The Re-birth of Magic
The rebirth of Magic through realizing the cosmic potential in every moment• 15 Sagittarius the Circular Temple
The shattering or fracturing of the energy field & emotional body can occur when one experices great loss. This state of emotional pain can come from having poured oneself so completely into another that the integrity of one’s wholeness cannot withstand the loss & void of emptiness. Stomach 12 assists in moving through the grief of loss. It helps us in seeing the larger picture & moves pain from the heart space to be transformed through seeing & sensing the transition & change as an opportunity for growing through the space created by loss. With loss comes the experience of being on a threshold that we are compelled to cross. This threshold provides us our opportunity for growth & the development of wisdom through receiving of a transformational experience that strengthens our ability move through these experiences free of fear. It offers the opportunity to go within to connect to the emotions of the Self in sacredness.
This is an initiation point•the Maze of the Temples• found at Gallbladder 7. A symbolic return to the womb, a “death” leading to rebirth through the discovery of our spiritual centre. This is a process of self-discovery & movement through life which connects us with our knowing. The knowing that can sense the way within the pathways & turns that the journey of life is taking us on. So that no matter what situation we find ourselves in, by connecting to our inner centre- our I AM Presence- we can always find our way.
*in our relationship with @harmonicmedicine ‘s Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points St12.13.14.Gb7.Gb8…as one encounters depth & darkness this activation addresses our ability to follow the directives of our Soul vision & purpose, despite the fears of the unknown aspects of where our journey the journey leads
Intikana Magic shares the HorseWisdom of enlightening~whatever we collect in life is actually an attempt to communicate with something which when acknowledged will reach into us to help heal our internal sense of separation
#becometheblessing #soulwisdom #souljourney#horsewisdom #guidedbyequus