The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle


Workwize Alberta Premium

2008 palomino gelding

(Blue Diamond Hawk x Rocking M Miranda)

The HorseWisdom Invocation

Bert invokes the soul wisdom of ENSURING (to make sure, secure, certain or safe)

The HorseWisdom Invitation

What we don’t know, we cannot do and with this comes a sense of uncertainty and an invitation to lean into or lean onto something or someone. Eventually we come to realize a giving way of what we considered a certainty, which is making way for an intervention of forces that turn us inside out to reveal what will become a turn around into the focus of what is essentially there.


The HorseWisdom Insight

*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple

 Bert’s natal Moon inner world relationship to the Mother & emotional needs at 28°Libra INTUITIVE CREATION OF HARMONY THROUGH GRACE AND REFINEMENT OF SELF EXPRESSION

Different and the same. Distinguished by vertical composure, yet intended to stay down under. A special destiny-task, a mission, an assignment. Taught to blend in and become each world passed through, yet remaining incorrigibly other. Excellent at taking up required roles and ways of life and finding the best in them. You have a remarkable social gift for making the world a better place. Endowed with higher characteristics and heavenly nature, you are sublime, yet shrugging self off-- ‘no big deal.’ The wonders of anonymity. So many changes to move through, rippling waves of time. Standing far above, dispassionately: ‘I shall do what is rightful.’ The singular voice of the highest ethic, pure and essentialized.

This degree is intent on understanding the nature of things. Acutely aware of disharmonies in life, and of how they can be resolved. This is inner knowledge that comes from intuition - the sense of how things ‘feel’ - and not from objectivity or rationality. A knowing how to encourage others to keep going even when difficulties and obstructions seem to present themselves on all sides. Finding true poise and the self-assurance to move gracefully through the uncertainties of life, we find that our intuitiveness and innocence allows us to deal with anything we are faced with.

Bert’s natal Black Moon Lilith deepest repressed desires at 4°Sagittarius OVERCOMING THE FEAR AND SHAME OF ALLOWING ONESELF TO BE VULNERABLE AND THE ABILITY TO SHED THE EGO

Seeking your own reflection. Willing to go to any lengths to divest yourself of that which stands between yourself and your world. Seeking a path, a practice, a journey from an insulated way of life to a vitally engaged way of life, but hung up at the point of giving yourself completely over. Stalling for time, reaching for excuses, pulling in escapes and perpetuations of the status quo, you linger on the brink between one world and another. Propelled forward, but equally jerked backward. Destiny shall assert itself in a forward direction at the right time. And before that happens the drama of ‘will he, won't he?’ dominates consciousness and energy, keeping everything tense, fascinating, and hopeful.

This degree carries innate knowledge that must come out, even if it isn’t acknowledged or accepted by others. As long as you can focus on what you need to do and let go of any apprehensions concerning the ramifications of your actions, you can live true to yourself. With this degree is a seeking of direct experience by divesting yourself of preconceptions and social conditioning, and by also letting go of preconceptions and agendas so as to have a full experience of what’s right there in front of you. This knowledge is feminine in nature - what is deep within - and requires masculine courage and gutsiness to give oneself completely, surrendering to the vulnerability of putting aside our defences to engage in complete and intimate communion with our emotions. This allows us to align with savouring the process of growth through generating intimacy that dissolves the illusion of the self’s limits and invites in support from the universe.

The HorseWisdom Illumination

*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium

~ Gallbladder Channel Point 1, The Sun Before the Pass/Orbit Bone Hole Crevice ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point empowers the ability to receive light that serves to bring clarity in our perception of vision. This particular light is a light of innocence, bringing the energy of childlike trust, where one feels supported and loved by spiritual beings as we begin the journey of life. It empowers decision making and strategic planning. It is the first point of the Gallbladder Energy Release Channel and therefore is symbolic of the first light of the first day of life. Light becomes a source of spiritual nourishment, and is available to us from our first breath onwards. This continual reception of light empowers the ability to move through passages of shadow and darkness, firm in the knowledge that light guides the way to goodness and benevolence. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point empowers discernment regarding the goodness of the inner nature of self, as well as bringing into clarity the vision of the Soul for the life journey. It serves to empower beneficial relationships with self and others. It is confidence, security and trust. It ensures the stability of alignment between our inner plan and our life events through accurate perception of our Soul’s vision. As one trusts their inner knowledge and place within community, living in harmony becomes the natural state of being.

Disharmonies: Instability due to the chaos of life events; frustration; being overcome by obstacles; irreconcilable differences between inner vision and what we see in the world; discouragement and discontent; relying too heavily on the advice of others; having an overly rigid, inflexible judgment on what is right or wrong; to see only one side of any given issue; intolerance; belligerence; inability to consider anyone else’s point of view. Physically these imbalances can manifest as heart conditions such as a heart attack or stroke, dizziness., cataracts and glaucoma, insensitivity or paralysis of the face. 

~ Divine Masculine Directive Governing Vessel Point 6, Central Pillar ~

Virtues: This Energy Release Point promotes a strong central pillar - physically related to the strength of our spine. It is to be upright, so that one’s inner strength is in direct alignment with the decisive commitment to honour and respect one’s Divinity and the I AM Presence. This renewed commitment to the Divine Will facilitates the Ascension process. The analogy is likened to Spirit as water flowing to the Ocean of the Soul and that they journey of elevated consciousness is being on a boat, whose strength and sturdiness is derived from one’s integral centre and alignment to the Divine
Will. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point ensures that actions taken, are done from being in alignment with one’s strong Central Pillar.

*this point holds connection to our spleen, where we alchemize through the rectifying of into right relationship; to come from the strength of being centred

Disharmonies:  Lack of centre; lack of will; low self esteem or self aggrandizement and/or self righteousness; the inability to live or take a stand for one’s beliefs or convictions; depression; physical pain in the spine where it feels as though one’s back is ‘breaking in two’; madness.

The HorseWisdom Initiation


Tension and release. Contraction and expansion. The breath of the mind resolving its dualities. In order to make it possible for radical truths and significant realizations to come through, you must first karmically dramatize, inside the ego-mind and outside as well, the unbearable tension between opposing points of view. You enter upon disputes, advocate positions, set up heroes and villains. And then when your whole inner and outer world is packed with dilemmas, problems, arguments and battles, you become ready to seek out synthesis, to enter upon a cycle of restoring wholeness. During your experimental years, spice means everything. But during your maturity, there is no further mileage to be had in turning anything against anything else. Getting it that you made it all up in the first place, and that the rational mind delights in controversy but has its limits. When resolution comes, everything looks different. All of life turns around, and most particularly your relationship to yourself changes from the critic into the friend and respectful ally of your own inward intentions.

Tapping into that which has been held back and inhibited, we become inspired to allow and trust in the evolutionary forces that bring about shock or crisis as a way of clearing repressed or suppressed energies. It’s a wonderful thing to be serious and passionate about life, but not good when, through our attachments, we turn what’s important to us into a burden. Here is seeking to know what’s important to focus on, while learning to carry it lightly. Engagement of our own faith can prevent us from getting stuck on any single idea of how things should or need to proceed, as what had been held back is the very thing liberating our trust in the process.

Genealogy of Bert

Merry Ethan

Speedramp Walker

Nugget Ann

Sire: Blue Diamond Hawk

Correll King

Lea Correll



Gay Vaquero

Rocking M Vaquero

Whippoorwill Carol

Dam: Rocking M Miranda

Whippoorwill Mercury

Rocking M Blondie

Joley Blond

Relational wisdom to Bert: Phoenix, Eagle, August, Tallahasse, Lace