sacred Reflections

03.03.2024 The Magic In Between

is where we find the turning point, where we find an opening and find ourselves opened up to the magic of a Kairos moment of opportunity!

There is a turning point in the cosmos known as the Vertex - this point moves fairly quickly in relation to most of the aspects in astrology. To me this is symbolic of the turning points of our lives - they happen quickly, sometimes instantaneously and then the moment is over. This is Kairos time - where, paradoxcially, time seems to both flow and stand still. The stillpoint of time.

It is where we can move into or through the fabric of space and time toward something bigger, something beyond our present current reality, into an opportunity where we come to know ourselves in sync with the Universe in a more expanded beneficent way.

There was a point in time today were I was guided to look at my natal chart and recognized a kite pattern had formed. A kite is symbolic of a number of aspects that are considered harmonious in nature, but often these are aspects that we sometimes cannot recognize within ourselves because its as if they are second nature to us, and we cannot see them for what they are until something challenging triggers these aspects. The bottom of this kite was the Vertex turning point, moving across my natal asteroid Ceres at 3°Aries(Responsibility to Nurturing a deeper connection to the Feminine within) also sitting right next to and conjunct my Kalypso (that which we keep hidden) at 5°Aries.

Revealed to me was my Responsibility to Nurturing a deeper connection found at

3°Aries REVEALING OF TRUTH (from The Circular Temple John Sandbach)

A sacred mirror which is kept in the inner sanctum of a temple. You seek Truth in its purest form. The problem is, you can’t take it all in at once - you need to allow yourself to grow with it - to let Truth evolve you. As your vision and consciousness expands, Truth becomes clearer and clearer to you, as well as your ability to uncover and disperse falsity.

The outer is stripped away so that something deeper is revealed, just as a deeper aspect of the self can be seen in the sacred mirror. You go to any lengths to find the truth - that is, to uncover your true self.

That which I have kept hidden was found at

5°Aries THE QUEST FOR ESSENCE (The Circular Temple -Sandbach & Inside Degrees/StarSparks-Lonsdale)

Honoring the spirit within at all costs. Insisting upon the vertical aspect in all things. You feel driven by the heart to go to any lengths to express and embody the realization of divinity. Intoxicated with the Divine, called beyond, and taken by a passion, you are dedicated and consecrated and given over. Transported into other realms. Ecstatic. A frenzy of conviction that nothing matters except the Ultimate. Swept away. Released into the Cosmos. Liberated from the wheel. And expressing the inexpressible with consummate conviction.

And the bridge connecting both was found in-between at 4°Aries (Inside Degrees/StarSparks Lonsdale)

This is where the magic of HorseWisdom became the bridge that helped me connect the dots within myself :)

Magic’s HorseWisdom, son of Noche and Desi (Noche’s HorseWisdom is to honour and Desi’s HorseWisdom is that which we Desire) is to encompass, to be surrounded by… his natal Chiron (wounded healer archetype) is at 4°Aries - Magic is the bridge that helped me connect my responsibilities of my own deep connection to that of what I had kept hidden (mostly from myself)…

Magic brought me the awareness of what is possible when we encompass what we keep hidden as well as our responsibility to nurture the deepest parts of ourself…

we become a bridge that brings forth an offering of movement into connection.

Aries 4 (Inside Degrees) A cup overflowing with clear water.
Magic when someone is ready and willing to stand there and allow all of existence to stream and pour through them. They shall activate the forces of magic, the return of wonder, and the feeling for what can be. Abandoning yourself to the frequency of boundless discovery in naive, raw, initial disclosure--exhilarated, ecstatic, triumphant. Unable to contain yourself one moment longer. So enthusiastic and alive that you must find kin, playmates to go places with and cut loose together. A state of being that begs to be shared, that must be spoken, invoked, and honored. It is the release point for a flood of new impuls- es, and when given full momentum, it rallies, inspires, sets the world on fire, and laughs so delightedly and uproariously that no one can resist joining in.

Jess with Magic and his dam Desi, led by Noche, Karma & foal Raven in September 2019 at FlintRock Ranch

Learning to honour the desire of deep connection, supports movement into unity with all that lives within.

As we encompass what is within, we feel a greater sense of unity with all that surrounds us well…

Magic opened me up to coming into greater connection with the Energy Release Points *with permission adapted from Michele Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points

Stomach Channel Point 9,Welcoming Humanity as All - Connects us with our centre where we feel communion and belonging…a sense of home, a sense of support, a unification with all that surrounds us. It fuels Heart’s desire to open…re-harmonizing to the Divine Feminine Mother who nourishes and supports in a healthy way.

Heart Channel Point 2, Vibrancy of Spirit - this point helps one to realize full embodiment…brings composure and reverence that is unaffected by external chaos and turmoil… and deep awareness of Divine Grace that flows into the Heart.

Bladder Channel 42, Gate of the Ethereal Soul - connects us to the central core of vision and purpose bringing guidance on the path…activating the desire to create and live in the highest integrity.

Opportunity provides a verge in destiny where the innermost soul reveals its true colors in a magical display…


Become the Blessing


Follow the feel to find the form