The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle
Sweet Iron Carmelita
1995 chestnut mare
(Primavera Valdez x Francis Cinder)
The HorseWisdom Invocation
Carmelita invokes the soul wisdom of VALUING (the worth of something, to be considered important or beneficial)
The HorseWisdom Invitation
What has been unearthed in your life recently? This is revealing the true contents of what had been buried for preservation. Let it now be exposed to reveal greater insight and depth of understanding for the betterment of all. Know that the sacred mysteries are both held by, and discovered within, the earth bound structure.
The HorseWisdom Insight
*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple
Carmelita’s natal Pluto transformation through death/rebirth at 29°Scorpio CREATING PROFOUND AND EXPANSIVE CONNECTIONS THAT ARE ULTIMATELY FREEING
Definitely completely attached, but what you are attached to changes drastically. Each time it is to the source of sustenance. If at first a mother, womb, an elemental past, it can easily become later on a great teacher, a path, a journey. You are still thoroughly, personally hooked into the sweetness, the juice, the power. Yet as the levels shift, as the attunement deepens, you go from destructive enmeshment toward incredible openings. And as you learn to cut loose from each last thing and to move toward the next greater thing, you become adept in the rough process of inner soul work. You have an extraordinary aptitude for taking the most binding and heavy-duty circuits and moving into and through them, grasping hold of the guiding influence of ever-greater circles of allegiance. Leading eventually toward mutation and evolutionary breakthrough of the first magnitude.
This degree could be called the ‘FREEING POWER OF DEATH’. The ability to open doorways to greater freedom and expanded realities, through the deep awareness of all limitations and the ability to sense the way out of them by seeing into what is beyond. Making the most of whatever comes, and realizing that any loss always come with some sort of gain when looked at another way. Aware of the inherent karma and the need to continually renew the care and protection of one’s treasures and to preserve what is of value when it comes under threat or vulnerability. Part of this degree is the complete freedom found through the intensity and fullness of connection opening into intimate and profound giving and receiving. What keeps this from happening to the fullest in this degree is whether or not we are projecting love or fear onto the situation. Returning and reuniting with our deepest sense of connectedness we come to the realization that we are profoundly connected to everything.
Carmelita’s natal Chiron key to unlock the wisdom within our wounds at 20°Virgo FOCUS ON THE PHYSICAL IN A SPIRITUAL MANNER
When you place a spiritual/cosmic perspective upon every single little thing that happens, you will either overshoot the mark or discover perfect meaning. The overshooting of the mark happens when the little mind and the greater mind become warped in their relativities. Proportion tumbles before pregnant magnitude. Everything is sprinkled with archetypal overtones. Perfect meaning arises here when the truth is the yardstick and you simply align yourself with the truth in a nondogmatic fashion. The spirit of discovery becomes the spur. The unknown makes the known precious and poignant. You finally get it right that every microcosmic situation is a jewel in the making, and only needs to be appreciated and boosted by faithful beholding. The passage is from thinking about it to becoming at home within the path of bringing all worlds together, just as the occasion makes possible, with a light touch and an easy grasp of the reins.
Though you can’t always define it in a conscious or intellectual way, here is sensed the inherent meaning of life in a pure, direct manner. Accepting what is, and knowing that even if its seems at any moment completely undesirable - it is there to encourage evolution. The revering of what is, and knowing that it all has meaning, purpose, and something to teach us - just as we find it. The inherent knowing that there is an underlying spiritual foundation to everything. To do justice with this degree is to be able to connect to and work with the spiritual realities - which is not easy - for it means the unknown must be embraced, risks taken, experiments attempted - which could lead to the possibility of failure. If fear of doing these things wins out, then the illusion of the remoteness and inaccessibility of these realms will be clung to, as a means of ‘playing it safe’. The result will be frustration and lack of fulfillment, until the path into the expanded realities of the unfamiliar is finally followed. The ability to access realms beyond the physical as a way to engage in the continual process of freeing yourself from anything less than involvement with the greater cosmic realities. This is what leads to the completion of cycles, where we can turn our attention away from the processes and toward the centre of pure consciousness around which all process evolves from.
The HorseWisdom Illumination
*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium
~ Kidney Channel Point 24, Spirit Wasteland/Spirit Burial Ground ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point enhances the ability of making change in the world. It activates one’s power and helps to manifest potential. It is to harness all potential with the realization that one has the ability to create and manifest using the Universal Laws. What is more is that the creation and manifestation unfolds with seemingly little effort. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point helps to unearth the Spirit within so that the Soul can express through the physical vehicle in a more passionate way. Metaphorically speaking, activating this Energy Release Point is similar to bringing water to a parched, barren land, so that life may spring up through the cracks and flourish, renewed by the resilience of Spirit.
Disharmonies: Disconnection from Source and Spirit; feeling as though life has been wasted or that life is in ruins; building walls of protection around the heart which in turn leads to isolation and retreat from society; physical exhaustion and depletion.
*kidney 24 is also a point for resolving karma, helping one let go of anything obstructing spiritual awakening it allows one to sense the unresolved ‘baggage’ weighing you down and to understand how to gracefully let it go. Imparts a deep connection to your soul.
~ Lung Channel Point 11, one of the 13 Ghost Points known as Ghosts Faith or Ghosts Truth ~
Virtues: This Energy Release Point assists in balancing and regulating the connection between our vision of destiny and our ability to persevere towards the achievement of our goals. It helps to distinguish between selfless service and servitude. Discernment of the value of things; knowing when to conserve them and when to let them go. The realization that it is essential to let go versus the cost of holding on. Through this process we develop an understanding that constant feeding of the inessential drains and fractures the beautiful crystal structure of our Light Body. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point strengthens the ability to release what doesn’t serve. Furthermore, vision and clarity in understanding of Self Worth is enhanced so that the Essential Self is valued as a priceless treasure.
Disharmonies: Fractured consciousness; overwhelm leading to entity invasion and possession; always feeling or being caught in crisis situations.
*as a ghost point, it is for when an agreement or contract has been broken and anger, sadness, loss & betrayal results
The HorseWisdom Initiative
Carmelita initiates the journey into 24°Cancer THE GLORY OF REVEALING THE CONCEALED
Awareness of the past, what’s been lost, and of the valuable wisdom that needs to be retrieved and preserved. The perception of the spiritual meaning inherent in all endings by taking an exalted view, to see from the highest possible and most metaphysical vantage point that merges us with our personal and spiritual power to put things together again from a more whole and vital way, in the here and now.
Genealogy of Carmelita
Vaquero Mac
Primavera Vaquero
Panzarita Ro
Sire: Primavera Valdez
Tio Lalo
Tia Margarita
Gay Berta
Francis Blackman
Dam: Francis Cinder
Waer’s Playboy
Francis Lizita
Relational wisdom to Carmelita: Annie, Surf, Karma