The HorseWisdom REvelations Oracle


Buttes Chief Spar

2015 black stallion

(OGO Sellman Hill & Co x Fancy All the Way)

The HorseWisdom Invocation 

Chief invokes the soul wisdom of ENCOUNTERING (to unexpectedly experience or be faced with)

The HorseWisdom Invitation

What have you struggled with in the past, or are currently struggling with?  There is an outcome that you are holding onto that is not in alignment with your soul’s legacy.  You have been feeling this, and the time has come for greater alignment with the path of your inspired legacy.


The HorseWisdom Insight

*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple

Chief’s natal Ceres right responsibility to nurture empowerment through 7°Aquarius AWARENESS OF TRANSCENDING DUALITIES THROUGH BECOMING DEEPLY CAUGHT UP IN EXTREME REACTIVITY TO THEM

Karma works by indirection. We draw to ourselves what we previously activated and as it comes back, we curse the reflection. Such gestures multiply. They gather force and momentum. And soon we have fixed ideas about what is pulling us back and what is carrying us forward. Before you know it, you have become partisan, taking up this side against this other side, swept up in the drama. And you even become sure in your mind that whole segments of existence are bad and terrible and must be renounced completely. Yet you are making a self-commentary in where your mind as led you, and there must come a point in the journey when the mind strips away its disguise and you know once again that all is of God, that all is toward the good, and nothing can ever harm you, unless you insist upon it.

All depends on focus and belief. Even the most deeply entrenched beliefs and ways of being are capable of being changed when we are truly ready to let go of them. Here is an urge to fully embrace one’s own power. When something is holding you back or restricting you, there is felt an urge to break out of it, to break free, so that you can have room to grow. This is the true nature of the self that cannot be denied or ignored, and continually seeks ways of breaking free often through provoking resolution through moral issues. Here is a coming of realization that even negativity can be a tool for evolution and spontaneous encounters of life occurs through our desire to seek what it is that will bring us out beyond right and wrong/positive and negative, and into the power of our heart connection.

Chief’s natal Uranus awakening innovative breakthrough at 19°Aries FEARLESS OPENING OR EMBRACING OF CHANGE

The head densely holds the patterns of the past as fixed routes. There are points along the journey where everything must be dropped and where all previous experience becomes no longer applicable. You are treated to a destiny-surge of power which obliterates the traces of petty limitation and habitual tracks. A radical departure into the infinite unknown becomes the only way to go. As the ego-mind no longer bears the authority to command and dictate and coerce, vision is released, awareness becomes visceral, everything lights up directly. And as the old carcass is removed, the universal life-force streams in, giving a much brighter angle and leaning to move with. Identity smashed to make room for totality in a fresh and uninhibited expression and embodiment of its call, and in its need for those who can drop everything and tune right in to what wants to emerge here, of itself.

You have a groundedness that is always moving towards wholeness. You have the ability to create a large spacious environment to manifest around you, for both yourself and others - physically and also psychologically - which can open up all sorts of new potentials. Sometimes in order to open this up, we need a breakthrough. The skull is hard because the brain needs lots of defending, but any defence system can also become a prison - and so the hardness of the skull needs an opening through which it can connect to a great reality. When we break through the hard crystallized thought forms that we’ve turned into a wall to protect and defend the brain, we release the pressure of limited ways of living that have been built up within us. Opening our mind up and giving into the process of change brings fearlessness in encountering new experiences. Making oneself purposefully vulnerable can invite potent magic.

The HorseWisdom Illumination

*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium

~ Small Intestine Channel Point 10, Shoulder Blade ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point is named for it’s geographical location of the shoulder blade.  It is the meeting point of the Energy Release Channel of the Small Intestine, the Extraordinary Energy Release Channel of the Masculine Vessel of Movement and the Extraordinary Energy Release Channel of the Masculine Vessel of Structure.  The resulting benefit of this Energy Release Point therefore speaks to the creation of an energy which is greater than the sum of its parts.  It is the ability to shoulder the responsibilities of life and helps one to stand in a strong and erect manner.  It is stability and center and as such, keeps everything in balance nourishing the health of the physical body.  It opens a conduit which flows a dynamic source of vitality.  It serves to circulate this vitality through the body so that one successfully accomplishes one’s mission, reminding us that the Soul is immortal and we are here to share our gifts in service to the elevation of consciousness of humanity.  Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point increases life energy so that one can encounter situations with confidence.  It assists in balancing one’s unique individuality with the energy of group consciousness so that one can function in wholeness within a larger social matrix.  

