S Bald Eagle

MEMC Tequila Cuervo

Twin Pines Sara

Dam: CFF Texas Tea

Windswept Imperial 

Kelly’s Blackfire

Vista’s Black Gold

Relational wisdom to Coast: CC, Echo, Domani, Cruz, Ixchel, Mahina, Falcon, Inti, Pearl