The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle
SSS Tatanka’s Chinoden
2002 black mare
(Bessia’s Tatanka x BDM Jessie’s Jewel)
The HorseWisdom Invocation
Chinoden invokes the soul wisdom of a REQUISITE (demand or request for something, or to take something for your own use) WITNESS TO (having knowledge through personal observation or experience, to see evidence of or find proof) RITE (use of a ceremony or ritual that leads us through a passage into a new phase of life)
*Chinoden’s original soul wisdom word given to me was to witness and the message that followed was that of witnessing the becoming an amulet as choice for reinvention of self. Upon further exploration into what I still couldn’t quite understand, was revealed the word Requisite - as in requiring. Next came the connection to the amulet, which connected to the word Talisman (from the ancient greek word TELESMA or TELEO, meaning to complete or perform a rite) and from there comes the full experience of Chinoden’s Soul wisdom as Requiring Witness to the Rites of passage for becoming the living Amulet or Talisman as choice for reinvention of self.
The HorseWisdom Invitation
When we become present, we see things not for what they are but rather, as they are. When we witness something in the present moment, there can be no story attached. The more we become present, the less we become attached. The more we become the observer the more the universe presents for us to become the witness of, and the witness to.
The HorseWisdom Insight
*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple
Chinoden’s natal Chiron key to unlock the wisdom within our wounds at 7°Capricorn PERCEIVING THE PRIMAL ENERGIES OF THE SOUL IN ALL THEIR DETAILS
A jaundiced eye based on past experience bending the truth to fit negative preconceptions. Long ago and far away, having become enchanted or imprisoned in a lesser state of consciousness, you still follow out the consequences karmically. Wildly driven to impose the past, to convict yourself of ancient crimes. Self-righteously wrong. Gloriously depraved. Virtuously impoverished. Devoting magnificent resources to a bleak, forbidding track. So hard on self that mercy and compassion are out of reach. Brutal realism that simply proves its own premises to be correct. All this is ultimately redemptive if a higher law, a more fertile truth intervenes. But it takes miracles, and you do not believe in them nor feel worthy of them. Yet miracles it will be if your self-condemnation lets them in at the crucial destiny-moment; just as you knew it would be, underneath the practiced frown in your twinkling heart.
Perception of how the past has produced the results of the present. Adept at bringing forth lost or forgotten information which can enrich present understanding and knowledge. Listening and observing faithfully to messages from the spirit world, and pulled continually toward self-exploration and toward way s of drawing out that which lies within. Seeking the depths of the subconscious to befriend it, and finding the challenge is to accept what continually draws you back to it to learn the secrets within the resentments, sorrows, fears and all else that weigh heavy and pull on the conscious mind. The unburdening of the past so that one is free to fully connect to the present by creating spaciousness for connecting to the strength that comes from acknowledging and loving the wild primitive aspects rather than denying, ignoring or civilizing.
Chinoden’s PreNatal Lunar Eclipse soul lesson at 8°Cancer EVOCATION OF SPIRITUAL FORCES
The code that brings everything together is here remembered and insisted upon. You cannot shake off the authoritative understanding of the higher aspect and its call. You are riveted to the spot inwardly by the story, the myth, the legend. For you believe in the chronicle, the birthright of realization, penetration, and return upon the spiral. This way of being also calls up wild events and experiences, in order both to challenge and to rally your understanding into renewing itself by encompassing what is anything but already cosmically clear. And as you discover how to enjoy and partake in the chaos below, and to commune within and heighten the dedication above, the path of always-having-known-these things-before will reawaken in a whole other sense, and become life-giving, life-renewing, and richly permeating and true.
Here is a knowing of how to focus energy, to collect it and pattern it for maximum intensity so that it can become a healing force. You can’t figure out how to do this, you just need to allow your desire to create to manifest and it will spontaneously occur. Through tuning into a higher perception that frees you from all confusion and uncertainty, your healing visions come through the ultimate and living talisman upon which the work of alchemy is based. A clearer and clearer perception of the vastness of ourselves creates the desire to focus our intent to meet creative challenges - as well as providing us with the means to do so.
