The HorseWisdom revelations Oracle


Sheezno Angel

1990 black part Morgan mare

(JMF Dea Con Man x Midnight)

The HorseWisdom Invocation

Angel invokes the soul wisdom of SOLVING (to find the answer or solution to, through the loosening or dissolving of)

The HorseWisdom Invitation

Where we find ourselves seeking in anticipation, this is a pathway of the soul speaking to us around what wants to be set free, fully engaged with, and brought to life.


The HorseWisdom Insight

*astrological insights adapted from the work & literature of Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks/Inside Degrees & John Sandbach’s The Circular Temple

Angel’s natal Moon inner world relationship to the Mother & emotional needs at 9°Leo LISTENING TO YOUR SOUL FOCUS OF SPIRITUAL BEING

The bare stark truth. The singular accomplishment of heavy labors. An extraordinary gift, yet it is endangered. The gift is to be quintessentially yourself, and this gift abounds. Surrounded by danger; seen falsely by others, turned around. Digging your way out of history, you are compelled to puncture the illusion of image. The drama distorts. What is pristine remains inviolable, yet so much is lost, irretrievably. Each subtle weakness takes charge. The long way around to a very simple quality that would mean nothing unless it were first gone. Suffering and self-knowledge. All comes easy; nothing comes easy--the riddle of destiny.

 There is a strange contrast here. All at once vitally and solidly present, and yet somewhere else entirely. Awareness of the rhythm of perfection, and by contrast also an equal awareness of what is wrong and where the flaws and inadequacies lie. Any tendency here to idealize the self for the purpose of ignoring problems will inevitably result in suffering. Attuning oneself to the eternal, that has forever and always been within, is what will nourish both the growth of self and others.

Angel’s natal Black Moon Lilith deepest repressed desires at 19°Scorpio SPONTANEOUS CONNECTION TO FINDING HEAVEN ON EARTH

Cosmic connections left dangling until personal dramas have spent themselves, which takes a very long time. But the cosmic overtones accompany every phase of the journey. They give a peculiar quality to the auric field, as though everything already knew its origin and destination and that knowingness had turned all the colors up a notch. This puts the little self sharply on the spot, for everything is heightened, especially including the dramatic power of distortions and negations. These are amplified to an almost unbearable extent. An internal battleground between a surpassingly cosmic nature and a grossly fallen and distorted personal-emotional syndrome. And it is the way of things that the spotlighted karmic cycle of catching yourself in the act of being false must be consumed before the waiting realizations and reunions become fulfilled. A very sharp edge to events, with so much riding on seeing through your own folly, and freeing up the life-force to respond to the greater worlds with a tug and a sign that there is somebody home after all. The greater cycles can now begin.

Tremendous receptivity here to the love coming from higher forces. Engaging in cleaver, fluid and harmonious interactions with any environment in which you find yourself in. The ability to play the role of the helping angel as the occasion spontaneously arises. Here is resourcefulness and a readiness to make every attempt to fulfill a need or situation that arises. In doing this, the universe ultimately responds with generosity. That which starts as a concept moves toward becoming a living reality, which awakens us all to the higher community of benevolent beings in which we dwell.

The HorseWisdom Illumination

*illumination of the Acupuncture Point Messages from the work of Michelle Marie Gervais’ Spiritual Portraits of the Energy Release Points Compendium

~ Spleen Channel Point 9, Feminine Spring Mound ~

Virtues: This Energy Release Point has the ability to bring vitality and its energetic flow to every part of the body, in particular to the internal organs.  It is strengthening vitality, it is life giving and life renewing.  It revitalizes and refreshes in the same way that a spring bursts through the earth in vibrant, sparkling clarity.  Connecting to this spring allows for the continual flow of vital energy.  Energy that is needed to move forward with the strength to break through obstacles that may come our way.  It nourishes life experiences so that they may thrive in richness and continue to enhance vitality in return.  Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point accesses our inner Source.  A Source that is renewed by the Source of All That Is.  It brings forward the mysteries of the Fountain of Youth - the Elixir of vitality and regeneration.  Tapping into this Source gives strength and flow to follow one’s path in service, back to Source. 

Disharmonies: Disappointment; lack of compassion; inability to open and receive the blessings that surround us; hardened attitude towards the world; unfulfilled desires leading to discontent and dissatisfaction; lethargy; boredom; fear of life; obsessive worry; dysfunctional relationship between caring for self and caring for others.  Physical manifestation for women - uterine fibroids and gynecological disorders.  

~ Stomach Channel Point 14, Storehouse (of Breath/ Spirit/Divinity) ~ 

Virtues: This Energy Release Point strengthens the ability to assimilate inspired directives of Spirit and integrate them through the physical vehicle of our body. Through the alchemical process of the elixir of Spirit and nourishment of the Divine Mother, one can more easily connect to stores of vitality and potentialize the fulfillment of purpose. It allows for the receipt of transformational experience that is in resonance with our essential Self and to fearlessly move through and release that which is not in resonance. It empowers the ability to see things as they are with objectivity and positive light in order to move through these experiences free from fear. It strengthens Soul’s desire in such a way that we can fuel and fulfill our destiny. In this way, we may progress with Soul Evolution (soul-ution). Unblocking and activating this Energy Release Point empowers the unification of wisdom from the Divine Source of inspiration and vitality in our physicality to fulfill potential for our life purpose.

Disharmonies: Dissatisfaction - always feeling hungry for something more; feeling unfulfilled; inability to connect with inspiration; lack of will power; fatigue.

The HorseWisdom Initiation

Angel initiates the journey into 27°Sagittarius LIBERATION FOUND THROUGH THE EMBRACING OF DUALITIES

When we let go of fear we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and are then able to connect with the greater reality. Here is a clearing away of anything that obstructs flow. Exploring all the ways we are connected, and to find also the separations and differences, as a means of promoting understanding. Allowing ourselves to perceive the vulnerable aspects of what connects and separates us, we are then able to understand, through experience, our dualistic nature in a way that allows both sides to communicate openly and together find evolution through.


Genealogy of Angel 

Midnight Micky

Skagit Awatobi

Skagit Shawnip

Sire: JMF Dea Con Man

Dickie’s King

Mon Heir DD Chant

Dixie Chant

Dam: Midnight (grade mare)

Relational wisdom to Angel: Sunny