The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle
Cream Ridge Coalette
2000 black mare
(Cream Ridge Mirzhay x Beaver State Pennant)
The HorseWisdom Invocation
Coalette invokes the soul wisdom of EXONERATING (absolving/releasing someone from a burden or duty, clearing someone from the blame for a fault or wrongdoing)
The HorseWisdom Invitation
What has come about in your life is helping open you up to a higher-order wisdom, enabled through compassion.
The HorseWisdom Insight
*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple
Coalette’s natal Saturn foundational lessons in discipline, responsibility & natal Vesta keeper of the sacred flame both at 29°Aquarius PROFOUND COMMUNION WITH THE SUBTLETIES AND DELICACIES OF FEELING
The most unusual and distinctive of inward conditions. You are held within a mode of awareness that is from another time and place altogether. You have nothing to say and nothing to do. There is no power of individual life-force. Instead you see as the ancient ones see. Utter unworldliness to a point of dissociation from surface experience. A part of the mind transported by a reverie of timeless, effortless realization. Everything is clear. The subtlest, most refined things are obvious. It is all a matter of perspective, and here the perspective is that the only thing that matters is how the inward resonant echo registers and where it leads you in choiceless awareness, in communion with the Gods.
You attune to the ancient feminine wisdom within and allow it to find intimate connection with the elemental kingdoms that nourish it. How imperative it is that you go your own way, that you protect your own sensitivity, that you find what nourishes you. You live in another world, far different from this one we know, and your living there naturally brings tremendous enrichment to this one. Your instincts create an inner disturbance that impels you towards metamorphosis. Accepting and exploring our sensitivity becomes the basis for the development of power, health and strength of our spirit in the physical world.
Coalette’s natal Juno commitment to empowering right relationship at 25°Cancer PASSIONATE DESIRE TO WEATHER THE HARDSHIPS OF LIFE IN ORDER TO UNITE WITH ONE’S DEEPEST PURPOSE
When different sides of the soul have developed to drastically different points, you become a strange mix, a hybrid brew. Simultaneously ancient with wisdom and vibrant with youth at best, or perhaps at once aging rapidly and still unformed. Those facets that are older and wiser have developed a greater mode of perception over long cycles of time. Those facets that remain young and unformed have not kept up with the greater awareness in the personal expression and embodiment. Therefore your knowingness is advanced, yet your performance is as a novice. The hardest part is to accept and embrace yourself as you are and to forgive and transmute what sometimes seems like a lack of courage and individual strength under fire. The only way this combination can become integrated is if the advanced witness acknowledges the unconditional value and intentions of the fledgling personal one who will flourish and start to catch up if loved and fostered. Your own inner self is the central benefactor, the one who can say "Yes," and bring life forth abundantly.
This degree yearns to have a meaningful purpose in life, and even if you feel you do have one, it may sometimes feel unclear to you exactly what it is, or you might feel somehow not quite connected to it. This lack of adequate connection is happening so that you can find your inner knowing and become more completely aligned with it. The outer and obvious world denies you feedback, and so you must seek assurance elsewhere - within yourself. Here is the need to use subtle forms of perception to contact hidden realms. The urge to reach into the deeper and finer levels of connection with others and the world will take you where you need to go. Follow it. Through the yearning here to be more real and the embracing of our full reality, we become visible as we find our spiritual purpose through our deep intuitive connection and intimate kinship with all.
The HorseWisdom Illumination
*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium
~ Bladder Channel Point 51, Gate of Abundance ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point promotes the flourishing and flowing of energy throughout the body, so that one can bring to fruition and manifestation the desires of the heart. It promotes communication between the expressions of the emotional mind such as joy, abundance, and prosperity consciousness, with the passions and the desires of the heart. The name Gate of Abundance evokes the image of opening a doorway to a new level of consciousness of unlimited potential and possibility. It is a place without fear of failure, and embraces the energy of momentum and flow to step into living purposefully. It brings into perceptive awareness the recognition of the beauty and abundance that abounds all around us. When one can recognize the abundance in all things, more and more becomes visible to our awareness, creating a shift in how one approaches life. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point is similar to turning a key. It is a turning point, a moving into a higher level of joy. It bring motivation to embrace life with renewed interest in the world and in others. It restores the vital forces necessary to find the true meaning of love, though joy of creation and manifestation, through serving the world via the heart.
~ Spleen Channel Point 14, Abdomen Knot ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point empowers our connection to the time in the womb. The time before earthly life, a place where one can feel safe and secure. The quality of being able to feel safe, secure, nourished, supported and loved is measured in relation to this womb experience. Should this womb time be a place of pain and stress, we can re-connect and understand our core experiences that define our emotional history in relationship to that of our parents. From this understanding one can see a bigger picture, reclaim the past and move towards compassionate awareness of our humanity. This empowers the realization that we have chosen our experiences in order to learn, grow and experience a broad range of human emotions. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point serves to untie knots that block the expression of painful emotions in order to allow healing of the pain and reconnection to the optimum. The optimum being a time of spiritual and physical nurturance that is untainted by life’s painful experiences. Ultimately, this brings a sense of physical nurturance and belonging. The ability to commit to a community, find family and feel a sense of one’s place becomes more feasible. It promotes a steady centre and sense of safety so that one may more fully embrace life.
The HorseWisdom Initiative
A cosmic perspective that can lift others up out of their little limiting nightmares and karmic loops. Combining a coolness and softness with great power and unwillingness to compromise when the issue is important. An ability to express hard to accept truths in a way that softens them. Intense adherence will draw here tests through which one can learn what needs to be changed, modified or softened into and giving into the receiving of what these tests are trying to teach you, will allow the necessary inner transformation to occur, and connection to spirit be strengthened.
Genealogy of Coalette
Mortana Pat
Sire: Cream Ridge Mirzay
Ida-Ho Mary
Ella Gates
Waer’s Black Rascal
Hedlite’s Mickey Waer
Hedlite’s Kitty Clover
Dam: Beaver State Pennant
Relational wisdom to Coalette: Annie, Moon