Chinoden’s natal Neptune divine connection to universal consciousness and messenger Mercury at 9°Aquarius RECOGNIZING THE PURPOSE OF LIMITATIONS AND FORM THROUGH WHICH WE CAN EMBRACE SPIRITUAL REALITIES
The old past-centered facets of life are predominant in this world. Those who take on the thought patterns of this old earth find themselves immensely trapped in time and space, and in physical form most of all. Yet in the very midst of thinking and operating in this rationalistic way, you are subtly and secretly fostering a great wealth of New Earth consciousness, of fresh ways of seeing. By relentlessly exposing yourself to the rigors and consequences of the mentally-based world, you come to that edge where the way to liberation becomes so sharp that the deeper seeing comes up to give you space and breath. It is quite a process to live between cycles, bridge divergent worlds, and feel the necessity of keeping it all going. But truly the soul is witnessing each dangling moment, and preparing to go free when the season is right and the prison doors open of themselves, as the karma is completed and the unknown calls you onward.
This degree brings ideas and concepts to life through merging with their creative energy. You are a go-between for abstractions and the living world of spiritual realities. This can feel like a prison until you learn to identify with the vivid spectrum through which you communicate these abstractions to release yourself from the limitations of trying to confine these energies in a way it makes sense. Here the focus is on the fostering of timeless and boundless wisdom and when you let this natural gift flow through you unobstructed, others derive from it the sublime beauty that nourishes all of life. The activities of the subconscious, when allowed freedom, are always returning to places of power and meaning so as to deepen our understanding of them and to find new ways of expressing their truth.
The HorseWisdom Illumination
*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium
~ Divine Masculine Director Governing Vessel Point 13, Kiln Path/Fires of Transformation/Way of the Dao ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point is also known as the Road to Happiness. In the name Kiln Path, the kiln in this circumstance refers to the ceramic amulets of the Taoists, who wore these to ward off evil spirits. The Ancients knew that clay shapes worn as amulets would assist in keeping one on the true path by protecting from the external influences designed to lead astray. With the higher vibrational energies entering and now present on the larger planetary system, earth alchemy is also presenting humanity with crystal amulets - crystal consciousness to protect our evolution and to connect us tot the crystalline grid and transformative energy of our time. This Energy Release Point also speaks to the fire of alchemy and transformation. It is the place where aspects and parts combine in order to birth a Great Creation. This creation is then given a form, a time and a space. This form is fuelled by passion, love and beauty, and consequently it transforms yet again into something of endurance - perpetuity. It is here that one may grasp the concept and fully understand what it is to be immortal. It is to know that our lifestream is eternal and by connecting with the ALL we can choose a true path; one that flourishes and is filled with joy. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point brings connection to transformational fires. It activates a protective energy, an etheric amulet which serves to keep one safe on the path, strongly protected from distractions of the dark.
The HorseWisdom Initiative
Chinoden initiates the journey into 0°Cancer CREATING SPACE FOR SPIRITUAL RAPPORT
Blocking out everything that we don’t want to look at, we project onto our reality our own conceptions. When these are spiritually inspired, there is the ability to shift reality into a higher vibration…without spiritual inspiration, comes a strong pull toward being in denial of the challenges and discords in life. Here is the shift in making connections that assist in getting beyond limitations and illusions through openness and attentiveness to the supportive influences of evolutionary impulses which bring us to open up to new ways of being. Catching fleeting glimpses of the deeper meanings of things, this triggers spiritual awareness and the ability to recognize and capture ephemeral pieces of wisdom as they move through you. Here through the sharing of deep emotions and communing with them, comes the gentle empowerment of the feminine aspect of nature. Carving out a sacred place for what you most care about to flourish and through the instantaneous invocation of the miracle of existence, all becomes transparent.
Genealogy of Chinoden
Wyoming Flyhawk
Triple S Ebonella
Sire: Bessia’s Tatanka
Domino Joe
Bessia’s Jubarose
Tetonia Rosa JJ
Speedramp Walker
Speedy Pal
Correll Willowfield
Dam: BDM Jessie’s Jewel
Fayron’s Dancer
Diamond’s Jewel
O’Hara’s Whisper
Relational wisdom to Chinoden: Phoenix, Bertie, Eagle, August