The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle

Two J Willys Chantel

1993 bay mare

(Lord Willing x Ganymede Vanity Fair)


The HorseWisdom Invocation 

Chantel invokes the soul wisdom of AFFIRMING (to accept or confirm the validity of, make strong by discovering a heightened sense of value - typically through the experience of something emotionally or spiritually uplifting)

The HorseWisdom Invitation

Where have you been relying so steadily on something that you thought would see you through, and help you get somewhere - or get you somewhere else? What is occurring for you is an affirmation of your soul’s regeneration point. This ‘point’ is both fixed & dynamically solvent. Where you find yourself challenged by this point is the origin of what can become a conscientious undertaking, as the challenge itself is the affirmation that will provide you the resources necessary to find your way.


The HorseWisdom Insight

*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple

Chantel’s natal Chiron key to unlock the wisdom within our wounds at 29°Leo POWER MANIFESTING THROUGH SEEMING WEAKNESS

Consecration to a higher power. The giving-over of the personal will--the marvel of root change. Coming to the end of your own path, and it is just the beginning of the greater way. The heart must open. The infinite must be born inside. The destiny-necessity is there--so much karmic backlog. So many ways to be right and to be wrong. The realization in the very midst that there is nobody listening to the old tale and everybody is awaiting somebody else to come through. A profound and utter doorway into a great unknown. What has been is finished. What shall be is so very different. And what is now is a question and a prayer and a destiny that must find its redemption.

This degree has a powerful ability to maintain your own integrity even in the midst of tremendous pressure exerted on you from the outside to be something different, something that fits into that narrow-minded prejudices and biases of others. Your being calls to and awakens the true self of others, inviting them to become more and more their greater selves. This all happens in unpredictable ways as the personality in this degree must break down and reform continually to allow in greater and greater amounts of light and truth. Through this degree and the feeling of our own powerlessness we seek empowerment through connection with higher powers. Using the lessons derived from what what as a support, we come to love and accept ourselves as we are, and also to transmute those parts of ourselves ready for change.

Chantel’s natal Jupiter faith & benevolent expansion at 14°Libra AWARENESS OF INTENSE EMOTIONAL IMPULSES AND COMMITMENT TO GROUNDED PROCESS

Embarking upon a highly unusual journey in which getting there is a very remote prospect. But along the way, upon the eternal road, you come upon absolutely everything that can trigger inner changes. You are granted the perfect view of the entire passing scene. And as you take it all in, the alchemy of deep process inside the soul optimizes the value and meaning of what you meet. Slowly, just underneath you become aware, in sync and steady on. And soon all is perfect. You know where you are and you recognize what is asked of those with eyes to see.

This degree taps deeply into the stuck places of both itself and others. Through the ability to just be with it all, herein is the power of persistence and dedication that allows the shadow to be pursed and finally discovered. Raw energy here is harnessed, focused and directed, maximizing the potent alchemy of the process of the journey to be deeply assimilated. The conflicts and inevitability of old and deeply held karmas eventually draw to themselves the perfect knowledge needed to heal them. As the masculine energy in us softens and becomes more gentle we find in ourselves an enduring patience that allows us to slowly and steadily progress along our evolutionary path.

The HorseWisdom Illumination

*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium

~ Divine Feminine Matrix Point 4, Gate of Origin/Gate of the Source ~ 

Virtues: Visualize this Energy Release Point as the point in which one directly accesses the Divine Feminine Matrix - the raw power of the ocean source - the creation vortex of all Creative Forces - the portal of access to raw power at full throttle. The place where ALL is contained. This Energy Release Point is known by many names in as much as there are many names of the Creator - however, it is tapping into an energy even bigger than this. The womb of al creation and the gate(way) of all life. The origin and the source of the Divine Feminine Matrix and as such, one of the three foundational builders of life to birth in physicality beyond the body, spirit and soul.

From the ONE (Creative Force) births the TWO - the Divine Feminine Matrix (Conception Vessel) and Divine Masculine Director (Governing Vessel) - the Seeds of Life. This Energy Release Point is a sacred point used for anointing the physical body as it re-initiates its affirmation to Life and Creation.

Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point connects us to the energy of the womb of creation.

Disharmonies: Thoughts of anti-creation (suicide or murder); depletion; coldness; withdrawal; depression; inability to conceive (ideas, thoughts or a child); impotence; infertility; emaciation.

* CV points 4, 5, 6 are known as part of our cinnabar field, aka the lower dantian field of the raw power of our solar plexus

~ Bladder Channel Point 56, Supporting Muscles/Sinew Support ~

Virtues: This Energy Release Point serves to support the muscles of the legs so that in turn, the legs support us in carrying our gifts of service into the world. It builds inner strength to support the physical, so that one feels productive and motivated to continue. This Energy Release Point has a continual effect, for by strengthening the muscles, the perseverance and discipline of the mind is also affected. A secondary aspect of this Energy Release Point is that by connecting to the discipline of the mind, the light within the mind connects to the point of light within the Universal Divine Mind. This allows for an opening that receives Light strength, a strength which affirms the knowing that one is always supported by the Divine. When we have clear connection that our acts of productivity are in alignment with our Divine Will, then the resulting manifestation will be fuelled from benevolence for the betterment of humanity. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point strengthens the will to be of service, and supplies the vital support necessary to the physical structure so that it can step into benevolent action. It allows for balanced communication between the mind and the needs of the physical body so that both are respected and honoured.

Disharmonies: Imbalanced support for the body by constant mind over matter leading to depletion and exhaustion of the physical as well as exhaustion of the mental; disorders of digestion and the intestines.

The HorseWisdom Initiative


Awareness of the way sadness and addictive attachment to the past robs us of our vividly relating to the present. Rather than compartmentalizing life, here is awareness of its wholeness, and of how anything and everything we encounter can heal us, if we will let it. Seeing each moment of relating to life as an experiment which can be an opening to release and liberation. A giving up of one part of oneself so that another part can move forward. The knowledge of life’s give and take as a means of support, rooted in the generosity of love. Whatever gift is given, through your own growth it will be always be replaced.

Genealogy of Chantel

Windy Hill Willie

Treble’s Willy Wild

Junehill Fascination

Sire: Lord Willing

UVM Watchman

Back Brook Betony

UVM Melissa


Waseeka’s In Command

Tug Hill Commando

Fiddler’s Majesta

Dam: Ganymede Vanity Fair

Merri-Lee Double Don

LBF Dusky Morn

Townshend Vigil Morn

Relational wisdom to Chantel: Rocky, Rusty, Samba