The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle


Buttes Honouring Ayni

2021 palomino mare

(Buttes Cielo de Noche x Fancy All the Way)

The HorseWisdom Invocation

Ayni invokes the soul wisdom of REDEEMING (a compensation, to regain or gain something in exchange for something else, the clearing of a debt; buying back freedom)

The HorseWisdom Invitation

What you have entered into upon your arrival in this life was a contract that, because of your vested interest in ways of living and becoming, has now moved you into a more reciprocal relationship. Now, by way of your being, this reciprocity clears the path because of the actions you have taken to free yourself and others, creating a more benevolent relationship with the interconnectedness of all of life.


The HorseWisdom Insight

*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple

Ayni’s natal messenger Mercury & Black Moon Lilith deepest repressed desires at 21°Taurus AFFIRMATION OF WEALTH

Hermetic wisdom revived. Two extreme polarities: the far inside and the far outside. Expressively playful, tricky, fluent, and engaging. Inwardly contemplative, studious, brooding, and lost to the world. Guided from within to stay entirely secluded and solitary in your inner life, yet transmuting your solemnities into accessible bits and pieces in all familiar contexts. A way to render unto Caesar and still serve the highest. An arduous track. The ultimate challenge--to throw the self off and take the self on as it is appropriate. Strategic incarnation, under special assignment.

This degree shares a gentle approach to all that needs to be done and undone, imbuing actions with a positive and uplifting note, as well as an insistence which holds you to thoughts and ideas you know within you are necessary and important. Here is an acknowledgment of all the gifts which life gives us that eventually heal all connections between ourselves and others, as we come to realize that it is through the enduring treasures we carry within us that arises the impulse to offer the manifestation of their rich potential.

Ayni’s natal Saturn lessons of structure, discipline, responsibility at 13°Aquarius WHAT HAS BEEN CONTAINED AND HELD BACK MAY NOW BE LIBERATED

There is nothing to go back to. The past has become a phantom. You are propelled forward into the great unknown. But it is so easy to become somewhat desperate and out of context. So much depends upon how you interpret the fact that you are strictly on your own without a personal history or heritage to fall back upon. Is this real opportunity or a strange fate? It is very hard to tell the difference, as it all becomes ambiguous, paradoxical, very mixed. Where do you go from here? No easy answers anywhere. Perhaps the only thing to do is to acknowledge and move with this radical opening and to put no interpretations on it, assuming nothing at all. For if you can welcome multidimensionality with truly open arms, it might well turn out that the future was never supposed to be like the past. And that becoming so free does provide an open access channel for what needs to happen--to come through a jump ahead of the last moment, synchronized with evolution beautifully.

Here is a profound ability to completely let go of the past and to approach the future with no expectations. If you allow fear to take over, you can feel caught in a past you cannot go back to and a future you feel you can’t enter because you have no map. With this degree is an ability to reach across any and all sorts of limits and boundaries, to make contact & find the thread that connects you to the past and to the future through an exchange of energies in a way that reaffirms the self’s true nature.

The HorseWisdom Illumination

*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium

~ Spleen Channel Point 20, Encircling Glory ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point creates balance between physical and spiritual nourishment, bringing qualities of wholeness and completeness to one’s Being.  When one is whole and complete, one flourishes.  One attracts abundance, joy and health.  Wholeness radiates and serves to attract others who are also whole and complete.  It is through the virtues of wholeness that one can flourish.  Within the energy of wholeness, one finds the energy of loyalty and devotion to the Divine, the Source of ALL.  Connecting to Source connects one to purpose and therefore, to joyous service.  This is heart centred loyalty and devotion.  Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point allows for the gentle weaving and strengthening of the delicate balance which exists between loyalty to the Divine, loyalty to the highest good of the Self, as well as that of relationships - be it friends, spouse, intimate partner or family member.  It balances and harmonizes these relationships to that of our life principles and ideals.  It is the balance of altruism in relationship to our connection with others.  This delicate balance is strengthened by the Cosmic Law of Reciprocity.  To Give and To Receive.  It is to integrate the highest level of ourselves, through our loyalty and devotion to the Divine through acts of service which serve to address the needs of others, and in return, receive energy which enriches our wholeness.

~ Small Intestine Channel Point 4, To Engage in the Work of Receiving & Accepting Eternal Correctness ~

Virtues: This Energy Release Point is seen both metaphorically and physically as the junction between our core self and our extension into the world. It is to extend ourselves and make contact with others through the social process. By extending ourselves we can convey our heart’s message into the world. It is to extend ourselves to be of service to humanity through the dissemination of our gifts. When this Energy Release Point is free flowing, our heart’s message is directed through our speech and positive action as well as embodying the Law of Reciprocity. That is: to give and to receive. Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point helps us to reach out into the world so that we can receive what we need to nourish our Essence. Thus, we walk through life with trust, commitment to our inner purpose and conscience, with assurance and confidence to complete our tasks.

The HorseWisdom Initiation


Alignment with the harmonizing influences of the universe, which assists in maintaining balance. Through the continual renewal of timeless wisdom expressed in a fresh, effortless manner here is a persistent return to the state of core innocence. A way of being that goes beyond ego manifestations and the need for outer trappings, through realization of the vastness and wonders inherent in attuning to the free flow of the realm of emotions as restorative life-giving forces.

Genealogy of Ayni 

OGO Tejon de Oro Hermosos

OGO Sellman Hill & Co (CC)

Ursula’s Higuera Bandita

Sire: Buttes Cielo de Noche (Noche) 

Sweet Iron Morgan 

Sweet Iron Anisette (Annie) 

Francis Cinder


El Spartez

Vining Lamar

Flick’s Emily 

Dam: Fancy All the Way (Fancy)

Keer’s Red Oak

Sunny Delite

Shawalla Darling

Relational wisdom to Ayni: Annie, Noche, CC, Fancy