Disharmonies: Blocks the free flow of energy of the Secondary Energy Centre of the shoulder. 

~ Gallbladder Point 5, Suspended Skull ~

Virtues: This Energy Release Point assists one in connecting to inner wisdom and clarity in decision making. This is especially helpful when one encounters opportunities in the present moment and choice are to made. Opportunities viewed as potential for growth and expansion. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point allows for the tapping into stored potential energy, which is then used to put actions in place. The clarity of structured goals come from the revelation of how the completed manifestation should look. Seeing it from the end result of accomplishment. Our physicality is the means by which the Creative Force can take action. We are connected to the Creative Force through our upper energy centres located at the top of our head. This stream of wisdom is then brought into our body and through our body, we integrate wisdom with the heart. Our minds and heart work in congruence and our actions follow through in surety and clarity. The ability to step into this action is related in degree to our rootedness and grounding of Spirit in our body and, by extension, our Earth and physical world. It is of utmost importance, therefore, to be fully present in the body, for this allows for upright, straight forward, purposeful action. Ultimately we are harmonious with life and with vision borne of inspiration and wisdom.

Disharmonies: Lack of clarity; indecision; deterioration of vision (physically and spiritually); impatience; anger.

~ Gallbladder Point 40, Wilderness Mound of Ruins ~

Virtues: This Energy Release Point evokes the image of the wildness of unstructured growth that is observed with ruins and abandoned land. When one encounters a place of this nature, the imagination begins to stir visions of the land’s future potential. Wilderness Mound of Ruins enhances the desire to make change in the world, through the realization of potential. It empowers perspective, to be able to see in all directions without obstruction. This Energy Release Point also serves in drawing our attention inwards to contemplate the effects of the destructive tendencies of humanity, and how as a humanity one can cooperatively work together to create a new form, a new structure where harmonious consciousness can thrive. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point strengthens benevolence. It brings wisdom gained from a higher perspective on where we have been, where we are and where we are going as a one humanity. It heightens appreciation and gratitude with the realization that personal opinions are never absolute, that there is room for creativity and value in the acceptance of the differences of others. Clarity of vision in regards to the external world becomes relative to our interpretations, judgments and belief systems, hence, harmonizing the relationship between the individual and humanity.

Disharmonies: Being lost in the life journey; rigidity of thought (and body); overly influenced by peers and/or family ties; for when a person cannot see the forest for the trees; feelings of malevolence towards others; prejudice; intolerance towards others; envy; feelings of discontent towards the accomplishments of others.

The HorseWisdom Initiative


Problems always need a medium in which to grow, and that medium is the joyless self, the fearful self, and the self drained of energy. Turning conflicts of interest into power struggles will never bring joy. Detaching from what has hurt us and letting go of the dramas stored in our pain body, we may then see from a higher perspective and understand the how and why of it and seek ways to be in harmony. Here is the healing of one’s understanding which supports a clearing out of our energy field so that attuning to the forces of nature and the spiritual light can be drawn from.

Genealogy of Chief 

Primavera Valdez

OGO Tejon de Oro Hermoso

Woodrose Katrina

Sire: OGO Sellman Hill & Co (CC)

Higuera Bandido

Ursula’s Higuera Bandita

Woodrose Katrina


El Spartez

Vining Lamar

Flick’s Emily

Dam: Fancy All the Way (Fancy)

Keer’s Red Oak

Sunny Delite

Shawalla Darling

Relational wisdom to Chief: Fancy, CC, Huma, Noche, Karma