The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle


Buttes Fortuna Antigua

2010 bay mare

(NHR CA Golden Eagle x Sweet Iron Anisette)

The HorseWisdom Invocation

Cinder invokes the soul wisdom of ENCOURAGING (to inspire heart, spirit or hope)

The HorseWisdom Invitation 

Gratitude has a way of shifting what we believe about ourselves and the blessing that we are.  What you are developing right now is a view of yourself as a blessing, which inspires blessings all around.


The HorseWisdom Insight

*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple

Cinder’s natal messenger Mercury at 9°Taurus THE POWER OF SPONTANEOUS ACTION

The creative force at odds with itself. What you would do, you would not do. Facing the truth--that everything personally generated fails to satisfy. Spirit is ached for in its absence. Something missing. Massive pride screeching to a halt. A very high vibration. Inward places calling you. But the abyss features radical self-overcoming. And there is nothing to say, everything to do, with nobody left to do it--except the forgotten one inside who knows the way.

You embrace the fabulous value of all that life has to offer. When the time is right what is in you comes forth, and when this happens you need to let it happen. You have much to give, much to share, but if you worry about how to do it, or in what context to do it, or do anything to repress it, stress and frustration will be the result. Be spontaneous, and be diligent to not judge your own actions. You desire to be used by the world in a way that unburdens you of your treasures. This degree is about how to harvest your own riches and then what to do with them. The key to this is to allow the forces of the deep self to carry out their purposes without further rationalization, justification, explanation or any other suppressive constructs. Silencing the mind, we gain an expanded vision and expression to it.

The HorseWisdom Illumination

*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium

~ Triple Warmer Channel Point 21, Gateway of Listening ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point connects the pathway of the ear to that of the heart, empowering the virtues of deep listening.  It is the connection to wisdom.  In order to truly hear, the words must enter the heart.  Truly listening with the heart allows for all the words to integrate and transform.  The virtue of strength allows for the hearing of words of strength and encouragement.  The virtue of wisdom hears the words of wisdom.  Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point allows for the penetration of Sacred words so that respect for truth develops.

Disharmonies: Stubbornness; rigidity of mind; speaking more than listening; inability to find inner stillness; mind chatter. 

~ Pericardium Channel Point 9, Rushing into the Middle ~

Virtues: This Energy Release Point brings a surge of strength to our central core, unleashing vitality to energize our full body systems. It brings forth spontaneity, flow, motivation and encouragement. It fuels desire, prompting us to seize the day and burst into action. These desires can include relationships, creative pursuits, and life dreams. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point empowers vitality, energy, motivation, and drive as well as trust, tenderness and intimacy. It inspires us to zone in and focus on our vision. It is to see the target, aim purposefully and attain the goal. This Energy Release Point harmonizes the surge of impetuous energy with discernment so that the goal in pursuit is one that is beneficial to our highest good. It balances the flow of energy for creative pursuits and life dreams so that they can be directed by heart-inspired logic. It creates a moderating energy so that intimacy can function in a healthy, balanced way.

Disharmonies: Lack of perspective; dysfunctional relationships; distrust; burnout from overuse of creative forces; sexual addictions.

~ Small Intestine Channel Point 18, Cheekbone Hole/Influential Bone Hole ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point brings to consciousness the observation that the strength of the cheekbone is a reflection of the strength of the bones of the whole body. The strength of the bones is also a reflection of Body alignment with the Heart’s passion. The strength of the cheekbone therefore is determined by one’s ability to convey the Heart’s Essence through one’s speech. This Energy Release Point assists in connecting and expressing the fire of the Soul as nourished by the Heart in it’s altruism an inner ideals. This joy-filled passion can then nourish, inspire and encourage others.

Disharmonies: Willful influence on others; distorted ego self; inability to communicate spiritual ideals. Physically one may experience symptoms of pain and tension in the jaw.

**SI 18 is the tendino-muscular sinew convergent/command point for the 3 leg yang channels (Gallbladder, Urinary Bladder, Stomach) and represents the central point of arousal of our sensory organs (ears, eyes, nose, tongue); indicative of our response to what we see, hear, taste, smell and how we reach out into the world (or lack thereof if we are habituated/stuck to any extent in fight, flight or freeze) to further our investigation as our response to the stimulation of the world around us

The HorseWisdom Initiative


The quest to find something of true worth and value. Here is a focus on temptation and desire. The questioning of why one wants what they want, and hence the uncertainty of true desires. The little ego, based in selfishness and the illusion of limitation, must be dissolved so that the greater ego may assert itself as a pure mirror reflecting the love and joy of all that is the light of the spiritual realm into the physical realm. As we learn how to accept things as they are, and, when inspired to do so, work towards the regeneration of whatever needs to be renewed we find ways out of limitation and restriction as we seek and merge with the universal consciousness which creates in us an acceptance of life as it is and the gifts it has to offer.

Genealogy of Cinder 

Worlds Edge Goldhawk 

NVS Tesoro

Apple Pi Baylynn

Sire: NHR CA Golden Eagle

Triple S Gold Buck

Badlands Misty Rose

Apple Pi Miss Tish


Francis Tito

Sweet Iron Morgan

JMD Gay Ebony Dancer

Dam: Sweet Iron Anisette (Annie)

Francis Blackman

Francis Cinder

Francis Lizita

Relational wisdom to Cinder: Annie, Carmelita, Surf, Noche, Karma, Cruz